Science & Technology of Functional Food and Fruit & Vegetables 功能食品与果蔬加工新技术研究室 中国农业大学东校区 294 信箱 China Agriculture University Dec 16-17, 2004
Outline Our lab Our lab Research groups Research groups Research projects Research projects
Our lab --- College of Food Science &Nutritional Engineering China Agricultural University
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Research Team
Some Important Projects of JLAB Project 1---“Research on system construction of technical innovation in farming industry” form National Scientific and Technical Department Project 1---“Research on system construction of technical innovation in farming industry” form National Scientific and Technical Department Project 2---“Research on the recessions of farming industry Standard” form National Agricultural Department Project 2---“Research on the recessions of farming industry Standard” form National Agricultural Department Project 3---Research on present state and perspectives of Chinese vegetables industry form National Agricultural Department Project 3---Research on present state and perspectives of Chinese vegetables industry form National Agricultural Department
Jlab ’ s two groups Farm produce quick detect Group Functional food Group
Farm produce quick detect Group INTRODUCTION Our exciting, quality of farm produce quick detect Group was established in Computer Vision signal processing and system, digital signal processing(DSP) are the main research areas of special interests. Today, the research center consists of 25 persons, which include 6 professors, 4 associates and senior engineers. There are more than 15 postgraduate students include doctor and master degree students.
The Group ’ s goals : Research on Computer Vision including perceptual organization, object recognition and learning, and recognition of fruit and vegetable. develop methods for the computer vision process which primarily concerns about the size, shape, color of the fruit and vegetable.
The Group ’ s goals : To study the equipment of fruit auto process,according to the fruit’s size, shape, color and defect. To study the equipment of fruit auto process,according to the fruit’s size, shape, color and defect. To study the equipment of fruit auto process according to the fruit’s acidity & sugar content
Stage treatment chart
Functional food group Today, the research group consists of 28 person, which include 3 professors, 5 associates and senior engineers. There are more than 20 postgraduate students include doctor and master degree students
Extract active ingredient from fruit and Chinese traditional medicine Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis Extract active ingredient
Slag Functional food Fruit Base Cultivation standard Breed standard Resource investigation Process Process Research Test methodProduct standard Production- line technique Forage Purify Food Other product Flow Process Chart
Functional Cider Culture screening Culture screening nutritive proportion nutritive proportion sulfur dioxide control sulfur dioxide control concentrated apple extract concentrated apple extract
One product ---Cider
Technology of Forage Produce by Apple Sediment fermentation accelerator fermentation accelerator unicellular fibre unicellular fibre
Yeast in Cider
Research of functional food for hypertension Culture screening and mutagenesis Culture screening and mutagenesis Fermentation and extraction Fermentation and extraction Absorption mechanics in intestinal canal Absorption mechanics in intestinal canal Activation of coagulation system Activation of coagulation system Influence on hemolytic system & immune system Influence on hemolytic system & immune system
Results of Culture screening and mutagenesis
Extract natural antibiotic from Chinese medicine--Chinese cinnamon
Extract functional Component from Chinese medicine Extraction Extraction isolation and Purify isolation and Purify Confirmation of functional Component Confirmation of functional Component evaluation evaluation
Fermented Vegetable lactic acid bacteria screening lactic acid bacteria screening microbial transformation microbial transformation nitrite reduction test nitrite reduction test quality monitoring quality monitoring
“One apple a day keeps doctor away !” Extract oxidation inhibitor from apple Apple polyphenol Good oxidation resistance
Functional drink form black tea D- 葡萄糖二酸 1,4 内酯 D- 葡萄糖二酸 1,4 内酯 D- 葡萄糖二酸 1,4 内酯 A good strain,we named it --- Gluconacetobacter sp.A4 Gluconacetobacter sp.A4 Three patents in this functional drink
Chinese wolfberry food
Fermentation of Chinese wolfberry
Mushroom product
Ji baoping Leader of team Leader of team Professor Professor
Wang chengtao Ph.D / Associated professor Ph.D / Associated professor Functional food Functional food
Zheng jie Ph.D Ph.D Functional food Functional food