General Synod Report February 2015 Group of Sessions Truro Diocesan Synod 2 nd May 2015 Perran Gay, Proctor in Convocation 2/5/20151General Synod Report February2015
Introduction Very unusual Synod – central day set aside for Reform and Renewal programme This report o Deals briefly with the other matters before Synod o Focusses on the elements of Reform and Renewal See Church of England website for more details o Documents o Written transcript o Audio record 2/5/2015General Synod Report February20152
General Business Address by the Archbishop of the Chaldean Diocese of Erbil, Iraq Report on Immersion Experience in India o A pilot to explore how Christian Aid might support the learning of those taking senior leadership roles within the Church of England Mission and Growth in Rural Multi-Parish Benefices General Synod Elections - Seat Allocation o Arrangements between Dioceses o New provisions for Universities Draft Amending Canon No.35 o Allowing parish priest or Rural Dean to authorise lay persons to distribute communion o Prelude to admitting children to this ministry 2/5/2015General Synod Report February20153
General Business Report of the Standing Orders Committee o More time for the lawyers o Autonomy of Archbishops’ Council o Non Synod Members to answer questions 2/5/2015General Synod Report February20154
General Business Draft Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure o More detailed work in a rapidly changing area o Input from Survivors Groups important Draft Naming of Dioceses Measure o Sought permission to name diocese either by see city or geographical area, and for name of bishop to be different from name of diocese o A fascinating debate on mission and ecclesiology o Failed to pass in the House of Clergy Private Members Motion o asking for legislation to amend Canon B 38 so as to allow those who have taken their own life, whatever the circumstances, to be buried in accordance with the rites of the Church of England. 2/5/2015General Synod Report February20155
General Business Christian Initiation: additional texts in accessible language No further changes made in Revision debate (+Truro) To House of Bishops for approval Final Approval in July 2/5/2015General Synod Report February20156
Reform and Renewal A series of six reports including those from four linked task groups What follows is a summary of each one of them – 2/5/2015General Synod Report February20157 What is it about? What did Synod decide? What happens next?
2/5/2015General Synod Report February20158
Developing Discipleship 2/5/2015General Synod Report February20159
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201510
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201511
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201512
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201513
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201514
The Reports Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201515
Reform and Renewal Introduction by Archbishops o Background – ecclesiology and decline o ‘Renewing and reforming aspects of our institutional life is a necessary but far from sufficient response to the challenges facing the Church of England.’ The general direction of travel o Continuing the change of culture with its emphasis on mission o Focussing and prioritising energy o Resourcing those priorities o Clearing obstacles away from this work 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201516
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201517
Developing Discipleship 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201518
Developing Discipleship Taking note of this report, the Synod commended the ‘Ten Marks for Developing Discipleship’ for dioceses to study and adopt and pass down to deaneries and parishes The Synod also invited the House of Bishops to prepare a Revised Catechism and identify and commission other resources o A light catechism - a digest of Christian teaching? o Or a full revision of the current Catechism? (a liturgical process so lots of Synodical time and energy) 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201519
The Ten Marks 1.A lifelong journey of discipleship and growth in Christian maturity is supported and modelled by all. 2.The importance of discipleship in daily life is affirmed. 3.Gatherings for worship celebrate the discipleship of all the baptized. 4.Disciples are equipped to help others to become followers of Jesus. 5.Diocesan work on vocations is based on the principle that all the baptized are called into God’s service. 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201520
The Ten Marks 6.Good practice in facilitating learning and formation is developed. 7.Gifts of leadership are recognised and developed among all the baptised. 8.Innovation and experiment are encouraged in mission, ministry and discipleship. 9.Specific diocesan policies and plans promote discipleship development. 10.Diocesan resources are committed to the development of the whole people of God. 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201521
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201522
Resourcing Ministerial Education 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201523
Resourcing Ministerial Education The Vision Every minister equipped to offer collaborative leadership in mission and to be adaptable in a rapidly changing context A cohort of candidates for ministry who are younger, more diverse and with a wider range of gifts to serve God’s mission An increase of at least 50% in ordinations on 2013 figures sustained annually from 2020 The rapid development of lay ministries A continued commitment to an ordained and lay ministry which serves the whole Church both geographically and in terms of church tradition. 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201524
Resourcing Ministerial Education o How? More vocations work – being proactive Greater powers to dioceses to make decisions about forms of training New funding for lay ministry candidates Measures to improve quality in selection and education 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201525
Resourcing Ministerial Education o Some proposals A Personal Learning Plan for all candidates more flexible than Bishops’ Regulations Priority national funding for gifted individuals for strategic roles:- teaching and research, missional leaders, poorer parishes September ordinations to add to training period available Candidates over 50 will be selected locally by the Bishop and the cost of their training will fall to the Diocese National selection and funding for younger candidates for lay ministry 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201526
Resourcing Ministerial Education o What next? 2/5/2015General Synod Report February Consult Dioceses and Trainers Abps Council Decides Synod Scrutinises Feb 2016 Budget July 2016 Implement September 2017
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201528
Resourcing the Future 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201529
Resourcing the Future Objective: ‘Removing the current formula systems which provide mechanical, ineffective subsidy and replacing them with investment focussed on fulfilling dioceses’ strategic plans for growth, with a strong bias towards the poor.’ 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201530
Resourcing the Future How? Over a ten year transition period from the present system to the new system All money available for Dioceses should be invested for mission and growth Half for the support of development of mission in the poorest communities, using objective measures of need and in conversation with dioceses Half for pro-active investment in growth to be applied for by dioceses on a matched funding basis, with a bias in the distribution to the poorest 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201531
Resourcing the Future What next? 2/5/2015General Synod Report February Consult Dioceses Abps Council decides Synod Scrutinises Feb 2016 Implement Jan 2017
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201533
Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201534
Developing and Nurturing Senior Leaders Background o From a long period of reflection on the complexity of senior ordained leadership o Recent inactivity and lack of transparency within the preferment list o Lack of process for proper development for posts of wider responsibility Proposals o Leadership development through exposure to ‘the voice without’ – disciplines from the business world and elsewhere o A mini-MBA for Deans o A mandatory modular programme for bishops based on the Archbishops’ Council 3 quinquennial goals – Contributing to the Common Good, Leading the Church for Growth, Re-shaping Ministry, together with an underlying theme of Building Healthy Organisations o The creation of a talent pool and an alumni network for exceptional individuals to enable proper preparation for wider responsibility o Cost – about £2m from 2014 – 2016, then £785,000 a year from /5/2015General Synod Report February201535
Developing and Nurturing Senior Leaders What next? Already underway – implementation plan agreed by House of Bishops Recognized that further reporting back to Synod is required – and discussion of another report from FOAC on Senior Church Leadership which displays some similarities with the Green Report but also some striking differences. 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201536
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201537
Simplifi- cation 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201538
Simplification The longest and most complicated of the reports! Why simplification? Legislation based on building in safeguards for all possible eventualities – so enormous complexity. Not trying to remove important checks and balances, but believes that Church has been overcautious in e.g. pastoral reorganisation, and new mission initiatives 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201539
Simplification Recommendations address three levels of concern Immediate major hindrances to mission Weighty and worthy bureaucracy and procedure Redundant paperwork Largely focussed on Clergy Terms of Service, and Mission and Pastoral Measure 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201540
Simplification 19 recommendations including o More fixed term appointments under Common Tenure o SSM Statements of particulars o Pastoral scheme consultation o Team and group ministries – finding other ways to work together o Closed churches o Bishop’s Mission Orders o Clergy compensation for loss of office through pastoral organisation o Patronage lapsing to Bishop, not Archbishop What next? o Consultation now o Common Tenure changes possibly this July o Mission and Pastoral Measure changes during lifetime of next Synod 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201541
Simplification Linked with this report but not one of the ‘big six’ and not debated by Synod: OPTIMISING THE ROLE OF THE NATIONAL CHURCH INSTITUTIONS (GS Misc 1094) Includes a new enabling measure that would simplify the process for amending existing church legislation by order rather than measure Suggests a reduction in the length of General Synod sessions, and more national working through conference calls to save expensive travel May be introduced to the new Synod in November 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201542
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201543
Financing the Programme 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201544
Financing the Programme Church Commissioners’ Funds and Inter- generational Equity Special extra funding needed for the whole Reform and Renewal programme Church Commissioners could legitimately provide it without endangering their other responsibilities o – unlike the ‘bad’ over-distribution of funds which led to difficulties in the early 1990s Synod supported this proposal Specific requests for funding to be made to the Archbishops’ Council in the light of the emerging conclusions on the various elements of the reform programme 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201545
2/5/2015General Synod Report February201546
Developing Discipleship 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201547
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201548
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201549
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201550
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201551
Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201552
Reform and Renewal Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February201553
Reform and Renewal Resourcing Ministerial Education Developing Discipleship Resourcing the Future Simplifi- cation Financing the Programme Senior Leaders 2/5/2015General Synod Report February A necessary response to the challenges facing the Church of England + Justin Cantuar: + Sentamu Ebor: