Parish Pastoral Councils
The Calling
The call of the first disciples: Matthew 4:18-19 Mark 1:16-20 Luke 5:9-11 John 1:35-43
Second Vatican Council Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (1965) “ Sharing in the function of Christ, priest, prophet and king, the laity have an active part of their own in the life and activity of the church. Their activity within the church communities is so necessary that without it the apostolate of the pastors will frequently be unable to obtain its full effect.”
In other words: Calls us to carry out the mission of the Church in a new way. The pastoral council can be a vehicle to envision a future, to provide leadership to implement the vision, and to witness the unconditional love of God and the healing presence of Christ in our world. Helping pastor in the pastoral needs of the community.
The Code of Canon Law (1983) Canon Christ’s faithful are those who, inasmuch as they have been incorporated in Christ through baptism, have been constituted as the people of God; for this reason, since they have become sharers in Christ’s priestly, prophetic and royal office in their own manner, they are called to exercise the mission which God has entrusted to the Church to fulfill in the world.
Canon states: “A pastoral council is to be established in each parish; the pastor presides over it, and through it the Christian faithful along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office give their help in fostering pastoral activity.” “A pastoral council is to be established in each parish; the pastor presides over it, and through it the Christian faithful along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office give their help in fostering pastoral activity.” Canon states: “This pastoral council possesses a consultative vote only and is governed by norms determined by the diocesan bishop.” “This pastoral council possesses a consultative vote only and is governed by norms determined by the diocesan bishop.”
Through our Baptism we have been incorporated in Christ; constituted as the people of God; for this reason we are called to exercise the mission which God has entrusted to the Church to fulfill in the world.
Mission of the Church To proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God begun by Jesus Christ, To proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God begun by Jesus Christ, among all peoples, among all peoples, through the Holy Spirit, according to the plan of God.
The parish M ission Statement gives a sense of identity and purpose to the parish and is kept alive by efforts of the pastor and council who use it as a template against which to measure all of parish life. The parish M ission Statement gives a sense of identity and purpose to the parish and is kept alive by efforts of the pastor and council who use it as a template against which to measure all of parish life.
Sacred Heart Mission Statement
Membership Membership
Mark 10:42-45 You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them. But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be servant of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them. But it is not so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be servant of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Servant Leadership
Qualities of a servant leader Self Awareness – comfortable with who you are Serve in humility Getting Dirty - Servitude is messy. If we avoid it, we will never build trust. If we never build trust, our influence will be limited. A Service of Love -Servant leadership focuses on the needs of others, not self. True Influence – to inspire and empower others.
Leadership does not destroy authority; it complements it, enhances it, makes it truly human and truly Christian
Shared responsibility does not mean simply the opportunity to get rid of responsibility onto the shoulders of others, or a ritual process to satisfy the group’s demand to be heard, or consulting with members of a group who have come to take an authoritative style leadership for granted.
True leadership has a quality of openness and a quality of being able to create a climate of unity among people with diverse ideas, so that ALL will be heard.
Pastor Pastor “The pastor is the proper shepherd of the parish entrusted to him, exercising pastoral care in the community entrusted to him…” Canon 519 “The pastor is the proper shepherd of the parish entrusted to him, exercising pastoral care in the community entrusted to him…” Canon 519 Pastoral Council * A “leadership body” that exists to aid the apostolate of the pastor. * The Pastoral Council upholds the integrity of the parish Mission Statement.
Terms The term of elected or appointed members should be limited to two or three years, with the option of one additional term. The term of elected or appointed members should be limited to two or three years, with the option of one additional term. Officers usually serve for one term at a time. Officers usually serve for one term at a time. Limiting terms ensures that different perspectives are represented on the Council over time, and that different gifts can be brought to the work of the Council. Limiting terms ensures that different perspectives are represented on the Council over time, and that different gifts can be brought to the work of the Council.
Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Procedure Councils are encouraged to formulate and record general rules of procedure, for the sake of good order, although formalizing a constitution is not required.
The Ministry of Pastoral Council Leadership
Purpose 1) to study the life and activity of the People of God; that is to research the needs, the ideas, the hopes of the people, and their actions; 2) to evaluate the parish in conformity with the Gospel, 3) To be a vehicle of communication between the parish and diocesan bodies, and 4) to recommend policies, procedures and programs, as needed.
Role The parish pastoral council members give their help in fostering pastoral activity Pastoral planning
* Word “pastoral” implies a need to be concerned about one question, “What is God asking of us?” * Pastoral planning leads to planning for action thus developing the parish as a “living Christian community”.
* Council’s work entails a pastoral focus, a practice of reflection, and a goal of planning. To help you do this - review your focus on the church’s mission and your mission statement frequently!
Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (10): The parish offers an obvious example of the apostolate on the community level inasmuch as it brings together the many human differences within its boundaries and merges them into the universality of the church.
* A collaborative style of leadership is more the norm for the People of God than an authoritarian style. * While the Spirit of God works through many people, parish leaders should draw on the collective wisdom and expertise of parishioners while seeking to implement the parish mission. * No one person or small group of persons holds all the truths in its grasp. * A leadership group must bear in mind that the truth can come from anyone. Romans 12:6-11 * A collaborative style of leadership is more the norm for the People of God than an authoritarian style. * While the Spirit of God works through many people, parish leaders should draw on the collective wisdom and expertise of parishioners while seeking to implement the parish mission.
Helpful Attitudes opennesshonesty respect for the truth in everyone patience enthusiastic support for outcome
Realities & Challenges
Realities in Today’s World A decline in Mass attendance Aging of the Church population Loss of parishioners to other worship cultures A decline of vocations to priesthood and religious life The high rate of divorce and remarriage ↓
Realities in Today’s World The rejection of papal authority; e.g. birth control, stem cell research, euthanasia, etc. The incidents of clergy scandals Immigration and diverse cultures Live in a materialistic society
Challenges in the Parish Number of unchurched people in area Number of people who live in poverty People faced with leaving their homes because of property loss Loss of income
Parish Staff Responsible for the day-to-day operation of the parish, working closely with the pastor. Parish staff supports the parish pastoral council.
Finance Council The Finance Council normally prepares the budget for the pastor. Also provides consulting services to the pastor and Pastoral Council on financial matters and helps the parish to do financial planning. Finance councils do not determine parish priorities.
Ministries The parish pastoral council may use ministry coordinators as resource persons when studying a particular sector or parish ministry. A summary or report (pastor’s report) of developments in parish ministry is usually given at each council meeting.
In Summary In Summary
Councils read the signs of the times within the culture of a particular parish: its history, values, achievements and failures, current dilemmas and demographics. Pastoral Councils never stop striving to find the most effective way of bringing people to God.
Remember - The Pastoral Council is representative of the entire parish community. On a regular basis you should listen to and dialogue with parishioners at various levels.
“Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, present day Catholics are called to know Christ in the breaking of the bread, and with hearts burning with joy, to share the glad tidings of new life in Christ. Today’s disciples are called upon to faithfully proclaim the Word in this day, in this time, in this place.” We Walk by Faith, Catholic Diocese of Richmond, 2006
Parish Pastoral Councils are a critical component of growing the Church Alive!