A COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOUNDED IN 1955 to conduct long-range public infrastructure planning to support the growth of the central Arkansas metropolitan area MEMBERS = 5 Counties and 23 Cities in Central Arkansas METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION METROTRENDS - Economic and Demographic Review and Outlook To Subscribe:Metroplan 501 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas CURRENT MAJOR ACTIVITIES: METRO 2030 Long-Range Transportation Plan Update Central Arkansas Clean Air Task Force Mid-Arkansas Water Alliance
METROPLAN 3 WHAT WE’LL TALK ABOUT Why regions are important Varying definitions of “regions” used in central Arkansas Some facts about our region, and others
METROPLAN 4 Enhanced Satellite Imagery
METROPLAN ’s Economic Competition Shreveport and New Orleans, LA Jackson, MS Dallas and Ft. Worth, TX Tulsa, OK Springfield and St. Louis, MO Memphis, TN
METROPLAN 6 21st CENTURY COMPETITION Dallas-Ft. Worth Houston New Orleans Jackson Fayetteville St. Louis Kansas City Chicago Philadelphia Charlotte New York Seattle Portland Los Angeles Toronto Tokyo Taipei Hong Kong New Delhi Calcutta Capetown Cairo Rome Brussels Madrid Manchester Dublin Etc. etc.
METROPLAN 7 In a Global Economy Our metropolitan area is in competition with every other metro economy on earth for talent, capital and natural resources. The more educated and skilled our workforce, the higher our quality of life, the better our public infrastructure supports our activities at a reasonable tax rate, the more competitive we will be in the world of the future.
METROPLAN 8 WHAT REGION ARE WE TALKING ABOUT? IN no country in the world has the principle of association been more successfully used or applied to a greater multitude of objects than in America. As soon as several of the inhabitants of the United States have taken up an opinion…which they wish to promote in the world, … they combine. From that moment they are no longer isolated men, but a power seen from afar, whose actions serve for an example and whose language is listened to. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America IT DEPENDS ON WHAT SUBJECT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT
METROPLAN 9 U.S. Major Market Areas
METROPLAN 11 Basic Trading Areas Within Little Rock Major Market Area Jonesboro Little Rock Pine Bluff Fort Smith Fayetteville Harrison Hot Springs El Dorado Russellville
METROPLAN 12 Arkansas Commuting Sheds Harrison Fayetteville Fort Smith Russellville Little Rock Mt. Home West Plaines, MO Batesville Heber Springs Searcy Jonesboro Blytheville West Memphis Stuttgart Pine Bluff Crossett El Dorado Magnolia Texarkana Hot Springs Idabel, OK
METROPLAN 13 TRANSPORTATION Central Arkansas Regional Transportation Study
METROPLAN 14 Saline Pulaski Faulkner Lonoke Population583, Census21.8 percent of state Land Area3,005 square miles 5.6 percent of state Total Personal$17.0 billion Income percent of state Per Capita Personal$28,845 Income LR-NLR MSA
METROPLAN 15 Population610, Census22.8 percent of state Land Area4,198 square miles 7.9 percent of state Total Personal$17.6 billion Income percent of state Per Capita Personal$28,457 Income 2001 Saline Pulaski Faulkner Lonoke Perry Grant 2000 LR-NLR-MSA
METROPLAN 16 White Jefferson Lincoln Cleveland Saline Pulaski Faulkner Lonoke Perry Grant Population785, Census29.4 percent of state Land Area7,325 square miles 13.8 percent of state Total Personal$20.97 billion Income percent of state Per Capita Personal$26,447 Income 2001 LR-NLR-Pine Bluff-Searcy Combined Statistical Area
METROPLAN 17 WHAT TO MEASURE ABOUT THE REGION? Focused on Regional Goals Economy Education Environment Transportation Community Land Use/Housing Goals For Central Arkansas
METROPLAN 18 WHAT TO MEASURE ABOUT A REGION Some Measure Against Oneself Over Time to Gauge Progress Some Measure Against Competing Regions
METROPLAN 19 Population Trend With 2030 Projections
METROPLAN 20 Median Age in Central Arkansas
METROPLAN 21 Migration Trends &
METROPLAN 22 Average Annual Percent Population Growth Percent Growth
METROPLAN 23 URBAN FORM Little Rock - North Little Rock Metro Area 18th Most Sprawling Metro Area
METROPLAN 24 Housing Density Mix of Housing, Jobs, Services Street Connectedness Strength of Centers Components Rankings for LR/NLR MSA ComponentScoreRank
METROPLAN 25 1.Riverside/San Bernardino, CA Greensboro/Winston-Salem NC Raleigh/Durham NC Atlanta, GA MSA Greenville/Spartanburg, SC MSA W. Palm Beach/Boca Raton FL, MSA Bridgeport/Stamford CT NECMA Knoxville, TN MSA Oxnard/* CA MSA Ft. Worth, TX PMSA LR/NLR AR MSA NYC, NY PMSA Overall Sprawl Rankings Metro AreaRating
METROPLAN Ft. Worth, TX PMSA Dallas, TX PMSA LR/NLR, AR Oklahoma City, OK MSA Birmingham, AL MSA Baton Rouge, LA MSA Memphis, TN-AR-MS MSA Houston, TX PMSA St. Louis, MO-IL MSA Tulsa, OK MSA Austin, TX MSA New Orleans, LA MSA Portland, OR MSA Regional Comparisons Metro AreaRating
METROPLAN 27 Growth in Workers & Jobs
METROPLAN 28 Commuting Destinations of Resident Workers
METROPLAN 29 Mean Travel Time Change inPercent MinutesChange USA LR-NLR MSA Faulkner Co Lonoke Co Pulaski Co Saline Co
METROPLAN 30 Annual Percent Employment Growth
METROPLAN Unemployment LR-NLR vs Arkansas and National Averages
METROPLAN 32 Percent Employment Change by Industry
METROPLAN 33 Percent of Population In Poverty Percent
METROPLAN 34 K-12 Public School Enrollment as Percent of Total Enrollment Percent Enrollment
METROPLAN 35 Educational Attainment Comparison Percent
METROPLAN 36 Education Attainment in Selected South Central Metros Percent
METROPLAN Cost of Living Index for Selected South Central Metro Areas
METROPLAN 38 “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you’re standing still” --Will Rogers