IC-BNMT2007 参加報告 金澤佑治 匡 中黎 (東洋大学)
報告内容 1.IC-BNMT2007 について 2. 会場の様子 3. 北京郵電大学について 4. 北京観光 /12/15
1. IC-BNMT2007 について /12/15
IC-BNMT 2007 とは 2007 International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technology 投稿論文数:160余 採用論文数:91 参加国:日本、中国、韓国、その他 ICT Triangle Forum 2007 と共同開催 開催場所:北京郵電大学 開催期間:2007年9月18 - 20日 2007/12/15 4
セッション Broadband Network Multimedia ( 匡中黎が発表 ) Network Management and Measurement Intelligent Systems ( 金澤佑治が発表 ) Network Applications & Services Optical Network and System Security Wireless & Mobile Communication Others Graduate Student Session 2007/12/15 5
Multimedia 19 Sept :00pm-16:00pm 10 minutes/person 1.Bit Error Rate Analysis of WIFI and Bluetooth under the interference of 2.45 GHz RFID 2.Split-ALOHA algorithm for Radio frequency identification system 3.A novel RFID system Architecture (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China) 4.A Construction Site Work Management System that Uses Mobile Phones (Toyo University, Japan) /12/15
Multimedia (続き) 5.Qos Routing Protocol of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Based on Energy Control (Chongqing University of Arts and Science, China) 6.A Performance Optimized Architecture of Deblocking Filter for H.264/AVC 7.A High-Performance Pipeling Architecture for Deblocking Filter Of H.264/AVC (Peking University, China) 8.A Novel Algorithm and Architecture of Combined Direct 2D Transform and quantization for H /12/15
Multimedia (続き) 9.Method of Embedding Digital Watermarking into the Color Component for Color Image Based on Texture Segmentation (Dalian University of Technology, China) 10.An Algorithm of Automatic White Balance based on Statistical Characteristics 11.Image Retrieval Using Both Color and Texture Features 12.A Method for Image Retrieval based on Wavelet Generalized Histogram (Xiamen University, Xiamen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of China, China. Leeds University, U. K) /12/15
Multimedia (続き) 13.The Implementation of a New Real-time Streaming Media Data Conversion Link (Beijing University of Technology, China) 14.Design of Digital Photo Frame Base on Bluetooth and WIFI Communication (Teachers of Beijing Union University, China) 15.Traverse Symmetric Nat Using Ice (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China 16.An Approach to Location of License Plate under Complex Backgrounds 17.A New Type of Multimedia used for Virtual Location-based services /12/15
Multimedia (続き) 18.Audio Watermarking based on Psychoacoustically-Adapted Patchwork Algorithm 19.Estimating the number of people and their movement for video surveillance applications 20.Broadband multicasting with signal regeneration by triple-stage semiconductor- based wavelength converters 21.Evolution of MPEG Technologies and their impacts on Industry /12/15
Intelligent Systems 19 Sept :30pm-17:30pm 10 minutes/person 1.The Application of Improved Genetic Algorithm on Tourism Emergencies Analysis (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing Technology and Business University, China) 2.Research on Multi-agent based Forecasting System for Tourism Expected Incidents (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing Technology and Business University, China) 3.Study of the Learning Emotion and its Model in E- learning Environment (Capital Normal University, China) 4.Research and Application of Dynamic General Government Portal Platform based on Component (Capital Normal University, China) /12/15
Intelligent Systems (続き) 5.Multi-Agent-based Agile Supply Chain Management (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China) 6.Knowledge base in Tourism Destination Decision System (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing Municipal Meteorological Bureau, China) 7.Parser for Octgrid (Toyo University, Japan) 8.Integration of Text Retrieval Technology into Formatted Information Systems for Expect Finding (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Second Artillery Equipment Research Institute, China) /12/15
Intelligent Systems (続き) 9.Using Alpha-Beta Search with transposition Table and History Heuristics for Computer Chinese Chess (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Hubei University of Economics, China) 10.A New classification algorithm based on RGH- tree search /12/15
2. 会場の様子 /12/15
北郵科技ビル /12/15
北郵科技ビル 正面玄関 /12/15
/12/15 発表風景
3. 北京郵電大学について /12/15
/12/15 空港から30キロ、車で30分 北京国際空港 北京郵電大学
北京郵電大学( Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications ) 1955 年に創立 工学分野が中心 情報技術は看板 学生数 1 万 5 千人 2007/12/15 22
2007/12/15 23 センタービル
2007/12/15 24 寮
2007/12/15 25 教室
2007/12/15 26 図書館
図書館 館内の様子
2007/12/15 28 体育館
2007/12/15 29 バスケットボール場とバドミントン場 (奥にあるビルは教職員の住宅)
2007/12/15 30 運動場
2007/12/15 31 毛沢東像
4. 北京観光 2007/12/15 32
2007/12/15 33 天安門広場
2007/12/15 34 故宮
2007/12/15 35 故宮 中の様子
2007/12/15 36
2007/12/15 37 四合院
2007/12/15 38 後海公園
2007/12/15 39 故宮裏 景山
2007/12/15 40 故宮全貌
2007/12/15 41 天壇
2007/12/15 42 万里の長城 八達嶺
2007/12/15 43
2007/12/15 44 十三陵地下宮殿
2007/12/15 45 ココヤシジュースの店
2007/12/15 46 串焼き屋
2007/12/15 47 サソリとタツノオトシゴの串焼き
2007/12/15 48 中華レストラン
2007/12/15 49
2007/12/15 50
2007/12/15 51
2007/12/15 52 集合写真