Section 6: Spread of Christianity
Origins of Christianity Roots in Judaism Was led by Jesus of Nazareth proclaimed the Messiah Conflicted with polytheistic beliefs
Roman Power Power spread to Judea Judea became province-6 AD
Messiah Savior who would restore kingdom of the Jews
Jesus Born 6-4 BC Jewish and Roman subject
Ministry of Jesus Teachings Monotheism Stressed love for others
Gospels Information about Jesus come from the Gospels Written by Disciples
Jesus’ Death Rome concerned over popularity Arrested and convicted by Pontius Pilate Crucified
Beliefs, traditions, and customs of Christianity Monotheism Jesus as both Son and incarnation of God Life after death New Testament Christian doctrines
Peter Apostle Spread teachings established church in Rome
Christianity Spreads Followers of Jesus began to spread his ideas
Paul Hebrew who opposed to Christianity Had vision and heard voice on road to Damascus Began to spread Christianity throughout empire
Pax Romana Safe travel helped spread Christianity Common language allowed understanding of message
Paul’s Teachings Christ-son of God Anyone could be Christian Allowed religion to grow
Jewish Rebellion 66 AD-Jews rebelled 70 AD-Rome destroyed Jewish Temple Western Wall left standing (Wailing Wall) Diaspora-Jews were spread throughout Empire creating scattered Jewish communities
Western Wall
Persecution of Christians Christians refused to worship Roman Gods Persecuted by Nero Peter and Paul put to death in Rome
Decline of Pax Romana Christians imprisoned and executed Martyrs-sacrificed own life for their beliefs Missionaries-People who spread religious teachings
World Religion By 3 rd century AD, there were millions of Christians in the Roman Empire Appeal of Christianity Embraced all people Gave hope to powerless Life after death
Constantine Roman Emperor Battle at Milvian Bridge-312 AD Saw Cross of Light Gave credit for victory to Christian God
Ended Persecution 313 AD-plan to end persecution of Christians Edict of Milan one of the religions approved by the emperor Theodosius (380 AD) Made Christianity official religion of Roman Empire
Christian Church Structure Priest-heads local level Bishop-several local churches Pope-Head of the church and Roman Bishop Rome Center of Church
Heresy Contradicting basic church teachings
New Testament Official standard of belief
Nicene Creed 325 AD Constantine moved to solidify teachings of Christianity Defined basic beliefs of Christianity
Fathers of the Church Early writers and scholars who defined church teachings Augustine Teachings/Writings Needed grace of God to be saved Had to belong to church and receive sacraments The City of God
Spread of Christianity Popularity of the message Early martyrs Carried by the Apostles, including Paul, throughout the Roman Empire
Impact of Church The Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and it became the official state religion source of moral authority. Loyalty to the Church more important than loyalty to the Emperor. main unifying force of Western Europe.