Field Monitoring Server in China China Agricultural University Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences National Agricultural Research center, Japan Dongxian He , Ping Qian Tokihiro Fukatsu, Masayuki Hirafuji
Massively Distributed Field Monitoring System for Ubiquitous Sensing/ Networking/Computing with Field Server Web-server Sensors Wireless LAN Solar Panel LED Light, CMOS Relay Field Server ¥ 40,000 ($350) easy
Field Server in Tissue-culture Room, CAAS Project about improvement of the environmental control system in tissue-culture room is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, China from 2004 to Control system Improved system Monitoring system NetCamera The field server is used as the instead of environmental control system to monitor the environment and plantlet condition in the tissue-culture room.
Field Server in Greenhouse, CAAS Project about salt- & drought- tolerance plant selection experiment using hydroponics is supported by JACA breeding project in Beijing from 2002 to The field server is used as the plant and environment monitoring system.
Field Server in Closed-type Clean Transplant Production Factory, CAU Project about the closed clean transplant factory is supported by Ministry of Agriculture from 2003 to The field server as the environmental control system is applied in the transplant factory. Air flow Air inlet Air outlet Discharged air duct Controlled clean air Discharged air duct
This is a first important project with budget of five million dollars in IT agricultural field in Ministry of Science and Technology, China from Aug to Oct This is also the precedable project for “the eleventh-five-years plan” ( year) in the IT agricultural field by China government. Research and Pilot Project of Digital Agricultural Technology
1.Instrument development project 2.Virtual modeling project 3.Modeling simulation project 4.Precision agriculture project 5.Livestock farming project 6.Digital forestry project 7.Instruction project Research and Pilot Project of Digital Agricultural Technology
4.Precision agriculture project is conducted by National Engineering Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (NECITA), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), and China Agricultural University (CAU). 5.Livestock farming project is conducted by CAAS and CAU.
Precision Agriculture Project Field server as an environmental measurement or control system is used in protected plant production system such as greenhouse, tissue- culture room and plant factory. Field server as a remote sensing device combined with GIS and GPS is used in the field crop production. Field server as a digital device is used to automatic irrigation and hydroponics. Field Server and GIS Net-Camera
Livestock Farming Project Field server as a environmental monitoring system is used in livestock farming to realize the remote sensing and wireless communication. Poultry-population-weight measuring system using image sensor driven by the field server will be challenged. Cattle-weight measuring system combined with the field server and RF-IC is to obtain and transfer the individual information.
Remarks Various field monitoring servers as the digitalization infrastructures are very useful for ubiquitous and global sensing, computing and networking in agriculture. The field monitoring server will be applied and improved in China in the near future.