TUESDAY Quickly go over Policies and Procedures for this class (10-15 minutes) Set up Composition Notebook (10 mins) Journal #1—Junior Year Reflection (10 mins) Write for 5-10 minutes about your first week of your junior year--highs, lows, favorites, least favorites, expectations, goals for the year, etc. Start the “Books” section for Huck Finn—due in 2 weeks (10 mins) Homework— (5 mins) Read and Annotate the Huck Passage for Rhetorical Devices—in-class timed essay on Thursday Continue to work on Assertion Short Write—due 9/8 DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR WRITER’S HANDBOOK IS? If not, print it off my Handouts page and bring it to class tomorrow!!!
WEDNESDAY Journal #2 What is Rhetoric? What is rhetoric? What is rhetorical analysis? What is a rhetorical device and what is a rhetorical strategy and how are they different? What do you remember from last year about how to write a timed rhetorical analysis? What do you remember from last year about just good writing in general? Talk through rhetorical analysis annotation From WS to Essay—How do I get there? In-class timed essay tomorrow!!! HW: Work on Assertion Short Write—due Monday
WEDNESDAY You need 1-2 sheets of notebook paper and a blue or black pen You may use your Vade Mecum this one time ONLY No title is needed Start with a quick two sentence intro: Sentence #1 A-author T-title T-time period or setting T-topic or theme Sentence #2—Thesis that ANSWERS the prompt You do not have to document your text evidence--(Twain 45) on an AP timed write It is graded as a ROUGH DRAFT—you do not have time to rewrite it Only discuss the passage you are given You only have 40 minutes; write as much as you can. If you run out of time just write a one sentence conclusion Follow the rules of a stylistic analysis—you should know how to do this already
THURSDAY In-class timed rhetorical analysis essay over Huck Finn You may use all of this week’s resources and your Writer’s Handbook No prepared essays or drafts or full paragraphs
FRIDAY Get the laptop that corresponds with your seat # And a hand out from the top of cart Current Events and Critical Issues Assignment—due at the end of class Work on Assertion Short Write—due Monday I’ll return graded Summer Reading Quizzes at the end—come see me if you have any questions