WELCOME! Church Ministry Coordinator (CMC) Meeting May 16 th, 2015
Agenda Opening Prayer Gap Ministry Updates & Upcoming Events [Break] Breakout Discussion What’s next? Closing Prayer
Gap Ministry Update
Our Churches in Action! Trinity Christian Center & Lakeview Church Running a towel drive for the Starter Kit ministry St. Joseph Catholic Church in Libertyville Annual Almsgiving drive (baby shower, linens, starter kits) Redemptive Compassion Thursday night class 18 students from 6 partner churches – great discussion! Church Tours & Love INC Sundays Christ Church Lake Forest bus tour: One member collected over 200 manual can openers at his workplace after the visit here! New Song leadership: Newly formed Church Home Visit team Village Church of Gurnee ministry leadership: Growing the partnership to further engage the church and provide additional training on how to handle walk-ins Libertyville Covenant Love INC Sunday : Furniture team challenged church to meet $5,000 challenge Christian Faith Fellowship leadership: Newly engaging church, learning more about serving opportunities through Love INC
Upcoming Ministry Opportunities Mobile Clothing distribution Drive for children’s clothing! Stock up on 5T – teen clothing for the four upcoming giveaways Volunteers & clothing items needed for: Week of July 6 th with Many Hands Project in Zion Week of August 24 th “Back to School” at Bethel in Gurnee Week of October 12 th Coats/Winter Prep at First Presbyterian Waukegan Week of December 6 th “Sharing God’s Warmth” in Zion Starter Kit delivery teams Deliveries are available for whenever your teams have the time! Intake Ministers – Clearinghouse is 4-6 weeks behind in engaging families! Loving listeners reach out to our clients, learn more about their situation, and offer encouragement and prayer Evening team starting June 11 th Many Hands Project Annual in-town youth mission week bringing FOUR partner churches together to serve Zion/Beach Park community Teams minister through home projects (big & small), making bunk beds, delivering furniture & starter kits, hosting mobile clothing closet
Upcoming Events Volunteer Orientation, Saturday July 18th Overview of Love INC and opportunity to learn about specific opportunities to plug into various ministries Scheduled for every two months through 2015 Contact Spark to RSVP – open to anyone! Love INC National Gathering at Village Church of Gurnee, September Annual gathering of all Love INCs across the country – for staff, board members, and volunteers to learn and share ideas across our affiliates. Contact Spark if you are interested in more information Annual Dinner Auction at Midlane Golf Resort, Friday October 16th Put this on your church’s calendar today! Help us find items for the silent auction portion of the evening (sports or theatre tickets, sports memorabilia, gift cards or gift baskets, etc.)
Six Core Principles of Redemptive Compassion 1) Everyone has value 2) We are called to invest relationally in each other 3) Everyone has capacity and potential 4) Mutual participation is important 5) We must use wisdom and discernment 6) What we do should transform
Breakout Discussion - Homework What do principles 1 & 2 look like in your church, as it relates to Love INC? 1) Everyone has value 2) We are called to invest relationally in each other 3) Everyone has capacity and potential 4) Mutual participation is important 5) We must use wisdom and discernment 6) What we do should transform
Breakout Discussion How can we support our Love INC families & volunteers in Core Principles 3 & 4? 1) Everyone has value 2) We are called to invest relationally in each other 3) Everyone has capacity and potential 4) Mutual participation is important 5) We must use wisdom and discernment 6) What we do should transform
Homework! How are you recruiting servants within your churches? Who will you invest in relationally? Contact us for whatever tools you need. Be prepared to report back on August 15th! He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” ~Luke 10:2
What’s next? PRAY for the Ministry Financial support for our new ministry space A consistent supply of servants to share the love of Christ to those in need RECRUIT servants Clearinghouse Intake Minister & Receptionist Furniture teams & Starter Kit deliveries CONNECT leadership in your church to help get folks energized & involved Love INC Sundays Presentations to leadership Presentations to Mission boards ATTEND the next CMC meeting on Saturday, August 15 th 2015
Clearinghouse Serving Opportunities Clearinghouse Coordinator (CC) Prayer warrior team ROLES - Cover office & clients in prayer - Collect client prayer needs from office team - Collect Love INC prayer needs from staff/board - Coordinate with partner church prayer teams - Communicate Love INC petitions to prayer warriors Receptionist team ROLES - Voice of Love INC to all callers - Share process with clients & agencies - Route calls to appropriate location - Schedule intakes - Offer prayer! ** do not troubleshoot!** Calling/Verification team ROLES - Return client calls left on voic , help investigate questions - Review client verification needs with CC - Make follow-up calls as needed - Offer prayer! Intake Minister team ROLES - First major contact with person in need - Learn about client’s situation through intake phone call - Follow up calls with client, as determined with CC - Offer prayer! Data entry / other office needs ROLES - Rename faxes in system - Enter client information, initial & updated - Enter verification information, as rec’d - Enter volunteer hours (Gap ministries, office servants, board, etc) - File paperwork 1 leader & unlimited warriors!1/day M-F 9a-1:15pm2-3/day M-F 9a-1:15pm3-4/day M-F 9a-1:15pm1-2/day M-F 9a-1:15pm
Gap Ministry Serving Opportunities Gap Ministry Coordinator Starter Kit Goods ROLES - Identify donation needs - Sort & cull donations - Group/stage items - Pack kits - Deliver kits Admin ROLES - Identify eligible clients - Schedule church delivery team - Schedule delivery w. client - Prepare paperwork - Track paperwork return & closeout request Furniture Goods ROLES - Identify donation needs - Stock & cull inventory - Clean upholstered items - Repair furniture - Pick & stage items - Deliver furniture Admin ROLES - Identify eligible clients - Schedule church delivery team - Schedule delivery w. client - Prepare paperwork - Track paperwork return & closeout request Donor management ROLES - Return calls from potential donors - Schedule pick-up app’ts -Prepare paperwork - Track paperwork return & closeout request
Gap Ministry Serving Opportunities Gap Ministry Coordinator Clothing (Mobile model) Goods ROLES - Identify donation needs - Review & cull donations - Sort into bins/racks - Transport to location - Set up/tear down at location - Serve at location Admin ROLES - Identify eligible clients - Recruit host church - Schedule app’t w. client - Prepare paperwork for church tem - Track paperwork return & closeout request Baby Shower/Layette Goods ROLES - Identify donation needs - Stock & cull inventory - Deliver the items Admin ROLES - Identify eligible clients - Schedule church delivery team - Schedule delivery w. client - Prepare paperwork - Track paperwork return & closeout request
Other ministry opportunities Church pastors & leadership for client visits/relationship building Intake ministers are now actively asking families if they would like to speak with someone for spiritual growth & guidance Solicit donations Financial Goods, as identified by Gap Ministry teams Connect with schools to pick up lost & found or donated uniforms Provide contacts for corporate furniture/household good donations Communications Take pictures of ministry in action! Help source & write stories Social media support (Twitter, other forms) Supplement Gap Ministries Follow-up post client delivery (ie: notes of encouragement, call, etc) Follow-up post furniture donor pick-up (ie: notes of encouragement, call, etc.)