What is Campus Ministry? Campus Ministry is… an arm of the church reaching out to students. a safe place for you to come together with your peers and discuss and enjoy learning and growing in your faith. a place for you to meet other students who want to love and serve God. a way to continue on your faith journey through college. a place to build relationships. Free Food and Fun!
Diocesan Campus Ministry Is for all college students in or connected to the Diocese of West Virginia. Contact person: The Rev. Siobhán Patterson Facebook page: "Episcopal Campus Ministry in the Diocese of West Virginia" Website: Retreats Service Projects Fun Events Great Friends and More!!
City SchoolsChurches Bluefield Bluefield State College Christ, 200 Duhring St Concord University (Athens) Beckley Mountain State University St. Stephen’s, 200 Virginia St Appalachian Bible College (Mt Hope) Buckhannon West Virginia Wesleyan College Transfiguration, 65 S. Kanawha Alderson Broaddus College (Philippi) Charleston Area University of Charleston St. Christopher’s, 821 Edgewood Dr National Institute of Tech.St. John’s, 1105 Quarrier St (Cross Lanes) St. Matthew’s, 36 Norwood Rd WV State University St. Mark’s, 405 B St., St. Albans (Institute) Elkins Davis & Elkins CollegeGrace, 212 John St Fairmont Fairmont State University Christ, 824 Fairmont Ave Glenville Glenville State CollegeSt. Mark’s, 607 W. St Huntington Marshall University Trinity, th St Marshall Comm. & Tech. CollegeSt. John’s, 3000 Washington Blvd Huntington Junior College St. Peter’s, 2248 Adams Ave Keyser Potomac State College of WVUEmmanuel, S. Mineral Local Churches listed by City and Schools Find your city and your school and find a local church
City SchoolsChurches Lewisburg WV School of St. James’, 218 Church St Osteopathic Medicine Montgomery WVU Institute of Technology Calvary, 310-A Fourth Ave Morgantown West Virginia UniversityTrinity, 247 Willey St St. Thomas à Becket, 75 Old Cheat Rd Parkersburg WVU at Parkersburg Trinity, 430 Juliana St Ohio Valley UniversityGood Shepherd, 903 Charles St. Mountain State College Salem Salem International University Prince of Peace, Jacobs Run Rd Routes 23 & 60 (Meets in Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church) Shepherdstown Shepherd University Trinity, Corner of Church & German Sts Contact person- Caitlin McIntyre Wheeling Bethany College Lawrencefield, Table Rock Lane West Liberty State College St. Luke’s, 200 South Penn St Wheeling Jesuit University St. Matthew’s, 1410 Chapline St West Virginia Business College St. Paul’s, 2563 National Rd If you do not see your school/city or need help finding a church in your area you can: call the Diocesan Office at or check out the website at
Advice from those who have been there…done that! "Go to class. Some professors don't take roll, so you will be tempted to sleep that extra hour. This is a nono. You never know what you might miss. I had a biology teacher who compared prions to zombies. He never mentioned it in any notes, but it was on the final. Countless questions like that came up, and those of us who went to every class got those extra points. Going to class pays." (Emma Gardner) "Dorm showers are super fun. Try to get a neat little carrying case for your soaps and such... it just makes life easier. Bath robes are also a fantastic idea because a robe can make it far less awkward if a fire alarm goes off while you are bathing." (Emma Gardner) "Cafeteria food isn't the best. Come to church, they feed you." "Go to class. Showing up for class is at least 75% of getting decent grades." (Adam Strider) "At orientation, they'll tell you about the whole "points" thing on your student ID. Do it, its a lot easier than carrying a [bunch] of quarters around to do laundry. Plus, if you run out of points, you just have to go downstairs to the machine and put more on. Quarters are not so convenient." (Adam Strider)
To the recent High School Graduate: During your first semester at college make a list of three or four people who have had the greatest impact on your life. What where they like? How did they impact you? How did you feel in their presence? What was different about them? How did they get to be so cool? Now consider what it would take to be like them. Take small steps this semester to imitate your heros as you interact with others on campus. Karlin Bilcher Take whatever experiences your college formation throws your way and make the most of those experiences. Live those four to five to six years or however many years your at college and live them to the fullest. Enjoy your courses, but also have a blast on the social scene. And, last but not least, don't forget about your relationship with God. No matter what, God is with you and always will be. I'm sure that the Episcopal priests and campus ministers on campus would love to talk with you and get to know who you are as a child of God. One more thing, when doing your laundry, don't mix your whites with dark colors! God's Grace, Eric L. Miller+ Eric (left) with his campus minister Karlin (right) Participate in clubs and study hard but don't forget to relax! Olivia Novotny …And if you don’t understand ask questions during class and if you still don’t get it go and talk to your professor during office hours – Emily Rengers Make at least one friend in each class for questions, homework, note sharing…
We are open-minded people who like to meet with other open-minded people to talk about God and life. There’s plenty of good food, friends, laughter, singing, talking, and of course, God! All are welcome. Come join us! “You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." ~from Desidirata (Canterbury office mural by Erin Felton) Dinner & Holy Eucharist on Sunday evenings Weekday Bible Study Ecumenical Programs and Gatherings at the CCC Retreats, Service Projects, and Fun Events Marshall University Canterbury Club (Episcopal Campus Ministry) Activities include weekly gatherings and special events: We are…Marshall!
MU Contact Info Marshall University Campus Christian Center Corner of 5 th Avenue & 17 th Street The Rev. Siobhán Patterson Episcopal Campus Minister, Marshall University Curate, Trinity Episcopal Church Cell Phone: Check out our Facebook group: Canterbury Club (Episcopal Campus Ministry) Siobhán, pronounced "Shavon" not "Sigh-oh-ba-han" contrary to popular belief ;-), is a 2006 graduate of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary and a 2003 graduate of Wheeling Jesuit University. She is originally from Beltsville, Maryland, and she has served in the Diocese of West Virginia since graduating from seminary.
West Virginia University Canterbury Christian Fellowship Come as you are and join us for fun, food and fellowship. We are a group committed to strengthening our relationship with Jesus. We are an Episcopal group, but you don't have to be Episcopalian. We love to have people from all denominations. We are a safe place for you to come and explore and experience Jesus. Tuesday night we gather,f or a time of prayer and praise. We have free dinner on Wednesday nights, followed by a time of discussion and Bible study. We have several activities throughout the semester.
WVU Contact Info Nicki Carpenter is the Campus Minister working with WVU students with the CCO in cooperation with Trinity. She worked in this position from August 1998-May She got married in August 2003 and moved out of the state. In August 2007,she returned to Morgantown and is once again working with students at Trinity. She is married to Ricky and has one son, David. Canterbury meets at Trinity Episcopal Church 247 Willey Street, Morgantown (corner of Spruce and Willey) Church phone Nicki’s Cell Check out our facebook group: Canterbury Christian Fellowship Nicki Carpenter CCO Staff at West Virginia University Partnering with Trinity Episcopal Church The CCO partners with colleges, churches and organizations to develop men and women who live out their Christian faith in every area of life. For more information about the CCO, go to their website: