CUSTIPEN, China Perspective Furong Xu (PKU) for CUSTIPEN Governing Board Outline I. A brief introduction of CUSTIPEN II. CUSTIPEN collaborations/activities Visits, workshops, collaborative works (2013, 2014, 2015) III. Perspectives
I. CUSTIPEN Motivation: To enhance collaborations between China and US in the basic research of nuclear physics, more focusing on exotic nuclei. Approved and supported by U.S. DOE: March 2013 (for 3 years …) Opening at Peking U: May 2013 Support from NSF China: January 2014 (for 5 years …) >24 US institutes and >21 Chinese institutes involved Peking U. providing: Offices, Guest House
CUSTIPEN offices PKU guest house The 1 st workshop and opening ceremony (PKU, May 2013)
II. Visits and workshops for collaborations 2013: a)11 US visitors to China (PKU, XJTU, SJTU, IMP-CAS, ITP-CAS, BU…) b)3 CUSTIPEN workshops organized 1. “Properties of Exotic Nuclei, Neutron-Rich Nucleonic Matter and Their Astrophysical Impacts”, May 8-9, “Dynamics of Nuclear Decays and Related Topics”, Oct. 31- Nov. 2, “Advances in the Computational Nuclear Many-Body Problem”, Dec , 2013
2014: a)15 US visitors to China (PKU, BNU, THU, XJTU, SJTU, IMP-CAS, ITP- CAS, CIAE…) b)1 CUSTIPEN workshop organized “Reactions and Spectroscopy of Unstable Nuclei”, Aug , : a)Already 12 US visitors plan to China (LNNU, PKU, IMP-CAS, ITP-CAS, SDU, Hong Kong, SIAP, XAJT, BNU…) b)2 CUSTIPEN workshops being organized 1. “Advances in Computations of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Forces”, Aug. 1-6, “Properties of Exotic Nuclei and Asymmetric Nuclear Matter”, Aug. 7-12, 2015
Collaborative researches cover: nuclear structure, nuclear reaction, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear matter… Theory-Theory; Theory-Experiment Some examples of collaborative works: 1. Nazarewicz (UT, MSU) – Pei (PKU): DFT 2. Bao-An Li (Texas A&M-Commerce) – Y.G. Ma (SIAP), L.W. Chen (SJTU), C. Xu (NJU), Z.G. Xiao (THU)… on heavy ion collisions… more than 10 papers coauthored, very productive!
A. Afanasjev (MSU), D. Bazin (MSU), B.A. Brown (MSU), M. Caprio (Notre Dame), J. Carlson (LANL), P. Danielewicz (MSU), U. Garg (Notre Dame), C. Horowitz (IU), F. Kondev (ANL), K.D. Launey (LSU), H. Liu (U. Texas - Austin), J. Lopez (U. Texas-El Paso), A.O. Macchiavelli (LBNL), Jorgen Randrup (LBNL), M. Smith (ORNL), J. Stone (UT), N. Stone (UT), Betty Tsang (MSU)… Beihang U, BNU, CIAE, Guangxi NU, U. of Hong Kong, IMP-CAS, ITP-CAS, Lanzhou U, Liaoning Normal U, NJU, PKU, Shanghai JT, SIAP, TsingHua, Xiamen U, Xi’an JT… More collaborations:
As examples: We are doing ab-initio calculations, developing MBPT, BHF, shell model, Green’s Functions. Realistic nuclear forces and renormalizing methods are done within CUSTIPEN collaborations: J. Vary (Iowa State), R. Machleidt (U. Idaho), C. Johnson (San Diego State)… They visited PKU for detailed collaborations. Two of my PhD students visited Prof. Vary (1 month) for nuclear forces and NCSM. s, workshops, …… I have one student (Chinese studentship) and one former student working with Witek, and one more student would come with Witek as a postdoc, for collaborations on DFT. How my group is beneficial from CUSTIPEN collaborations:
Our MBPT calculations with N 3 LO
Perspectives Continue the existing collaborations Explore new collaborations (to push more Chinese universities/institutes involved) Enhance collaborations on nuclear reaction Enhance collaborations between theory and experiment More productive
Good news: Starting from 2015, China launch a government fellowship program for postdocs and visitors. This year: select totally 100 candidates for 1-3 year postdoc fellows or 3-12 month visits, as a beginning. This year: the priority fields are biology and related, materials…. Next year: the number should be increased… CUSTIPEN will be a BIG reason for us to get the Chinese government fellowships
Supported By DOE and NSFC Also thanks to (for financial supports/workshops): 1.Institute of Modern Physics-CAS (Lanzhou) 2.China Center of Advanced Science and Technology World Laboratory (CCAST) 3.State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology (PKU) 4.State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (ITP-CAS) 5.Beijing Normal University 6.……
Thank you for your attention FRIB-China workshop MSU, May 28-30, Thanks to FRIB, NSCL, MSU,…