LONELINESS IS A PERPLEXING PROBLEM We work in Christian communities We emphasize relationships We value Christian fellowship Loneliness is an occupational hazard of Christian leadership
REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY Leaders are isolated by information: Personal information Professional information
Leaders are isolated by obedience: Moral stands Doctrinal positions Leading spiritual commitments REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY
Leaders are isolated by job demands: Time alone in preparation and study Traveling alone Work setting REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY
Leaders are isolated by emotional depletion from job performance: The burden of spiritual responsibility The struggle of spiritual warfare REASONS CHRISTIANS LEADERS ARE LONELY
STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS Have realistic expectations about loneliness: You will be lonely You can get through it
Cultivate your awareness of God’s presence: Take an honest look at biblical leaders- Jesus, Paul, David Maintain consistent devotional practices Bible reading Prayer Scripture memory STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS
Cultivate friendships to sustain you through low times: Take an honest look at biblical leaders- Jesus’ disciples, Paul’s team, and David’s mighty men Cultivate three kinds of friendships Ministry peers Everyday people Trusted confidant STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS
Two big questions What keeps ministry leaders from having more friends? Competition Lack of transparency Pride What about my spouse as the cure for my loneliness? STRATEGIES FOR HANDLING LONELINESS
EMBRACING LONELINESS Choose Solitude: Loneliness is an emotional state Solitude is a choice to be alone for a special purpose Learn from your lonely times
SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANES THAT REQUIRE SPECIAL ATTENTION When loneliness turns into depression When your ministry setting is particularly isolating When your ministry setting is toxic