By Kevin Jackson, Michel Freiji, Mitch Cross, Tyler Fisch, Alex Will, and Bennett Bradley
Written for Jewish-Christians Written to strengthen faith and to win converts Interested in theology (More then the other writers) Stressed Jesus as the Revealer of The Word
Combat false ideas of Jesus humanity and divinity To say John the Baptist was not the Messiah as some people had believed
Does not rely on any of the other Gospels as a source Very poetic Gospel Different Sources then the other Gospels Collection of Miracles and a Version of Passion and Resurrection narratives
Made up first 18 verses of John’s Gospel It introduces the themes of the Gospel
Christology: The study of Jesus Christ Stresses on Jesus’ heavenly origins “Logos” – Greek for “Word of God”
Conflict #1: The light of Christ vs. the darkness of the world Conflict #2: Life-giving faith in Jesus that makes us children of God vs. unbelief Conflict #3: Truth vs. Untruth
In this portion we find out who the Word-of- God-made-flesh, really is
Makes up John 1:19-12:50 Faith plays a large role in the understanding of the Book of Signs
First Miracle Occurred in Cana Mary plays a large role in this scene in the life of Jesus Mary, as well as Jesus, shows compassion for others in this scene
Occurred in Cana The faith of the father prompts the act of Jesus Shows how faith can rescue us from the darkest times we have
Heals a man on the Sabbath who was lame for 38 years Shows Jesus is the source of life It also shows how he went against the Law and did this on the Sabbath
Close to the time of the Passover Feast In the feeding, he replaces the manna of the Exodus with the bread of God Walking on water shows his ability to do anything he pleases
Contrasts a blind man who was given sight and those who have not yet received spiritual sight The man washed in the Pool of Siloam Says the Pharisees are spiritually blind
Most important miracle Jesus performs Sums up the other points of: 1. Jesus is the way to life 2. He is the Resurrection 3. He is God (“I Am”) 4. Faith is essential for us to gain life
What is one way you have met God? What are you lacking most in life right now? How can Jesus help you?
Second part of John’s Gospel (John 13:1- 20:31) Made up of The Last Supper Discourses and Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
Jesus shows a great sign of humility in this Jesus proves his love by dying and rising for us Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to His disciples
Major revelation of God the Father Has many similarities to the Synoptic Gospels, but also many different elements He commissions Peter to be the Rock that the Church will be built on