Created by: Ricardo P Pruneda Section#: Instructor: Natalia FofanovaNatalia Fofanova
Map Slide Title PageFavorite Games Map SlideFavorite Places ContentsFavorite Sports BeginningsIn the Army EducationImportant people in my life Favorite MoviesAnother presentation example Favorite BooksCredits Favorite MusicEnd
Contents 1. Title Page 2. Map Slide 3. Content Page 4. Life Beginnings 5. Education List 6. Movies 7. Books 8. Music 9. Games 10. Places 11. Sports 12. Army 13. People 14. Slide from another presentation 15. Credits 16. End
Beginnings Born on July 31, 1965 in Memorial Hospital in downtown Houston, TX My parents were Amanda and Ricardo Pruneda I have one sister Elisabeth Click on Houston
Education I went to Lantrip Elementary for kindergarten I attended Blessed Sacrament from 1 st to 8 th Grade I went to Jackson Jr. High school for 9 th I graduated Stephen F. Austin High School I attended Houston Community College I am now enrolled at the University of Houston
Favorite Movies I am an avid movie viewer, but if I had to choose a handful of favorites….
Favorite Books Here are a few of my favorites…
Favorite Music Here are a few of my favorite musical artists…
Favorite Games Although I am not a hardcore gamer, I have spent a lot of time playing one type of game or another…
Favorite Places I have been to a few places but would always like to visit more… Chicago Indianapolis New Orleans Las Vegas Munich Monterrey Salzberg Mexico City Amsterdam
Favorite Sports I really only have one favorite sport and one favorite team. Full of heartache I present….
In the Army… I was in the Army from and it was a very important time in my life Field Training Area - Hohenfels Advanced Training – Ft Benjamin Harrison Basic Training – Ft Knox First duty Station – Ayers Kaserne – Kirch goens Last Duty Station – Ft Stewart Field Training Area - Grafenwohr
Important people in my life Chili Lucy Christina Blue Freeway Phyllis Mom Dad
Family Living at Gold Haven Lake Lakeside community One- and two-story single family homes Multiple floor plans Lake view sites Numerous amenities Community center Children’s playground Private docks
Credits Web addresses where I borrowed images from
The End I hope you have enjoyed a glimpse into my life!