BEYOND THE WALLS by Bishop Charles H. Ellis III Senior Pastor of Greater Grace Temple (City of David) Detroit, Michigan Presiding Bishop Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.
Highpoint Christian Tabernacle MINISTRY BEYOND THE WALLS by Bishop Charles H. Ellis, III prepared for Highpoint Christian Tabernacle Apostle Thomas Vinson Senior Pastor Saturday, July 21, 2012
An example of serving as a pattern. Our PARADIGM What is a PARADIGM? An example of serving as a pattern. How we see things and what we allow our minds to comprehend. Following the normal flow and pattern of what we do with the usual expectations.
Three Keys To Success PURPOSE … is the divine plan of God for your ministry and calling. What you are to do? VISION … is the godly reality of things not yet materialized. MISSION … is the divine method and the carrying out of the purpose & vision of God.
Mission Statement Each Ministry/Church must have a clearly defined Mission Statement which covers your purpose along with your short-term as well as long-term goals. This Statement should illustrate the Direction of your ministry. What is your Focus? Where is it heading/going?
Effective Goal Setting Goals should relate to the purposes of the organization (internal and external). Goals must be realistic. Goals should be measurable. Goals need to be claimed by someone. Goals need to be supported by a plan. Goals must be supported by the necessary resources. Goals need a date of completion.
Commitments of Leadership to WORK of Christ (Operation) Commitment to BODY of Christ (Support) Commitment to GOD of Christ (Foundation)
Qualities of A Good Leader Help Carry The Load… Become A Sounding Board… Possess A Leadership Mindset… Attract Potential Leaders… Not Threatened By People With Great Potential… Mentors Other Potential Leaders..
Why the need for Economic Development? Jesus speaks in Matthew 25:31-46 There are Questions from your Community Can I fit into your church? Acceptance Will people want to know me? Fellowship Am I needed in your church? Value Why should I join your church? Benefit What are the requirements? Expectation
Define Your Target Jesus defines his target (market) to his disciples by declaring, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Matthew 18:11 / Luke 19:10 Who are you here to assist and in what way are you prepared to help them, meet their needs? What measures are you willing to go?
In Defining Your Target Educational Make-up and Needs... Economical Make-up and Needs... Occupational Make-up and Needs... Ethnicity Make-up...
Interacting with your TARGET Take the gospel to your community. Do not Alienate your community. Look to Receive your community. Attempt to Grow your community. You must Evaluate your community. Deliver Treatment to your community.
Interacting with your TARGET Taking the gospel involves ministry and economic development that acts as speaks. (The Word, Clothing, Feeding, Etc.) Maybe our programs, services and activities Alienate people rather than draw them. Do we Receive people or are we difficult to fellowship with.
Interacting with your TARGET Are we Growing our community or are we growing apart from them. Have we Evaluated our community so that there is sensitivity & understanding of them. Have we prescribed the proper Treatment or medicine to our community.
IMPLEMENTATION Committees -vs- Ministries Discuss Things Does Things Argue Act Maintain Minister Talk and Consider Serve and Care Discuss Needs Meet Needs
EFFECTIVE METHODS Outdoor Festivals... Concerts, Recreational, School, Family Oriented, etc. Specialty Services… Law Enforcement, Educators, Family and Friends, etc. Beneficial Programs… Feeding, Career Fairs, Summer Employment, Benevolent Services, etc.
EFFECTIVE METHODS Economic Development... Schools (Day Care, K-12 Grades, Collegiate) Medical (Clinics, Hospitals, Funeral Homes) Housing (Seniors, Multi-Families) Food Service (Restaurants, Catering, Coffee Shops) Retail (Stores, Strip-Malls, Etc.) Finance (Credit Unions, Insurance) Sports (Family Life Centers, Gyms, Golf Courses)
COUNTING UP THE COST Vision to minister to Masses necessitates Pro-vision... Tithes/Offerings Grants (Government/Business) Conventional and SBA Loans Sponsorships (Corporate/Individual) Endowments Insurance Legacies
Summary MINISTRY BEYOND THE WALLS must begin with an expansion of creativity within the leadership. It is impossible for the laity to move the ministry beyond the capacity of its leadership.
Summary Leadership must receive the Vision from the Lord, however, the pew must be motivated to work in bringing the Vision to pass. MINISTRY BEYOND THE WALLS will only occur when... Leadership is able to receive the gifts and talents given to the church and then maximize their benefits to the needs of its members and its extended communities.
BEYOND THE WALLS by Bishop Charles H. Ellis III Senior Pastor of Greater Grace Temple (City of David) Detroit, Michigan Presiding Bishop Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.