11 ICIS 2011 Track Chair Meeting East Meets West: Connectivity and Collaboration through Effective Information Systems Shanghai, China December 4-7, 2011
22 Agenda ICIS 2011 Program Co-Chairs ICIS 2011 Tracks Target Number of AEs/Reviewers ICIS 2011 Program Submission Types Best Paper Awards ScholarOne Important Dates Questions
33 Program Co-Chairs Cynthia Beath, University of Texas at Austin Michael Myers, University of Auckland Business School KK Wei, City University of Hong Kong
44 ICIS 2011 Tracks 21 Tracks 45 Track Chairs 1Conference Theme 2Visual Media 3IT in Health Care 4Breakthrough Ideas 5Economics and Value of IS 6Engaged Scholarship in IS Research 7Global, International, and Cultural Issues in IS 8Human Behavior and IT 9Human Capital 10Human-Computer Interaction 11IS Curriculum and Education 12Research Methods and Philosophy 13IS Security and Privacy 14Project Management and Outsourcing 15Service Science 16Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence 17Online Communities and Digital Collaborations 18E-business 19Organizational Theory, Strategy, and Information Systems 20General Topics 21Panels
5 Number of AEs & Reviewers Assume 800 submissions (808 in 2010) About 360 A.E.s (2-3 papers per AE) Minimum of two reviews per submission Suggest AEs invite 3 reviewers per submission
66 ICIS 2011 Acceptances We will advise track chairs how many papers you can accept (your track quota) Track chairs will need to agree on their accept and reject list Track chairs are responsible for ensuring the review packet is complete and makes sense Track chairs make the final decision on acceptances based on their track quota Program Co-Chairs oversee entire process
77 Submission Types Submission Type Submitted to:Comments Completed Research Tracks 1-20 Accepted papers presented at ICIS 2011 and published in the ICIS 2011 proceedings, provided papers are presented at conference. Research-in- Progress Tracks 1-20 Accepted papers presented as posters at ICIS 2011 and will be published in the ICIS 2011 proceedings, provided posters are presented at conference. Teaching Cases Track 11 IS Curriculum and Education Accepted cases presented at ICIS 2011 and case published in the ICIS 2011 proceedings (not teaching notes), provided cases are presented at conference. Panels Track 21Panel proposal published in the ICIS 2011 proceedings. Panel chairs are invited to submit panel reports after the conference to CAIS.
88 Track Chair Outputs to Program Chairs Submission Type Submitted to:Track Chairs Outputs to Program Co-Chairs Completed Research Tracks 1-20 List of accepted papers Research-in- Progress Tracks 1-20 List of accepted papers Teaching Cases Track 11List of accepted cases, along with other accepted papers Panels Track 21List of accepted panels
99 Best Paper Awards: Selection Process Category Nominations to Program Co- Chairs come from: Selection from Among Nominations Final Selection Best Theme Paper Theme Track Chairs Theme Track Chairs and Program Co-Chairs for ICIS 2011 Best Paper & Runner Up Track Chairs from Tracks 2-20; nominate 1 per track Program Co-Chairs for ICIS 2011 Program Co-Chairs for ICIS 2012
10 ScholarOne Maggie Kempken Communications Manager Association for Information Systems Michael Chau (HKU) and Liu Yuewen (CityU) ICIS 2010 Review Coordinators Chee Wei (David) Phang (Fudan) ICIS 2011 Webmaster
11 ScholarOne ScholarOne will be used to manage ICIS 2011 submissions and reviews. ScholarOne has been used for ICIS from 2007 onwards. The entire workflow should be managed in ScholarOne. ScholarOne will be open for ICIS 2010 to create accounts in mid- January We will send out instructions on how to use ScholarOne.
12 Track Chair accounts will be created by ScholarOne in January. AEs and Reviewers create accounts for themselves. Initially, AEs are at first registered as reviewers. Track Chairs change the status from reviewer to AE when they assign a paper to an AE. ScholarOne: Accounts
13 ScholarOne A.E.s and Reviewers: Please do NOT state acceptance decisions in reviews, reports, or s to authors until informed otherwise. This is for the Track Chairs only.
14 Important Dates 1/14: Track Chairs send final list of AEs to Program Co-chairs; Track Chairs ask AEs to register in ScholarOne 1/28: AEs registered in ScholarOne 2/1: Submissions open 2/15: AEs ask reviewers to register in ScholarOne
15 Important Dates 5/3: Submissions closed Tuesday 11:59PM Pacific Time 5/7: Papers released to Track Chairs 5/10: Track Chairs have assigned papers to AEs 5/14: AEs have assigned all papers to reviewers 6/15: Reviews are completed 7/1: AE recommendations due to Track Chairs
16 Important Dates 7/8: Track Chair decisions due to Program Co-chairs 7/26: Program Co-chairs confirm final acceptances/rejections w Track Chairs 7/30: Authors are notified 8/31: Track Chairs assign Session Chairs 9/8: Deadline for final papers 9/15:Track Chairs approve revised papers
17 See you in Shanghai! East Meets West: Connectivity and Collaboration through Effective Information Systems Shanghai, China December 4-7, 2011