Online Video Streaming and You Within this PowerPoint I plan to discuss the benefits and consequences of streaming online videos directly to your computer and whether laws against the streaming copyrighted material should be strongly enforced or left open for the public. Is it detrimental to our society to be streaming online videos?
How difficult is it to get your favorite tv shows Free? Finding Television online is easy It gives you easy access to entertainment
How to tell if a Stream-Source is legal? Of course they are not going to tell you. Illegal streaming companies, as well as legal companies, would like you as a customer. The best way to tell is by looking at advertisements (Scary, I know) Commercials, or advertisements that are crammed into your eyeholes before you can enjoy your media usually mean that the website is paying for the use of the media they post. This is very similar to cable television.
But Is it Legal? No. and Yes.
Illegal Streaming Illegal Streaming will pull you into the dark depths of the internet Because streaming copyrighted media is illegal, the hosts must hide their pages. They do this by creating confusing links, even fake links that will lead you nowhere, and other links that will lead you to spam These websites are usually funded by spam advertisers and different horrors of the internet.
Legal Videos
I wanted to watch Transformers, not play some cheap game
Once and awhile a it works
The Gray area It is completely legal for people to stream videos to their computers online for no cost. However the legality of the video depends solely on the persons whom are streaming the media to you. “If you upload a movie and stream it to others without permission, you're probably breaking the law. You're hosting an unauthorized public performance of the film, which violates the owner's rights. If you make money off of the streaming, the owner can go after you for damages and profits.”
Penalties for Streaming media to others Senate Bill 978; The Commercial Felony Streaming Act Publicity Performing A term that is given to people who are violating copy- write laws by streaming videos, games and other riff- raff to other people. For Large streaming sites that host a lot of videos, the penalty can be up to 5 years in prison plus many other fines for violating the owners rights.
Senate Bill 978; The Commercial Felony Streaming Act “(2)(The Perpetrator)shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years, fined in the amount set forth in this title, or both, if— (A)the offense consists of 10 or more public performances by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copyrighted works; and (B) (i)the total retail value of the performances, or the total economic value of such public performances to the infringer or to the copyright owner, would exceed $2,500; or (ii)the total fair market value of licenses to offer performances of those works would exceed $5,000;”
The penalties are lax Because the penalties on online performances are so lax, the US Internet Policy task force is trying to make this misdemeanor into a federal crime. In this New York Times article, a group 0f music publishers sued Fullscreen for posting Cover versions of popular songs on Youtube. Fullscreen was forced to take down many of its videos.
What happens if you watch streamed videos? Well... nothing.
Is video streaming harmful to the media industry? People enforcing the video streaming laws are largely outnumbered. “Would the college student watching the pirated movie download have otherwise seen the movie in the theater, subscribed to Netflix or bought the DVD?” Rose told Forbes. “Would the person buying a pirated DVD at a Chinese market actually have bought the genuine article otherwise? The answers to such questions are hard to determine. But it does seem fair to assume that not every pirated copy of an audiovisual work represents lost revenue to the content producer.” Johnaton T RoseNetflix
Artists Scope Some artists even encourage online streaming and claim that it increases their scope. David Petrarcam, director of “ Game of Thrones,” had the most popular free-streamed show of The added audience causes his work to create more of a “cultural buzz.” Artist and Directors rely on audience exposure, so that people know who they are. If more people can see a movies directed by Peter Jackson, then Peter Jackson will have a larger fallowing, which could lead to more sales in the future.
VIDEO STREAMING AND YOU It is completely legal for individuals to stream videos to their computers online for no cost--however, the provider of the video can face legal penalties for providing some content. PENALTIES FOR STREAMING MEDIA TO OTHERS Publicity Performing: A term that is giving to people who are violating copy-write laws by streaming videos, games and other riff-raff to other people. For Large streaming sites the penalty can be up to 5 years in prison plus many other fines for violating the owners rights. Illegal Streaming will force you into the dark depths of the internet. Because streaming copyrighted media is illegal, the hosts must hide their pages. They do this by creating confusing links, even fake links that will lead you nowhere, and other links that will lead you to spam These websites are usually funded by spam advertisements, as well as the various familiar horrors of the internet. All about Illegal StreamingAll about Legal Streaming The best way to tell is by looking at advertisements (Scary, I know) Commercials, or advertisements that are crammed into your eyeholes before you can enjoy your media usually means that the website is paying for the use of the its media. This is very similar to cable television. Because the penalties on online performances are so lax, the US Internet Policy task force is trying to make this misdemeanor into a federal crime. In this New York Times article, a group 0f music publishers sued Fullscreen for posting Cover versions of popular songs on Youtube. Fullscreen was forced to take down many of its videos, even though they were covers. Finding Television online is easy; the internet allows for easy access to all kinds of entertainment, Watching copyrighted movies on a website is considered stealing, but the laws are not rigorously enforced. One might ask, if the show is important enough to you that you follow it online, wouldn’t it also be worthwhile to pay for it? If you give the people who created your favorite media money for something, it only encourages them to make more of it, right?