Chapter 5 Jesus and the Paschal Mystery: Finding Life Through Death 5-1 the Last Supper 5-2 Accepting Death on a Cross 5-3 The Resurrection of Jesus 5-4 What Does the Resurrection Mean for Us
5-1 The Last Supper: A Meal of Self-giving Love H/W Read pages Answer the FOR REVIEW questions on page 114 Aim: How is the Last Supper a meal of self-giving love? I. The Passover Seder A.faithful Jews remember how Yahweh freed them from slavery in Egypt B.Seder special meal, retold the story of the Exodus
II. Toward the Final Confrontation A.Jesus longed to share Passover Seder with his disciples B.Jewish authorities were plotting to destroy Jesus C.Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday 1.Jesus’ triumphal welcome, on a donkey, crown waved palm D.Jesus confronted the guardians of the Law, chief priests and the Pharisees 1.Claiming to be sent from God – blasphemy 2.Overturned the tables of the money changers E.Roman rulers saw Jesus’ present could stir up trouble during Passover
III. Bread and Wine: “My Body … My Blood” A.During the Passover Seder Jesus did something different (John 13:1-16) 1.Identified the bread, bless and broken as his own body given up in death for all humankind 2.Identified the wine, his own blood poured out in sacrificial love 3.Last Supper on Holy Thursday is the origin of the Eucharist (“thanksgiving”) a)Jesus himself is present in the bread and wine b)Units us with each other when we receive B.Wash the feet of his friends as an example to serve one another