skills SELF
12 hrs. per week 3 credits per semester Required 9 credits fulfilled in 3 semesters
Required 9 FE credits Fall Semester (Middler Year) January Term Intensive (Middler Year) Spring Semester (Middler Year)
Requires an accelerated startup Involves a faster pace than a two year seminarian
Leaving Entering Engaging
SUPERVISION (from the supervisor’s standpoint) SUPERVISION (from the seminarian’s standpoint) SUPERVISION (from the supervisor’s standpoint) SUPERVISION (from the seminarian’s standpoint)
Seminarian Learning Covenant Ministry Events Formation Issues Seminary Life Sermon Feedback End of Semester Papers Leadership Project Personal Adjustments Affecting Ministry
Both signatures on: Learning Covenants Response to Report Response to Reflection Paper
Fall Semester 9/30: Learning Covenant CPE Evaluations 12/1: End of Semester Papers Declare plans, if decide to change sites for Sr. Year Spring Semester 5/11: End of Semester Papers
Theological reflection 5-7 students2 mentors4 methods Middler Year
* Fall and Spring Breaks * Christmas * Summer * Hybrid Field Ed. Students
* M.Div./Anglican * 3 yrs. post grad * Mentoring * CE Funds * Residencies * Other resources
Floding, Matthew (ed.). Welcome to Theological Field Education! Herndon, VA: The Alban Institute, Pyle, William T. and Seals, Mary Alice (eds.). Experiencing Ministry Supervision: A Field-Based Approach. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, Stern, Howard W. and Duke, James O. How to Think Theologically (3 rd ed.) Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, Whitehead, James D. and Whitehead, Evelyn E. Method in Ministry: Theological Reflection and Christian Ministry (revised ed.). Lanham, MD: Sheed and Ward, 1995.