“It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.” Mark Twain
Saddam Hussein
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.a. What are tangible examples of giving preference to others in an ABF? b. What are tangible examples of showing honor to others in an ABF?
2.What do the following passages teach about honoring others? a. (John 13:12-15) Those who deserve honor are the servants of others. b. (Matthew 6:1-2) If we do good deeds for the honor of men that is our reward. c. (Matthew 15:7-8) A hypocrite gives lip service not heart action.
3.What is the most difficult aspect about honoring others? (Philippians 2:3-4) Looking past ourselves and thinking of others first.
4.Why were the Pharisees practicing “religion” before men? (Matthew 23:5) To appear devout and to be noticed by men.
5.How can Christians be guilty of “practicing religion” before men in an ABF?
6.What should motivate our every action according to (1 Corinthians 10:31)? Bringing glory and honor to God.
7.According to (Matthew 23:8-10) how are we to regard one another? As brothers and sisters in Christ. No one should be esteemed over another although we should have mutual respect and honor for one another.
8.(Matthew 23:11-12) gives a prescription for how an ABF should function. What is the model? An ABF should be a place of servant hood as we honor one another through our deeds.
9.What is the outcome of living a humble servant-like life?
10.Who are people in your life that you could honor by word or deed? Make a list.
11.What steps do you need to take this week to help this happen?
"Every man is entitled to be valued by his best moments.“ Ralph Waldo Emerson
David Livingston