REGIONAL REPRESENTATION IN BRUSSELS Securing effective working on the European Agenda Jeremy Howell Economic Development and European Policy Consultant
Objectives of the session To share experience on ways of working on the European Agenda. To do this by presenting a case study based on the experience of the West Midlands Region of the UK. To facilitate a discussion on European policy working and engagement within the sponsoring Regions.
The West Midlands in Europe Office History - UK MEMBERSHIP OF THE EU 1974 WM access to the Structural Funds 1983 Development of European Work in the Region The programme approach to EU Structural funds then: The ‘toe in the water’ – the Birmingham Office1985 The transition to the West Midlands LGA Brussels Office 1995 The move to multi-sectoral representation 1999 with RDA support The WMIEO – an ‘uincorporated association of interests’ operating through a special interest partnership agreement of the WMLGA.
PURPOSE OF WEST MIDLANDS IN EUROPE A Regional approach to representing and promoting Regional interests in Europe especially the EU. Key focus for this is through the Brussels Office. The Brussels Office supports the Region’s European Strategy by: 1. Acting as the eyes and ears of the Region raising awareness of European policy issues and opportunities. 2. Raising the profile of the Region as a place to visit, do business, invest and study. 3. Developing international links and encouraging innovation and best practice through joint working. 4. Being the prime point of contact and representation in Brussels – Maintaining a Regional presence in Brussels and offering the facilities of the WM European Centre.
MEMBERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Membership is open to subscribers from all public, private and voluntary organisations in the WM Region subject to Brussels Office Ptnship. Board approval. Managing Partners are the Regional Development Agency and WMLGA. Responsible for strategic leadership; corporate governance. Management Board of senior members – the above plus the Regional organisations for Business and Higher Education. Responsible for ensuring that the Office meets the objectives of WMIE and contributes to delivering the Region’s European Strategy; approving business plans and budgets. User Panel of representatives from all full subscribing organisations.
THE PARTNERS Lead Partners Regional Development Agency WM Local Govt. Association (38 LAs) Senior Partners Confed. of WM Chambers of Commerce (7) WM Higher Education Association (13) Regional Organisations Business (4) Health (2) Culture Voluntary Sector WM Regional Assembly UK Govt. Office for WM Individual Members Further Education (10) Business (9)
RESOURCES Income Subscriptions Other income Total Euros 1.200m 0.400m 1.600m Expenditure Staff and admin Premises Operational costs Other Total 0.720m 0.620m 0.205m 0.055m 1.60m
STAFFING Policy team 5 Partnership posts 4 European Centre and Admin 3 Secondment to DG Research 1 Student Placements 3
WM EUROPEAN STRATEGY THEMES 1. A powerful voice for the Region- understanding, shaping and influencing EU policy and programmes. 2. Effective use of EU funding to deliver regional priorities. 3. Engaging with European and International Partners.
Theme 1: A Powerful Voice Priorities Preparing for the new EU funding programmes in line with Regional strategic priorities. EU Lisbon Agenda policy and legislation. Closer linking with EU decision makers: DGs, EP, CoR. UKRep. Developing and supporting ‘European capacity’ in the WM. Influencing UK Government policy on EU matters.
Theme 2: Effective use of EU funding to deliver Regional Priorities. Encouraging R&D in the Region – FP7 Regional EU Project Support Centre Skills interchange – experience exchange programmes with new practioners both in the WM and other EU Regions. Programme modules:- Intro to the EU Lobbying and Marketing Mentoring Internships
Theme 3: Trans-national Working. Benefits: Increased access to funding. Access to best practice and innovation. Business growth through trade and cooperation. Profile for the Region as a place to visit, study and invest. Methods Bilateral partnerships e.g: Lower Silesia and Flanders Networks e.g: ERRIN, Lisbon Regions,Purple EU Project Support Centre of the WMIEO.
Managing European Work Within the WM Region Brussels presence is of little use without a Regional policy and participation framework. Strategic Framework Regional Economic Strategy Led by RDA WMR European Strategy Led by WMRA via the Regional EIAP Regional Spatial Strategy led by the WMRA Advisory/ officer support groups REFPG – Multi-sectoral WMIEO User Panel- Multi-sectoral WMIEO Range of regional working groups coordinated via the LGA, RDA, and WMRA partnerships. REIOG- Local Government Secretariat Small interim ‘virtual’ secretariat via WMRA/Govt Office Lead roles and secretarial support for working groups via the various partners’ European officers.
CRITICAL RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN THE REGION Coordination and alignment are central to effective European Working. This requires a range of activities to maintain links and involvement with: Partners within the Region Government Office in the Region MEPs CoR Members