How Can OCAIR Partner with China AIR to Help Advance Higher Education in China? Tongshan Chang The University of California Office of the President OCAIR Meeting AIR Forum, Atlanta June 2, 2009
A Brief Introduction of IR in China A Brief History A Brief History Started in Early 1990’sStarted in Early 1990’s About 100 Papers were published from 1992 to 2007 (excluding translated papers)About 100 Papers were published from 1992 to 2007 (excluding translated papers) Several books were published (excluding translated books)Several books were published (excluding translated books) National Institutional Research Forum in 2003 and 2007National Institutional Research Forum in 2003 and 2007 International Institutional Research Forum in 2004, 2006, and 2008International Institutional Research Forum in 2004, 2006, and 2008 Very early stageVery early stage
A Brief Introduction of IR in China
中国院校研究案例 : 第一辑 Edited by 刘献君 Published in Jan.,2009
A Brief Introduction of IR in China Organization: Organization: Institute of Higher Education or Center for Studies in Higher Education and Institutional Research: Academic/Administrative UnitInstitute of Higher Education or Center for Studies in Higher Education and Institutional Research: Academic/Administrative Unit Center for Studies in Institutional Research ( 院校发展研究中 心 ) , Huazhong University of Science and Technology (华 中科技大学): Academic UnitCenter for Studies in Institutional Research ( 院校发展研究中 心 ) , Huazhong University of Science and Technology (华 中科技大学): Academic Unit Association for Institutional Research in China, part of Association for Higher Education in China ( 中国高等教育学 会院校研究分会 ), 2007, for Institutional Research in China, part of Association for Higher Education in China ( 中国高等教育学 会院校研究分会 ), 2007,
What We Can Do… Introduce what we are doing… Introduce what we are doing… Content areas: students, faculty, research, grants, assessment, accreditation, accountability, financial aid…Content areas: students, faculty, research, grants, assessment, accreditation, accountability, financial aid… Methods: data collection, analysis, reporting…Methods: data collection, analysis, reporting… Technology: data warehouse, business intelligence…Technology: data warehouse, business intelligence… Application: policy making, teaching and learning…Application: policy making, teaching and learning… Case studies Case studies
How We Can Do… Take a look at journal papers and try to understand what they are doing and what they are not doing… Take a look at journal papers and try to understand what they are doing and what they are not doing…
How We Can Do… Try to write something about your project, your experience… and submit to a high education journal in China… Try to write something about your project, your experience… and submit to a high education journal in China…
How We Can Do… Make presentations when you visit China
How We Can Do… Participate in research projects Participate in research projects National GrantsNational Grants Grants funded by the Ministry of EducationGrants funded by the Ministry of Education Grants funded by provincesGrants funded by provinces Grants funded by institutionsGrants funded by institutions
How We Can Do… Teach a short-term/online course about institutional research in China Teach a short-term/online course about institutional research in China Support from the host institutionSupport from the host institution Support from other organization, e.g. Teaching in ChinaSupport from other organization, e.g. Teaching in China
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