Universities: Will They Remain the Same? Jamil Salmi Hong Kong, 24 March 2009
2 are universities ready?
3 outline of the presentation... importance of knowledge changing education & training needs emerging challenges
4 explaining the difference between poverty and wealth © K4D program
5 creative work in the economy
6 resolving environmental problems
7 knowledge for safety
8 disaster preparedness n n sismology n n vulcanology n n climatology (floods, tsunamis, droughts, etc.)
9 acceleration of speed of creation of new knowledge
10 how can we update our knowledge?
11 outline of the presentation... importance of knowledge changing education & training needs
12 changing education and training needs higher skill levels
13 Female Male relative earning gaps are increasing
14 Korea and China % 1% 31% 1% 34% 65% 3% 45% 52% % 3% 17% 49% 42% 9% 18% 55% 26%
15 changing education and training needs higher skill levels flexibility to adapt to change
16 changes in job task-skill demands in the USA (1960 – 1998) Source: Autor, Levy, and Murnane (2003) “The Skill Content of Recent Technological Change: An Empirical Exploration,” Quarterly Journal of Economics.
PISA results
18 changing education and training needs higher skill levels flexibility to adapt to change need for continuing education
19 university of the future? postgraduate studies first degree continuing education
20 Continuing education Career change studies Graduate studies Undergraduate studies university of the future?
21 changing education and training needs higher skill levels flexibility to adapt to change need for continuing education learning to learn and unlearn continuously
22 new pedagogical approaches focus on learning tailored to needs of individuals rather than teaching new and varied modalities for learning: interactive & collaborative learning
23 new pedagogical approaches focus on learning tailored to needs of individuals rather than teaching new and varied modalities for learning: interactive & collaborative learning reliance on advanced education technology in appropriate ways
24 new pedagogical approaches focus on learning tailored to needs of individuals rather than teaching new and varied modalities for learning: interactive & collaborative learning reliance on advanced education technology in appropriate ways teacher as guide and facilitator
25 “In the early twenty-first century, people will be able to study what they want, when they want, where they want, and in the language they prefer, electronically.“ Peter Knight, July 1994
26 outline of the presentation... importance of knowledge changing education & training needs emerging challenges
27 emerging challenges world-class universities quality and relevance values and ethics impact of the financial tsunami flexibility
28 top 50 universities
29 SJTU ranking (2008)
Hong Kong and mainland China universities in the world rankings 2008/09
31 Shanghai Jiao Tong University: ARWU Chinese universities in top Chinese University Hong Kong Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Nanjing University Peking University Shanghai Jiao Tong University Tsinghua University University of Hong Kong University of Science & Technology of China Zhejiang University
32 THE-QS World Universities Ranking Chinese universities in top University of Hong Kong 39 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 42 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 50 Peking University 56 Tsinghua University 113 Fudan University 141 University of Science and Technology of China 143 Nanjing University 144 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 147City University of Hong Kong 229 Zhejiang University 386 Tianjin University
33 Webometrics January 2009 Ten Chinese universities in top Peking University 121University of Hong Kong 156Chinese University of Hong Kong 241 Tsinghua University China 355 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 387Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 425ZheJiang University 435City University of Hong Kong 477 Fudan University 482Hong Kong Polytechnic University
34 what it means to be world class concentration of talent abundant resources appropriate governance
Autonomy Academic Freedom Students Teaching Staff Researchers Research Output Technology Transfer Concentration of Talent Abundant Resources Favorable Governance Leadership Team Strategic Vision Culture of Excellence Public Budget Resources Endowment Revenues Tuition Fees Research Grants WCU Supportive Regulatory Framework Graduates Characteristics of a World-Class University Alignment of Key Factors Source: Elaborated by Jamil Salmi
36 what it means to be world class (II) research universities or all types of tertiary institutions? every institution or a select few?
37 quality and relevance programs –professional skills –soft competencies creativity
38 creativity invent experiment think out of the box take chances break the rules make mistakes and have fun…
39 quality and relevance programs –professional skills –soft competencies creativity measurement of student learning outcomes effectiveness of e-learning
40 ethical dimensions humanistic values
41 ethical dimensions humanistic values conflict of interest in research rules for fund raising environmental responsibility
42 is the golden era over?
43 impact of the crisis quality equity opportunity for further investment as engine of growth need to have multiple funding sources and practice contingency planning
44 flexibility
45 flexibility good feedback mechanisms strategic planning to orient change ability to react and adapt rapidly
46 conclusion
47 the brick university
48 the click university
50 competing in the learning society...
51 competing in the learning society...
52 competing in the learning society...
53 competing in the learning society...
54 crisis
55 danger
56 opportunity
57 crisis = danger + opportunity
what is your vision?