Elsevier Author Workshop: How to Prepare a Manuscript for an International Journal IME Conference Dalian, China July 15, 2007 IME Conference Dalian, China July 15, 2007 Jeroen Loos, Elsevier Rob Kaas, University of Amsterdam Marc Goovaerts, Catholic University Leuven Elias Shiu, University of Iowa, Hongkong University
2 Overview Introduction to Elsevier Research output in China Publishing in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (IME) How does the EES work? ( E lsevier E ditorial S ystem) Peer review process Aims and Scope of IME What is a ``good'' paper? Ethics in scientific publishing Questions
3 Introduction to Elsevier 2,000+ journals All fields of science, technology & medicine 7,000 editors 70,000 board members 250,000 articles a year 8 million articles on ScienceDirect, going back to 1823 (The Lancet) 250 million downloads a year by 11 million users
4 Introduction to Elsevier: Nobel prize winners Kenneth J. Arrow James J. Heckman Robert J. Aumann Eric S. Maskin Robert F. Engle Finn E. Kydland
5 Introduction to Elsevier: Economics and Finance 80 Journals All International All English language Many of the top field journals Virtually all journals included in Thomson Scientific (formerly ISI)
6 Introduction to Elsevier: Economics and Finance Commenced publication in 1982 1982: 28 articles, 2007: 63 articles Impact Factor
7 Research output in China - Some figures 2003 – 23,000 faculty, 2,200 Professors, 8,000 Associate/Assistant Professors, 13,000 lecturers – 60,000 BSc, 5,500 MSc 2005 – 1,600 BSc, 9,300 MSc 2005 – 50,000 enrolments! Estimated 40,000-60,000 economists currently active in China
8 Research output in China: Some more figures 810 journals in economics and management, 70 included in the Chinese Social Science citation source 366 Comprehensive Economics 61 Agricultural Economics 74 Industrial Economics 26 Transportation, Telecom Economics 144 Finance 21 Management Sciences
9 Research output in China: Chinese Publications quantity Extreme growth of quantity quality still needed Growth of quality still needed low impact
10 Research output in China - Marketshare
11 Research output in China - Relative Impact
12 Research output in China: Economics
13 Research output in China: papers in IME Prof. Taizhong Hu, University of Science and Technology of China, Associate Editor Prof Sheldon Lin, University of Toronto Prof. Hailiang Yang, Hong Kong University, Associate Editor Prof. Qihe Tang, University of Iowa, Associate Editor
14 Research output in China: Online Usage of IME
15 Elsevier is eager to work with more top Chinese scientists and boost Chinese research in the world
16 Present at this workshop Presenters Jeroen Loos, Publisher Economics, Elsevier Prof. Rob Kaas, Managing Editor IME, University of Amsterdam Panel: Editors IME Prof. Marc Goovaerts, University of Amsterdam & Catholic University Leuven Prof. Elias Shiu, University of Iowa & University of Hong Kong Associate Editors IME Prof. Taizhong Hu, University of Science and Technology of China Prof. Sheldon Lin, University of Toronto Prof. Qihe Tang, University of Iowa Prof. Hailiang Yang, Hong Kong University