John P.F. Sum Assistant Professor, IEC College of Social Science and Management National Chung Hsing University Taichung 40227, Taiwan BEng, MPhil, PhD
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 2 Education/Working 1992 BEng, Electronic Engineering HK Polytechnic University 1995 MPhil, Computer Science & Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong Thesis Title: Soft Self Organizing Map Committee: Prof. LW Chan (CSE CUHK), Prof. Irwin King (CSE CUHK), Prof. E. Oja (CIS HUT Finland), Prof. Lei Xu (CSE CUHK), 1998 PhD, Computer Science & Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Thesis Title: Extended Kalman Filter Based Pruning Algorithms And Several Aspects Of Neural Network Learning Committee: Prof. CH Cheng (SEEM CUHK), Prof. WK Kan (CSE CUHK), Prof. P. Tam (EIE PolyU HK), Prof. KH Wong (CSE CUHK), Prof. G. Young (CSE CUHK) 98/Sep~00/Mar Postdoc Teaching Fellow, Hong Kong Baptist University 00/Mar~00/Aug Lecturer, Open University of Hong Kong 00/Sep~04/Aug Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 04/Oct~05/Jan Senior Research Assistant (Visiting Scholar), City University of Hong Kong, 05/Feb~07/Jul Assistant Professor, Chung Shan Medical University 07/Aug~ Assistant Professor, National Chung Hsing University
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 4 Philosophy As a teacher, I believe. Teaching is a process of knowledge transfer. Teachers are knowledge makers, and we make knowledge makers as well.
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 5 Courses Taught (NCHU) EC Websites Development – Lectures, Assignments, Group Projects (Midterm Progress Report, Final Report & Presentation), Midterm Exam, Final Exam. Data Communication & Networking – Lectures, Readings, Group Project (Report & Presentation) Website Design – Lectures, Lab Exercises, Group Project (Report & Presentation) EC Project Management – Lectures, Readings, Group Project (Report & Presentation) Data Mining – Lectures, Readings, Group Project (Report & Presentation) Neural Networks with Applications – Lectures, Class Exercises, Readings & Discussion, Group Project (Report & Presentation)
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2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 10 Philosophy As a researcher, I believe. Research is my life-long mission. We are responsible to generate and disseminate new knowledge to all over the world. I research there I am.
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 11 Research Interests Neural Networks Fault Tolerant Neural Networks Training and pruning algorithms for FNN & RNN Dynamic Properties of Neural Networks Statistical Learning Social Networking : Gnutella & Small World Hopfield Network Combinatorial Auction & E-marketplace Parallel & Distributed Computing RFID & Sensor Networks Mobile Agent Based Routing & Network Management Distributed System Development Pricing Web Services
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 13 Publications
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 14 Publications
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 15 Journal Publications since 2005 John Sum, Fault tolerant learning for neural networks: Survey, framework and future work, International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies, Vol.3, Issue 1, , 2009 John Sum, Jie Wu and Kevin Ho, On Unbounded Zero-One Knapsack with Discrete-Sized Objects, International Journal of Computers & Applications, Vol.31, Issue(2), John Sum, Chi-sing Leung and Kevin Ho, On objective function, regularizer and prediction error of a learning algorithm for dealing with multiplicative weight noise, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.20(1), , Chi-sing Leung and John Sum, A fault tolerant regularizer for RBF networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 19 (3), pp , John Sum and Chi-sing Leung, Prediction error of a fault tolerant neural network, Neurocomputing, Vol. 72 (1-3), , December, John Sum, Jie Wu, Chi-sing Leung and Kevin Ho, Analysis on a simulated model for Gnutella topology: Connectedness and extension, International Journal of Computers & Applications, Vol.30(3), December Chi-sing Leung, John Sum and Herbert Chan, Improved transmission of vector quantized data over noisy channels, Neural Computing & Applications, Vol.17(1), pp.1-9, 2008.
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 16 Journal Publications since 2005 Kevin Ho, Jie Wu & John Sum, On session lifetime distribution of Gnutella, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Vol.23, No.1, pp.1-15, John Sum, Jie Wu, Kevin Ho, Analysis on a Localized Pruning Method for Connected Dominating Sets, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.23(4), , July John Sum, Jie Wu and Chi-sing Leung, On profit density based greedy algorithm for a resource allocation problem in web services, International Journal of Computers & Applications, Vol.29, Issue 2, John Sum and Kevin Ho, On-line estimation of the final prediction error via recursive least square method, Neurocomputing, Vol. 69, , Wenyu Qu, Hong Shen and John Sum, New analysis on mobile agents based network routing, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 6(1), Pages , Nov Wenyu Qu, Hong Shen and John Sum, Stochastic analysis on mobile agent- based e-shopping, International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol.3, , 2005.
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 17 Citations
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 19 Community Services As an academician, I believe that. Serving the society is able to facilitate exchanging and dissemination of knowledge. Thus, it enables the create of new knowledge. It helps to sustain research within our academic world.
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 20 Academic Visit (2007-) School of Computer Science, Shihezi University, Xinjiang, China (Oct 2008) School of Business Administration, Shihezi University, Xinjiang, China (Oct 2008) Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong (July 2008) Faculty of Economics, Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand (April 2008) Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Thailand (April 2008) Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China (Nov 2007)
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 21 Invited Seminars (2006 -) Fault Tolerant Learning. School of Computer Science, Shihezi University, Xinjiang, China (08 FALL) Computational Intelligence. School of Business Administration, Shihezi University, Xinjiang, China (08 FALL) How to Publish: A personal experience. School of Business Administration, Shihezi University, Xinjiang, China (08 FALL) Fault Tolerant Learning: Survey & Framework. Graduate Institute of Networking and Communication Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology. (08 SPRING) On a multiple nodes fault tolerant training for RBF. Graduate Institute of Networking and Communication Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology, (07 SPRING) Pricing Web Services. Department of Computer Science and Information Management, Providence University, (06 SPRING)
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 22 Conference Organization Competition Chair, International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (ICONIP), December 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Organization Committee, Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (SCMIS), July 2009, NCHU Taichung. Organization Committee, International Conference in Business and Ethic, April 2009, Taichung Taiwan. Organization Committee, Conference on Contemporary EC Applications and Practices, November 2008, NCHU Taichung. Organization Committee, Symposium on Cross Strait Marketing & Trade Integration, October 2008, Xinjiang China.
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 23 Conference PC International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (ICONIP), Auckland, New Zealand, November IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN) 2006 – International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong, IEEE International Region 10 Conference (TENCON) Hong Kong, November 14-17, IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technology on Ubiquitous Computing (MTUC), Taichung, Taiwan June International Conference on Grid & Pervasive Computing (GPC), Taichung, Taiwan, May 2006.
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 24 Editorial Editorial Broad Associate Editor, International Journal of Computers and Applications (EI) Reviewers IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (SCI) International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networks (EI) International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation International Journal of Neural Systems (SCI) International Journal of System Science (SCI) Journal of Information Science & Engineering (SCI) Pattern Recognition (SCI) Neurocomputing (SCI) Neural Computing & Applications (SCI) Neural Networks (SCI)
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 26 Honors/Awards Certificate of Merit, from the National Chung Hsing University in recognition of the contributions in the Departmental Evaluation Exercise Best Papers Awards John Sum, Fault tolerant learning: Survey and future work, Proc International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, Chaoyang University of Technology, April 25-26, Sheng-wei Hung, Yung-fa Huang, John Sum, Simulated annealing for the reader collision problem in RFID systems, 3rd International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management (UHIMA2008) March, 7, 2008, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC. Listed in 2000 Who's Who in the World.
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2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 29 Contributions Gnutella P2P network might not be a connected network. In prior to our research, no one is able to answer this question. A simulated model is proposed to generate and study the dynamical change of the topology of the Gnutella P2P network. By investigating the resultant topology, we argue that the true Gnutella might not be a connected network. A modified connection mechanism is proposed to alleviate this potential problem.
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2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 36 Teaching Develop new Courses in Statistical Learning Seek for overseas academic exchange opportunities Master/PhD students supervision Research Application of NN in management science Fault tolerant learning Social Networking Seek for external funding for research Services Conference Organizations Editorial Broad and Reviewers Executive Committee of Academic Societies University services In The Future
2009/5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 37 I Wish A good teacher. A good researcher. A good academician. An associate professor in NCHU. A full professor in NCHU. An IEEE FELLOW.
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About the Document The original document is intended for a presentation given to the Promotion Broad Committee of the College of Social Science and Management, National Chung Hsing University, in May of After the presentation, new information has been added and a few typos have been corrected. Updated: June 17, /5/20 John Sum, IEC NCHU 39