陈老师的中文教室 Ms. Chen’s ChineseB Class 陈老师的中文教室 Welcome, students!欢迎你们!
Welcome to Chinese Class! 中 (zhōng) 文 (wén) 教 (jiào) 室 (shì) 欢 (huān) 迎 (yíng) 你 (n ǐ ) ! I will introduce you to the Chinese class and to our classroom. If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
All About Me I was born in XinJiang province and grew up in Shanghai, China. I live in China for 28 years. My Chinese teaching background I graduated from Shanghai Teachers University and my major is Chinese Language and literature. I’ve been teaching Chinese since I taught middle school Chinese 3 years in Shanghai, China. I taught weekend Chinese school in Tucson, AZ for 3 years & now teach in Houston, TX for 10 years.
My Family 我的家 My husband Han Pu, Physics professor at Rice University 浦晗 My children daughter, Helen Pu 浦伊诺, graduated from Kolter in 2011 and is a 8 th grader at Johnston MS son, Henry Pu 浦一格, 4 th grader in at at Kolter Me Wen Chen , your Chinese teacher 陈雯, 陈老师 HanandMeHanandMe JanJan S p ot Fl uf fy
encourage you to look at my wiki page under the Kolter web site : home
Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: BE RESPECTFUL: a. Respects school property and property of others b. Respects teacher and classmates c. Keeps hands/objects to self d. Demonstrates integrity BE POLITE: a. Raises hand to be recognized b. Uses appropriate language c. Shows appreciation d. Shows empathy towards others FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS: a. Listens and follows directions b. Works quietly during work time c. Comes prepared to classrganized and follow directions. COOPERATIVE – STAYS ON TASK: a. Demonstrates self-discipline and commitment b. Focuses on the given task (doodles…) c. Shows interest and curiosity
ClassDojo allows me to track student behavior and learning skills throughout the day.
My preferred method of communication is Please allow me to you back in 24 hours.
陈 (chén) 老 (l ǎ o) 师 (shī) 的 (de) 中 (zhōng) 文 (wén) 教 (jiào) 室 (shì)!
大 (dà) 眼 (yǎn) 睛 (jīng) ,看 (kàn) 老 (lǎo) 师 (shī) 。 大 (dà) 耳 (ěr) 朵 (duō) ,听 (tīng) 老 (lǎo) 师 (shī) 。 小 (xiǎo) 嘴 (zuǐ) 巴 (bā) ,闭 (bì) 起 (qǐ) 来 (lái) 。 小 (xiǎo) 小 (xiǎo) 手 (shǒu) ,放 (fàng) 桌 (zhuō) 上 (shàng) 。 我 (wǒ) 们 (men) 都 (dōu) 是 (shì) 好 (hǎo) 样 (yàng) 的 (de) !
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES - FOR Mrs.Chen’s Chinese CLASS WALKING INTO CLASSROOM Get in line quietly outside the classroom and wait for Mrs. Chen’s greeting Walk in quietly and stand on your number Do the greeting and calendar Sit down & do the “Reward Chart” quietly ( upper grade) EXITING THE CLASSROOM Table monitors check for tables and floor (clean and clear) Students line-up quietly table by table PENCIL All students are to bring their Kolter bags (pencil and colors) In case student forgets: can borrow from center of the school supplies, but Mrs. Chen will check his/her organize chart Table monitor is to check that all pencils are accounted for before exiting classroom RETURNING HOMEWORK AND FOLDERS Homework is given Fridays, due on next Fridays Return in the proper baskets in the classroom, NOT my mail box QUIET SIGNAL: Mrs. Chen will say, “Freeze, please” or in Chinese “ 一二三,木头人 ” or “ 一二三四,安静! ” Students have to become silent, look at the teacher and stop what they are doing FIRE DRILL: Students line up behind the leader who is the supervisor that day, keep silent, go to Kinder. Swing area When returning in the classroom, students are to follow the procedure for entering the room