During the American revolution, Patrick Henry encouraged colonists to fight colonial enslavement.
During the American revolution, Patrick Henry encouraged colonists to fight colonial enslavement. “Give me liberty, or give me death.”
During the American revolution, Patrick Henry encouraged colonists to fight colonial enslavement. “Give me liberty, or give me death.” This quote shows that he hated the British.
Quotations require specific punctuation Direct quotations require MLA citations, or it is plagiarism Quotations can never be “orphaned” – they must be introduced
In a final plea to his listeners in Virginia, Patrick Henry proclaims, “Give me liberty or give me death.”
“Give me liberty or give me death,” Patrick Henry proclaimed in a final plea to his listeners in Virginia.
“Give me liberty,” Patrick Henry remarked in a final plea to his listeners in Virginia, “or give me death.”
You cannot have a quote without some sort of introduction in one of the forms shown on previous slides You must make sure punctuation is in the correct places
MLA citations are required to give credit to the author who wrote the quotation You must include MLA citations whenever you provide a direct quote. The information is put in parenthesis after the quote, and is called a parenthetical citation.
A parenthetical citation includes the author’s last name, and then the page the quote appears on Ex: If a book was written by Brendan Bailey, and the quote you want to use appears on page 32, your citation would be: (Bailey 32)
In a final plea to his listeners in Virginia, Patrick Henry proclaims, “Give me liberty or give me death.” In a final plea to his listeners in Virginia, Patrick Henry proclaims, “Give me liberty or give me death” (Henry 87).
“Give me liberty or give me death,” Patrick Henry proclaimed in a final plea to his listeners in Virginia. “Give me liberty or give me death,” Patrick Henry proclaimed in a final plea to his listeners in Virginia (Henry 87).
“Give me liberty,” Patrick Henry remarked in a final plea to his listeners in Virginia, “or give me death.” “Give me liberty,” Patrick Henry remarked in a final plea to his listeners in Virginia, “or give me death” (Henry 87).
If you use a parenthetical citation, you must have a works cited Works cited is its own page (no other text) Heading, centered: Works Cited Beneath it, alphabetical list of all works cited.
Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City: Publisher, Year. Print. Example: Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Penguin Books, Print.
Honors: Authorlastname, authorfirstname. “Title.” Elements of Literature: Fifth Course. Ed. Kylene Beers and Lee Odell. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Page-Page. Print. Example: Paine, Thomas. “The Crisis.” Elements of Literature: Fifth Course. Ed. Kylene Beers and Lee Odell. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Print.
College Prep: Authorlastname, Authorfirstname. “Title.” Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience. Ed. Kate Kinsella, et al. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Page-Page. Print. Example: Paine, Thomas. “The Crisis.” Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience. Ed. Kate Kinsella, et al. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Print.
sample works cited.docx sample works cited.docx
In parenthetical citations, indicate name of book, then book, then lines. Like this: Jesus turned to his Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan” (Mark ). In works cited, list as much information as you can about the edition of the bible you are using. Where you would normally put author, put editor. Example: Miccini, Joseph, ed. New American Bible. Atlanta: Catholic Bible Press, Print.