1 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Career Success in Publishing Choice or Chance? Nicholas Jones Giles Clark Suzanne Collier
2 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 What is publishing?
3 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Publishing is... packaging information, getting it from the author to the end-user at the right price for the market and the lowest possible cost to the producer a business, part of the media industry matching marketable ideas to good authors ‘Infinite attention to detail’ – Billy Collins
4 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 What is Success?
5 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 What is Success? happy? rich? famous? powerful? what are you doing now? what do you want to do next? what skills do you need for that? are you missing any of these?
6 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 What Departments Do (1) Editorial: work on projects that make money Rights: work on projects that make money Sales: work on projects that make money
7 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 What Departments Do (2) Marketing:work on promoting projects cost- effectively so that they make money Production: work on manufacturing projects cost-effectively so that they make money Accounts: count up the money and stop everyone else in the company from spending it unless they really have to
8 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Market Sectors: Summary entertainment –fiction –non-fiction education and information others (multi-media, special sales, etc.)
9 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 ‘Entertainment’ Fiction mass-market literary children’s
10 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 ‘Entertainment’ Non-fiction mass-market ‘niche’ coffee-table children’s
11 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Education and Information primary schools secondary schools tertiary (college and university) hobby and instructional legal business scientific / technical / medical (STM)
12 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Multi-media / Electronic database research abstracts interactive educational audio on CD and download
13 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Other Markets book clubs special sales (own brand, etc.) covermounts
14 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Exciting times – what next? audiobooks e-books i-books (on iPods and iPhones) virtual books? the walls are being removed, but … will the floor go too?
15 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Where do Books Come From? radio / television / newspapers research (societies, clubs) series agents slush pile links with organizations
16 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Roles in the Publishing Process (Summary) editorial production marketing rights sales other
17 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Editorial Work Three stages in all publishing: list-building / acquisition desk-editing editorial management / copy-editing and in educational and STM publishing: field editing
18 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Production estimating (take into account Rights income) design: graphics; typography; art editing jacket design and printing print-buying: typesetting; scans; paper; printing; binding
19 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Marketing promotion to the book trade promotion to the customer using: direct mail advertising: media, outdoor and POS PR
20 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Rights US and other English language; translations co-editions; paperback; book club television, film and radio serial (first and second) merchandising licensed editions (large print / own brand); electronic media; audio
21 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Sales home –reps. –sales office (key accounts) export –overseas reps. –agents
22 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Other Roles warehousing; distribution finance IT and systems authors’ agents picture research rights (outside publishing – scouts, etc.)
23 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 OK, so how do we get into all this?
24 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Publishers need readers, so earn up to £500 per week NOW!!!!! Work from home – minimal outlay Phone us today Become a Proofreader No - this is how NOT to!
25 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Reputable Proofreading Courses Publishing Training Centre London School of Publishing Society of Editors and Proofreaders Recognised Universities who offer publishing training, for example Oxford Brookes, City University, etc.
26 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Best skill to learn to be an Editorial Director? How to read a balance sheet and P&L Learn how to present at head offices
27 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Viking Penguin 80 unsolicited manuscripts per WEEK Publish 85 books per YEAR Employ 7 Editors
28 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Chatto & Windus 40 unsolicited manuscripts per WEEK Publish 45 books per YEAR Employ 5 Editors
29 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 You think you are in a session about Publishing Career Success … but you aren’t – you are in a session about marketing and the product is YOU!
30 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Key Skills (1) computer skills: PC and Mac good telephone manner excellent spoken and written English reading skills, particularly speed reading commercial and business sense market awareness
31 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Computer Skills General: Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, database Design: Quark XPress, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator (CS3) Web: HTML, XML, Dreamweaver
32 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 What Publishers Look For enthusiasm willingness to learn people who don’t turn their nose up at a task because they feel it is ‘beneath them’ willingness to accept responsibility people who will work for low pay
33 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Key Skills (2) selling an idea convincing your colleagues selling into the trade even in production – how will the book ‘present’ in the shop
34 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Need to Persuade and Sell no illusions – publishing is a business this underlies your approach to your job everything you do should ask ‘who is this aimed at?’ … so let’s put this into practice
35 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 How to Present an Idea synopsis author biog. / track record / marketability market comparable titles and USP suggested format –possible production demands/problems marketing strategy PR strategy serialisation and rights possibilities
36 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Resources Bookcareers.com The Bookseller Magazine online at Society of Young Publishers Directory of Publishing Inside Book Publishing by Giles Clark
37 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Where to Find Jobs ADVERTISED Bookseller Guardian Specialist Employment Agencies NOT ADVERTISED Speculative letters Work experience Society of Young Publishers Bookcareers.com
38 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Bookcareers.com CV Clearing House Careers Clinic Salary Survey Career Development
39 Society of Young Publishers Oxford Conference 2007 Contacts Nicholas Jones Giles Clark Suzanne Collier