NCMM Summit Rendezvous ’08 Meeting Minutes November 11 – 13th 2008 Minneapolis, MN 1
Tuesday, November 11 th (PM) Dinner and Fellowship Welcoming comments from David Delk History of NCMM “We can do more – together” Worship by Tim Lemmens Comments from Bethel University Vice President Ralph Gustafson Leary Gates welcome message Area pastors and leaders will be attending on Thursday morning “We need each other” Plenary Session with Dr. Leith Anderson Leading men – Battle of Gettysburg Challenges of leadership Leadership characteristics 1.Figure out what you need to do…and do it! 2.Live Christian. Lead with your vulnerability and transparency. 3.Have mentors. Dead or alive, but know them well. 4.Leadership context – adapt to those that you lead. 5.Cutting edge. Be the second wave – not first and not last. 6.Trust in God for the long term. Be the Warren Buffet. The best ideas are in years 7 – 9. 2
Tuesday, November 11 th (PM) Ministry Updates: Don PattersonCSB Ministries Dave BrownWACCM (Washington, D.C.) Bill MoyerNational Fellowship of Catholic Men John BishopLiving by Design Rick LindsayEncourage Men to Pray Rod HandleyCharacter that Counts Chris Van BrocklinMen with a Purpose Jeff AbramovitzFamily Life/Campus Crusades for Christ Larry D’ApiceIron Sharpens Iron John MentusMen of Hope (Rhode Island) Art RemingtonMen at the Cross Bill TerryIPHC Men’s Ministry Mike YoungNoble Warriors Small group exercise: What one thing can NCMM do to make your ministry more effective? What one thing can you do to make NCMM more effective? (See slide 11) Draft Ministry Plan (handout) Small group prayer 3
Wednesday, November 12 th (AM) David DelkWelcome. “There is no “them”. WE are it. It is up to us.” Leary GatesBoldPath Life Strategies NCMM – our 6 th annual summit Live courageously – assessment of men’s ministry via survey Ralph GustafsonBethel University Welcome to local area pastors and ministry leaders. Session 1: Dr. Patrick Morley discusses his newest book, Pastoring Men What do men want? What do men need? Men are looking for your to lead them. Pastors have a huge influence. The Great Commission: “Go and make disciples of men…” Why are we here? Evangelism without discipleship is cruel. How are men doing? What do men want? Cause. Companion. Conviction. Most men think that money will solve their problems and that success will make them happy. Also that they can have the best of “both” worlds. What keeps men from getting what they want? What do men need? Session 2: Dr. Patrick Morley on “The Senior Pastor is Key to Everything” Three main findings/success factors: Vision. Determination. Sustainable strategy. Small group breakout/discussion. Prayers for the local pastors and ministry leaders. 4
Wednesday, November 12 th (PM) Session 3: Dr. Patrick Morley discusses the No Man Left Behind model Portal priority Man code Three strands of leadership Wide/Deep continuum Hurting men The Engine Create Value/Capture Momentum and Sustain Change Next steps: Read Pastoring Men. Access for resources. Small group discussion: What’s next for NCMM and Christian men’s movement? Challenges and Opportunities NCMM to denominational heads to broaden men’s ministry applications A safe place for ministers to be ministered to. Move to fully funded position to work expansion of NCMM Men at NCMM love it so much and want to hold on to it – be careful not to squeeze it to death Small group discussion/presentations: 1.Field network/field ministry 2.Membership drive/enhancements 3. Serving denominations Prayer and ministry to each other Dinner and fun at the Mall of America 5
Wednesday, November 12 th (PM) Ministry Updates: Tom CheshireRelevant Practical Ministry for Men Ken ChurchCornerstone Men’s Ministry (IPHC) James Steiner/Jim GrassiMen’s Ministry Catalyst Rick KiekintveldDiscover Life Resources Dr. Chuck Stecker et alA Chosen Generation Roy AbbottFocal Point Ministry Leary GatesBoldPath Life Strategies Phil & Paul DownerDiscipleship Network of America Chris Van BrocklinIron Sharpens Iron Mike PrattNew Life Church Bernie RitterbushLife Coaching on Demand Marty GrangerStand in the Gap (WACCM) Chuck SchneiderIgnite (CCN) Al LenioMan in the Mirror 6
Thursday, November 13 th (AM) Welcome – David Delk, Ralph Gustafson (Awesome) worship with Tim Lemmens Plenary Session: Dr. Jay Barnes on “Men of God” (see handout) What does it mean to be a man of God? Fruits of the spirit. Traveling through life – character quality, vital friends and accountability. Manage yourself – Be President vs. Do President. Know thyself. Marriage challenges. “We are God’s plan to reach the world. There is no “Plan B”. “ Ministry Updates David Delk – NCMM 2009 Assumptions Members are the customer – not the church or the men. Leverage and make more effective, the ministries at NCMM NCMM should enhance and help what God has called each ministry to do. Self-interest is okay but seek Him first. Incubate new ministries. Connection between members and churches. Easier access to resources (ex: Visibility for members and the cause of discipling men. Ex: each NCMM ministry could include the NCMM name and logo along with their identify. 7
Thursday AM, November 13 th (con’t) David Delk – NCMM in New Leadership team is formed to work with Board of Directors 2.Monthly newsletter 3.Bi-monthly conference calls 4.Incubate new ministries 5.Revised due structure: Different dues for different sized ministries: $75 for individual/church/part-time ministries $150 for small to medium size ministries $300 for large ministries 6.Plan to recruit President and/or Executive Director 7.Leaders conferences (1 or 2 like this?). Design Team meeting (make these initiatives a reality) 8.No training super-conference currently planned Submit “what can NCMM do for me?” and “what I can do for NCMM?” (see summary slide 11) Event Survey Closing prayer and worship Self select 8
Small Group Case Studies/Group Discussions What services should NCMM provide its members? –Calendar/Regional map –Speakers bureau…bios/2-minute video –NCMM bulletin board and monthly e-newsletter –Web strategy –How-to’s, whereto-go-for _____ etc. (downloadable video ice-breakers) –Provide environment to build relationships –Valet parking at NCMM events How can NCMM help raise up more ministry leaders in the field? –Need national presence (such as Focus on the Family exposure) –Write and communicate “success stories” of members who have been able to get involved in ministry full or part- time. –Intentionally reach out to other ages/demographics –Assemble start-up manual –Presence at other events/gatherings –Endorse men’s-related films, books, etc. (PR and marketing needed) –Partner with other ministries – women’s (MOPS), youth, etc. –“missionary” emphasis whose unreached people group is men –Name change? –Become a mission-sending agency – coaching and training strategies –Calling men into manhood –Ministry – Management – Money – Marketing strategies –“Recruiting conference” to be held on East coast in 2009 (Marty Grainger and Mike Young) 9
Small Group Case Studies/Group Discussions How can NCMM better serve denominations? –Help break control and fear issue – it is a MUST! –Establish anew the need for reaching men –Offer (free) services to [sic and] come to denominational events –Build relationships with denominational leaders (national and regional) –Break through the “blockage” to meet the real need –Bridging of resources –Receive the benefits –If in doubt or need of an enthusiastic response, call Bill Terry. Be sure you have unlimited long distance calling. May God bless him and more like him! 10
What can NCMM do for me?What can I do for NCMM?Written by: Provide a prayer / relational covering for our ministry and for us personally Provide regular updates and an NCMM-wide event calendar / news updates. Waive any registration costs for attending any training that Men With a Purpose / WACMM organizes or sponsors Stay focused on mentoring and don’t keep gravitating to expanding mission Same “as is” Hold station Just be a resource to use in my ministry to men I will promote NCMM to local churches in my area, and put a link on my website. Provide a safe, common place for fellowship and accountability Provide references/contacts for workshops, speaking, etc Coordinate worship and music Facilitate devotional moments for gatherings Jerrel Gilliam As a denominational ministry, I’m able to connect NCMM ministries to Nazarenes who need/request help. Also, through website, make church leaders aware. I’ll see if I’m also able to share database. If not, I can be a conduit to forward NCMM newsletters to leadership men’s ministries across our denomination (5,000 churches in US) Marshall Duke Church of the Nazarene Small Group Case Studies/Group Discussions 11
Relationships – exchange of information Use me where you will Chuck Schneider Help bring Life Coaching on Demand (or whatever we want to call it) into existence by: Prayer Recommending/volunteering expertise needed -Script writing -Video production/editing -Marketing -Technology – distance learning, social networking, etc. Nominating initial disciple- making leaders and/or coaches for pilot groups Do all I can to bring LCD into existence Play a part in strategizing the advance of Vince’s success and for the involvement and growing success of every NCMM member. Bernie Ritterbush I need help meeting leaders of church and men’s ministry teams Leadership Set up an online speakers’ bureau WACMM/Noble Warriors will sponsor 2009 conference in DC on how to start a 501c ministry as well as starting a regional coalition What can NCMM do for me?What can I do for NCMM?Written by: 12
Provide a database of member contact info Provide a calendar of all events by NCMM ministries – who is doing what and where Provide a prayer facilitator (NCMM could a prayer response) and it would be distributed throughout (or could be a blog) Be the gatherer, keeper, maintainer and distributor of the stuff on the other side of this card. Help equip me to disciple men Train me in resources like NMLB, Great Dad Mentor me from a more senior ministry leader – invest in me. I would be honored to be considered for any position to serve the member ministries I would be available to discuss doing the NCMM monthly newsletter Tom Cheshire Create mentoring opportunities as I seek God’s open doors and pursue His calling on my life for full or part- time ministry As a journalism major (but fairly low- tech) I can write, edit proofread, etc (detail-oriented stuff) (time limited – would appreciate remuneration or employment if possible – see other side) Ken Church A band of brothers Put NCMM logo on all our stuff Continue leadership conference – good for building relationships and networks Building lists of local, regional and national ministries and contacts Work to open doors with denominations Honestly not sure. CSB joined NCMM this year so I’m still evaluating how resources and my gifts can contribute. I am wide open to considering possibilities within the context of ministry (CSM) limitations Don Paterson CSB Ministries Gives me a window to what is happening and relationships and fellowship with like-minded / hearted men An opportunity to network in the Catholic market and share resources What can NCMM do for me?What can I do for NCMM?Written by: 13
Help equip and encourage me to continue ministering to one man at a time I can become a member and pray for and help local ministries in my area (ie: RPM Tom Cheshire) Tom Gensler Encourage me Partner with me Provide resources to members Pray Help forward our ministry by promoting our events and resources I can promote it at all my events. How about a bookstore to help all of us do that? On Target Ministries Build relationships with the membership Connectivity Dan Erickson Bless me with encouragement and prayers Relationships Use the list of members for continuous encouragement Get info from members to distribute their visions and purposes Provide a high-quality newsletter with timely, practical info and make sure you provide links to all the current NCMM members. Build a big list of all men’s ministry leaders nationwide Honor the NCMM members in all you do. Highlight them in all you do. This will encourage others to become members as well. If the timing was right, I would prayerfully consider being part of a task force or leadership team to help facilitate 2009 plans and beyond. Rod Handley What can NCMM do for me?What can I do for NCMM?Written by: 14
Seminar on intergenerational strategies that we will co-brand with ? and share (profits / revenues) One thing needed – clear focus / track for intergenerational ministry on I’ll help lead (the intergenerational track) Chuck Stecker “Keep on keeping on” Willing to work for NCMM whatever John Mentus Provide a west coast database of churches, former contacts, interested participants, etc. We would be willing to serve on the board of directors and be a part of developing strategic goals Jim Grassi OCM / MMC Work to establish the NCMM brand in the public eye so that noting membership in NCMM on NW documents has value. I want this to be meaningful to NW and other ministries I would love to be part of recruiting, training and resourcing new field ministries Would also be interested in representing NCMM in my area at conferences, etc. Mike Young Encourage men to pray Promote members Consider prayer summit Embrace vision of National Day of Prayer, etc. Prayer covering for NCMM Text msg real time prayer for speakers, events, ministry ops, etc. Prayer partnership Rick Lindsay I would like to take our 24 hour to Impact conference to 2 nd tier cities. Access to key pastors would be great Board role Strategy development Bold Path What can NCMM do for me?What can I do for NCMM?Written by: 15