WRC–12 Industry Debrief 23 April 2012 Agenda item 1.8 – Fixed services in bands between 71–238 GHz Presenter: Paul Hettrick
WRC–12 Industry Debrief WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.8 >to consider the progress of ITU ‑ R studies concerning the technical and regulatory issues relative to the fixed service in the bands between 71 GHz and 238 GHz, taking into account Resolutions 731 (WRC ‑ 2000) and 732 (WRC ‑ 2000)
WRC–12 Industry Debrief WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.8 >Resolution 731 (WRC-2000) invites ITU-R studies on sharing and compatibility between the passive and active services in the GHz range, whereas Resolution 732(WRC-2000) relates to sharing studies between co-primary active services in this range. >Main focus at WRC-12 was on Res 731 and mandatory vs recommended emission masks for FS operating in bands adjacent to RAS and EESS bands. >86-92 GHz EESS band is between GHz and GHz FS bands > GHz RAS band adjacent to GHz FS band >Similar scenarios exist at higher frequencies and will need to be considered in the future.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.8 >Methods in the CPM Report put forward the options of suppressing/not suppressing Resolutions 731 and 732. >APT supported no mandatory emission masks and the suppression of Resolutions 731 and 732. >Australia’s position and that of all other regional groups differed from the APT in this respect by supporting retention of the Resolutions. >Regional groups were divided on the issue of mandatory emission masks.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.8 Outcome >Resolutions 731 and 732 were retained in slightly modified forms. >Compromise on emission masks with support for recommended masks rather than mandatory. >Revision of Resolution 750 (WRC-07 - Compatibility between the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) and relevant active services) to include: >the GHz EESS band, >recommended emission masks for the GHz and GHz FS bands, and >reference to the report ITU-R F.2239 for compatibility studies between relevant active and passive services operating in adjacent and nearby bands.
WRC–12 Industry Debrief WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.8 Outcome (cont.) >Result partially in line with Australia’s position and differs significantly from the APT Common Proposal to WRC-12. >Equipment manufacturers, suppliers and users should: >Note the associated changes to the Radio Regulations, in particular, the recommended emission masks in Resolution 750. >Take this outcome into consideration as a potential model for future consideration of compatibility between passive and active services in higher frequency bands in the GHz range.