YOUR FACILITATORS: Kellie Dunn-Poggemann, WISHRM Secretary & State Director Elect Helen Englebert, WISHRM State Leadership Director Linda Johanek, President-Elect, Green Bay SHRM Chapter 2
AGENDA: State Speaker Database – Kellie Program Assessment Model – Helen Programming Survey Review – Linda Next Steps - All 3
NEW PROGRAMMING RESOURCE Resource for ideas, speaker names, and companies that do presentations Created from prior year State Conference RFP’s Not secured by an access code Located on the Chapter page of under Other Resources 4
DATABASE RESOURCE Information: as submitted for previous year state conference (i.e. Kalahari 2009) Each January 1 – next conference proposals will upload Previous year data will be erased when the new data uploads 5
DATABASE RESOURCE Chapters responsible to make the contact and ask questions Will they speak at your chapter ? Speaker costs? Travel Costs or other charges, etc.? Chapters will need to do their own references Council is not endorsing any one speaker 6
Chapters are unable to add speakers Council may add council members willing to speak Unable to edit any information If you encounter concerns with using this as a resource please let the council know 7 DATABASE RESOURCE
PROGRAMMING NEEDS ASSESSMENT An ongoing process of discovering what your program’s participants want in terms of activities and services. 8
1. Brainstorm Ideas 2. Research 3. Conduct Focus Group 4. Model 5. Survey 6. Try it! 7. Decide 8. Evaluate 9 EIGHT STEP ASSESSMENT MODEL:
Main Functions: Brainstorm ideas Choose options Participants should be members or potential members Invite people who have ideas, support and enthusiasm Limit role of focus group Keep time involved to 1-2 hours 10 USE OF FOCUS GROUPS
GBSHRM SENIOR LEVEL HR FOCUS GROUP Selection of Participants Invitation/RSVP Process Sample Agenda & Questions Key Findings Next Steps 11
15 Chapters participated (Response Rate = 83%) See Handouts for specific results Result of recent Programming CLA Difficulty in finding programming contact for each chapter Future Item – develop contact list for programming contacts and post on website 12 PROGRAMMING SURVEY:
60%: Securing Quality Speakers 60%: Attracting Senior Level Professionals 60%: Obtaining Strategic Credits 46.7%: Securing Affordable Speakers 40%: Member Engagement 33.3%: Poor Attendance 33.3%: Lack of Time to Network & Socialize 26.7%: Other 20%: Sharing of Workload Amongst Programming Committee 20%: Meeting Pricing 20%: Cost Control 13.3%: Venue Issues 13.3%: Meeting Locations 6.7%: Meeting Times 13 PROGRAMMING SURVEY : TOP CONCERNS
Chapter Size 26.7% Small 53.3% Medium 20.0% Large Meeting Times: 33.3% Breakfast 26.7% Rotation of breakfast, lunch & dinner 20% Lunch 20% Rotation of breakfast and lunch Reg Meeting Charges: 33.3%: $11 - $ %: $16 - $20 20%: Other (varies) 13.3%: Free 6.7%: $26 - $30 6.7%: $31 – 35 Financially: 40%: Break Even 33.3%: Combo 26.7%: Other 20%: Make Money 6.7%: Loose Money 14 PROGRAMMING SURVEY: SIZE, TIMES & CHARGES
Programming Responsibility 46.7% Prog Chair 26.7% VP 26.7% Entire Board 26.7% Other 13.3% President 13.3% Pres Elect Term Limits 40% One Year 40% Two Years 13.3% Other 6.7% Three Years 80% use committee for programming; 20% do not 15 PROGRAMMING SURVEY: PROGRAMMING RESPONSIBILITY, TERMS & USE OF COMMITTEE
Number Held 40%: One 26.7%: Two 26.7%: None 6.7%: More than Three Duration: 40%: Half-Day 26.7%: N/A 20%: Full-Day 20%: Other 13.3%: Combo of Half & Full-Day Member Charge: 26.7%: N/A 20%: Depends 20%: $41 - $ %: $61 - $ %: $21 - $40 6.7%: $1 - $20 Financially: 26.7%: Break Even 26.7%: Make Money 20.0%: Other 13.3%: Loose Money 13.3%: Combo 16 PROGRAMMING SURVEY: WORKSHOPS
PROGRAMMING SURVEY: SETTING FEES How do you determine fees for each meeting? 53.3%: Keep same fee, regardless of costs 26.7%: Calculate fee based on costs 26.7%: Other 17
PROGRAMMING SURVEY: MEETING ATTENDANCE For 2010 to date compared to previous years, how would you characterize regular meeting attendance? 46.7% About the same 20% Increased 20% Decreased 13.3% Other 18
% of Meetings Receiving HRCI Credits (Gen or Strategic) 66.7%: 91% - 100% 13.3%: 31% - 40% 6.7%: 51% - 60% 6.7%: 71% - 80% 6.7%: 81% - 90% % of Meetings Receiving Strategic HRCI Credits 33.3%: 11% - 20% 26.7%: 0 – 10% 13.3%: 31% - 40% 6.7%: 21% - 30% 6.7%: 41% - 50% 6.7%: 91% - 100% 6.7%: N/A 19 PROGRAMMING SURVEY : HRCI
Senior level HR programs Social events Best practices How programming workload divided RFP’s & Contracts Online registrations Program marketing Top programs from each chapter Transitional member discounts Sponsorships Finding speakers Speaker fees Credit card payments 20 PROGRAMMING SURVEY: ITEMS TO REVIEW
NEXT STEPS: Statewide CLA Calls How often and when? Who will facilitate? Format? Topics? Guest Speakers? Use each other as resources? Share chapter meeting marketing materials. National SHRM? survey results to Chapter Presidents, President-Elects & Programming Contacts. 21