TP gate TP line 1 TP line 2 SlowCtrlRS232 SL PW thr Thr remote/local Thr set I2C 5V 2.5V Fast masks TP Lvds output for scalers gate control Slowctrl connector -> to SL RS232 connector -> to PC I2C activity monitor 5V and 2.5V monitor SL power -> to SL Pc or local threshold control switch (in local Vth= PC+manual) Check threshold value SL power and control system Trimmer to set local threshold TP connectors -> to SL Fast masks control (line 1 and 2): - Pc control - channels always enabled To PC To vme crate To SL
VME crate Scaler 3 Scaler 2 Scaler 5 Scaler 4 Scaler 8Scaler 10 Scaler 9 Scaler 12 Scaler 11 Scaler 1Scaler 7 Scaler 6 Scaler -> 32 channel -> 2 FEB Bridge VME-PCI Scintillator 1 (analog input) Scintillator 2 (analog input) Scintillator 1 (NIM output) Scintillator 2 (NIM output) Scint 1 & 2 thr Delayed Scint AND norm/compl Set delay Scint AND norm/compl TP gate Line 1 and 2 Lvds From SL PW Fiber cable -> to PC Network cable CPU 1CPU 2CPU 3 Scaler gate OR of 4 inputs TTL Scaler gate OR of 4 inputs TTL NIM gate Gate generation for scalers
FE TEST Main Window Not activeSerial port Test menu Threshold: PC/local Single FEB control Check FE presence 20ch FEB
TEST Menu Scalers disabledScalers enabled Show/hide scalers window (set/view working parameters)
Noise Scalers gate: 1s Gate internal Threshold: 15mV For other parameters Use scaler main window
Test TestPulse Some errors (cosmics or/and noise) Test line 0 TestPulse Test line 1 TestPulse
Test Masks Must be 0 Channel under test enabled, all others masked Channel under test disabled, all others enabled Test crosstalk Test masking
Test line 0 fast masks Test line 1 fast masks Must be 0 Test Masks Lines
Test width Rate must decrease for all channels
Must be 0 Temp Chart
scaler 1 scaler 2 scaler 4 scaler 9 scaler 6 scaler 5 scaler 3 scaler 11 scaler 10 scaler 7 scaler 8 Scaler Window Start acquisition Stop acquisition Software ctrl gate external gate Internal AND external 1 s gate Enabled/disabled single scaler Overflow flag