Church Planting Partnerships with the Texas District
“As long as there are any unchurched people living in the territory of a Christian congregation, that congregation should seek to win them for Christ, Luke 14:21-23…
…For this purpose a Christian congregation should seek to grow in membership, Acts 2:41; 4:4. If a congregation which is located in a territory of many unchurched people does not grow in membership, this does not speak well for it nor for its pastor; much less so, of course, if it even loses in membership.”
John H.C. Fritz, Pastoral Theology: A Handbook of Scriptural Principles Written Especially for Pastors of the Lutheran Church, Concordia Publishing House, 1945, p. 284.
The American Church Research Project In 1990, 52 million people attended a Christian church each weekend.
The American Church Research Project By 2006, however, 52 million people still attended a Christian church each weekend.
The American Church Research Project Meanwhile, by million more people were living in the United States.
The American Church Research Project This is the Future Trajectory of the American Church if nothing changes. 20.4% 19.5% 18.7% 17.5% 16.5% 15.5% 14.7% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% Percentage of Population Attending a Christian Church each Weekend
The American Church Research Project Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro Area 2000 Percentage of the Population Attending a Christian Church on Any Given Weekend
The American Church Research Project Austin Metro Area 2000 Christian Church Attendance on Any Given Weekend
The American Church Research Project Houston Metro Area 2000 Percentage of the Population Attending a Christian Church on Any Given Weekend
The American Church Research Project San Antonio Metro Area 2000 Percentage of the Population Attending a Christian Church on Any Given Weekend 11.2% Guadalupe 16.0% Wilson 20.0% Comal 18.6% Bexar
Why new churches? Our Growing Texas populationOur Growing Texas population 2008 data from U.S. Census bureau shows 4 of the biggest population gaining areas are in Texas (DFW, Houston, Austin, San Antonio)2008 data from U.S. Census bureau shows 4 of the biggest population gaining areas are in Texas (DFW, Houston, Austin, San Antonio)
Reframing our thinking "Church parenting is costly, but that cost is an investment, not a loss…church parenting is an investment in the Kingdom. Churches that parent other churches do not lose. Phil Stevenson, The Ripple Church"Church parenting is costly, but that cost is an investment, not a loss…church parenting is an investment in the Kingdom. Churches that parent other churches do not lose. Phil Stevenson, The Ripple Church
New Church plants will never happen if… We believe the pool of future members is limited to those Lutherans living or moving into an areaWe believe the pool of future members is limited to those Lutherans living or moving into an area Our Pastors don't believe it is vitalOur Pastors don't believe it is vital We allow excuses like these below to become normative:We allow excuses like these below to become normative: –we're too small…we don't have $$... –once we get our new Family Life Center paid for –...or once we get past some issues of disagreement then we will think about it.
How Your Mission and Ministry Facilitator Can Help Invite Paul, Lou Area A MMF_________ or Area C MMF____________ to come to your congregation or Circuit Pastors' Conference to share "The Case for Church Planting" by coming along side missional pastors and leaders to share the vision of church planting by congregations or partnerships of congregations
How Your Mission and Ministry Facilitator Can Help Help potential planting congregations or partnerships study the demographics of potential targeted communities using tools from MissionInsiteHelp potential planting congregations or partnerships study the demographics of potential targeted communities using tools from MissionInsite Help potential planting congregations ask the right questionsHelp potential planting congregations ask the right questions
Once you are moving toward planting… Work with the planting congregation or partners in designing a Mission PlanWork with the planting congregation or partners in designing a Mission Plan Pray for and with the planting congregation and partnersPray for and with the planting congregation and partners Connect planting congregation or partners to appropriate resources (print, media, real people and mission starts) which will be helpfulConnect planting congregation or partners to appropriate resources (print, media, real people and mission starts) which will be helpful Help congregation locate appropriate planter. (Dr. Hirsch involved)Help congregation locate appropriate planter. (Dr. Hirsch involved)
Church Planter Assessment Process 1.Contact Dr. John Hirsch 2.Gallop Church Planter Assessment Inventory 3.Birkman 4.Behavioral Interview 5.Assessment Report to potential planter and host organization
Once you are moving toward planting… Meet regularly with leaders as they revise and finalize their Mission PlanMeet regularly with leaders as they revise and finalize their Mission Plan Sign-off on the Mission Plan (Right Person, Right Place, Right Plan)Sign-off on the Mission Plan (Right Person, Right Place, Right Plan) Walk with the planting group as they apply for funding with the Texas.Walk with the planting group as they apply for funding with the Texas. Function as advocate to the Board of Mission AdministrationFunction as advocate to the Board of Mission Administration
Once Mission Plan is approved… Meet regularly with Mission Planter and leadership coreMeet regularly with Mission Planter and leadership core Help connect Mission Planter to a mentor/coachHelp connect Mission Planter to a mentor/coach Monitor growth, (spiritual health, numerical growth, community impact) as appropriateMonitor growth, (spiritual health, numerical growth, community impact) as appropriate Help facilitate charter process when and if time is rightHelp facilitate charter process when and if time is right
Once Mission Plan is approved… Help new Mission begin thinking about when they will be ready to plant!Help new Mission begin thinking about when they will be ready to plant! Continue to work with planting congregation or partnership on their own spiritual vitality as well as help them plan for their next opportunity to plant!Continue to work with planting congregation or partnership on their own spiritual vitality as well as help them plan for their next opportunity to plant!
Texas District Will Provide… Cost for screening potential mission plantersCost for screening potential mission planters Cost for training mission planterCost for training mission planter ½ cost for mentor/coach (ca. $5,000)½ cost for mentor/coach (ca. $5,000) Assistance of Mission and Ministry FacilitatorAssistance of Mission and Ministry Facilitator MissionInsite (demographic report) for target areaMissionInsite (demographic report) for target area
Texas District Will Provide… FinancesFinances Plan A (usually for Anglo start)Plan A (usually for Anglo start) Interest freeInterest free Up to $200,000 repayable fundsUp to $200,000 repayable funds Repay over 20 yearsRepay over 20 years Plan B (usually for International/Ethnic start)Plan B (usually for International/Ethnic start) Up to $100,000Up to $100,000 Interest freeInterest free Repay ½ over 20 yearsRepay ½ over 20 years
Next Steps Contact your MMFContact your MMF Recruit Prayer PartnersRecruit Prayer Partners Begin work on the Mission PlanBegin work on the Mission Plan Begin looking for a Mission PlanterBegin looking for a Mission Planter Submit your plan to the Texas District Board for Mission AdministrationSubmit your plan to the Texas District Board for Mission Administration