Greek Theater! Oh yeah.
History Origins – Dances and song – In honor of Dionysus Ritualistic celebrations – Suspension of business – Week-long festivals Civic Duty – Chorus – Audience Response
The Building
The Actors The Greek Actor – Often a government official or influential businessman – Highly regarded in society – Often exempt from military duty Not women – Often excluded from the audience or relegated to upper rows
Costumes Clothes – Long flowing robes (chiton) – Dyed symbolic colors – Padding (larger than life) – Platformed shoes (cothurni) Masks & Props – Indicated the character – Example: Kings with scepters, warriors with spears
Acting Speaking roles: rule of 3 Costumes limited mobility—this led to – Stock, broad, sweeping gestures – General movements signifying emotions Lowering head indicates grief Arms stretched out indicates prayer Projection and Enunciation – The Voice vs. The Mask – Acoustics of the theater
Characteristics of the Chorus Approx. 15 men Sang lyric poetry and danced (to accompaniment) Unpaid Civic duty Trained and costumed (by the “professional” actors) Dressed like the people they represented (and wore light masks) Often had a single leader who could interact with the central characters
The Role of the Chorus Provided link from audience to actors – Responding in a way the playwright hoped the audience would respond – Tension release – Reflected upon the action, pondered future action, asked questions – Advised central characters (sometimes) – Conscience of the people (ethical perception from which to view the action) – Established mood and heightened dramatic moments Movement and Song – Points out moments the audience should reflect upon (has occurred or yet to transpire)
Tragic Hero review Nobility or Wisdom Hamartia Reversal of Fortune Discovery/Recognition Audience’s pity and fear