Peace and Justice Ministry Team Survey Report March 23, 2013
Survey Process The St. Andrews’ Peace and Justice Ministry Team met in January 2013 to plan its activities for the year. Continuing support for the Immigration initiative begun last year was reconfirmed. Additional topics of interest were identified via a forced ranking exercise; the top two were Poverty/Inequality and Education. A survey was sent to the congregation in February 2013 to engage them in the activities of Peace and Justice as well as to gain their point of view on various issues. 48 participants responded to the survey. This document is a report of those findings. The number of participants, who responded, are noted for each question. 1
Distribution of survey respondents
Current Involvement
Level of Commitment
Focus of Peace and Justice Efforts
Where Should Efforts be Focused
Interest in Participation
Ways to Participate
Type of Involvement
Timing of Involvement
Observations Survey participation was sufficiently robust to allow for substantive conclusions. 40% of respondents identify themselves as active members of the Peace and Justice Ministry Team or occasional participants. 60% have not been involved in these activities. 56% of respondents describe themselves as “very” or “somewhat” committed. Among all respondents, “Poverty/Inequality” and “Culture of Violence” are the top two topics of interest. Among the very/somewhat committed the top two topics are “Poverty/Inequality” and “Christian Responses to Differences” (in opinion, religion and sexual orientation for example). Respondents favor a focus “within the community” or “within the congregation” over a broader focus. 11
Observations 80% of all respondents have “strong”, “moderate”, or “some interest” in participating the in activities of Peace and Justice. As ways to participate, both the “committed” and the balance of survey respondents favor “prayer”, followed by “focused volunteer events” that are “year long.” Participants favor “discussion groups” and “active involvement in teams/groups” over other types of involvement. “Mid-week”, “evening” and “mid-day” were the preferred times for involvement. 12