The Leaven of the Pharisees Matthew 6:1-18
Matthew 6 Two major obstacles to man’s relationship with God in this chapter: Hypocrisy v.1-18 Materialism v.19-34 Materialism has two forms: Greed v.19-24 Worry v.25-34
Hypocrisy Is one of the most despised sins in the world People do not respect hypocrites Hypocrisy is often used as an excuse to avoid religion altogether Ironically, hypocrisy is one of the most appreciated practices in the world “Hypocrite” literally an actor who wore a mask Entertainment garners huge salaries today
Hypocrisy Jesus said to watch out for this sin Matthew 16:5-12 It was the leaven of the Pharisees Leaven a symbol of negative influence, sin It was the false doctrine of the Pharisees It was their entire system and theology that encouraged a focus on the externals and neglect of the heart
Hypocrisy Jesus gave three examples of their religion for show in Matthew 6 Alms v.1-4 Prayer v.5-15 Fasting v.16-18 Motive was wrong The action was not wrong Manner was wrong because of the motive God will reward sincere good behavior
More Examples in Matthew Judging 7:1-5 (hypocritical and hypercritical) Not practicing what they preach Matt. 23:1-4 Perverted value system Matt. 23:5-32 They loved the praise of men v.5-12, John 12:43 Oaths associated with money were more binding than other oaths v.15-22, Luke 16:14 They are blind to their inconsistencies Concrete commands more important to them than attitudes and purpose for commands v.23-28 Distorted view of history v.29-32
Consequences God will judge in truth and not by appearance John 7:24, Acts 17:30-31 God will judge by His word and not by man’s standard John 12:48; 2 Corinthians 10:12,18; Romans 10:3 Hypocrisy will be punished Matt. 23:33, Revelation 21:8, James 1:22 The way of Christ 2 Cor. 4:2, 1 Peter 1:22