Selling with your database Lon Haenel Circulation & Digital Media Director, The Gazette Janesville, WI LinkedIn QR code:
1. Welcome on board- telephone and 2. Customer receives Gazette Reader Rewards Card (6-mo+ terms and EASYPAY) days pre-expire days pre-expire- mailed renewal request days pre-expire- telephone days pre-expire day post-expire- 2 nd mailed renewal request 8. 6 days post-expire days post-expire- personal letter days post-expire- telephone follow-up from personal letter days post-expire- SUBSCRIPTION ENTERS PERM STOP days post-expire- hand-delivered ‘ransom note’ with final, final paper days post-expire- personal visit from Gazette employee (if not home, leaves post it note) days post-expire- if not home during personal visit, customer receives call to 120 days post-expire- customer enters two win-back campaigns, 30 days apart to 120 days post-expire- customer receives two humorous post cards, 30 days apart 17. Every 90 days, all inactive former subscribers called Gazette Subscriber Touch Points Retention and Renewal Lifecycle
Welcome onboard Telephone How fast can you start your new start? The most important contact you’ll ever make with your new customer. #1 way to say, ‘Thank You’
Customer receives Gazette Reader Rewards Card 6-mo+ terms and EASYPAY Wallet card and online companion
65 days pre-expire message
30 days pre-expire
28 days pre-expire Telephone Contact all customers on weekly renewal file Within a day or two List segmented into Marginal and Core Offers based on segmentation At risk renewals = more aggressive offer Tip: Offer the core segment your standard EASYPAY rate.
15 days pre-expire message
one day post-expire
6 days post-expire message
14 days post-expire direct mail
21 days post-expire telemarketing Telephone follow-up after personal letter “Barb” Not much time before subscription suspends Telephone call adds urgency Push EASYPAY
31 days post-expire Subscription enters perm stop This is an important touch point We’re not kidding
32 days post-expire Hand-delivered ransom note with final paper
45 days post-expire Personal visit from Gazette sales employee If customer not home, we leave post-it note on door
48 days post-expire If not home during personal visit, customer receives call within a few days. “Sorry we missed you…”
60 to 90 days post-expire telemarketing Customer enters win-back campaign
60 to 120 days post-expire Customer receives two postcards, 30 days apart.
Every 90 days All inactive former subscribers called “It’s been a while…..” 100% EASYPAY
Understand How Your Customers Pay You
What would happen if everyone paid you on time?
You need start pressure to offset the losses. When you sell a new subscriber, how do they pay you? Is there a connection between how they pay you the first time and how they pay you the next time?
Understand how many payments are 52, 26, 13, and less-per year. Take that emotion and use it to your benefit. Do you make EASYPAY growth a sales and management objective? The renewal emotion- PROCRASTINATION !
What is your EASYPAY percentage today? How much has it increased in the past 12 months? More importantly, what are you doing, right now, to grow your EASYPAY base? ◦ In other words, what should be your EASYPAY marketing plan?
Samples- bill stuffers
Samples- kiosk sales material
Samples- single copy FSIs
Samples – Tab side 1
Samples – Tab side 2
The Social Media Connection Learn Diversify Encourage Make Money
LEARN Discover audiences and their interests. When you or your news room posts, ask open ended questions. Best times to post are 8am, 11am, and 3pm.
DIVERSIFY Acquire content and audiences beyond your own. Encourage user-generated content, aggregate from other publishers, and link to others.
ENCOURAGE Make your content engaging. The Facebook algorithm is all about sharing. Publish contests, news, videos, and offers. The more you get people talking, the more their friends become acquainted with you.
EARN Make money. Probably the most challenging of the four. Incorporate social media into your active campaigns. Just like , direct mail, telemarketing, and other channels, social media can be a mouthpiece for your newspaper offers. It will help you reach an exclusive audience. Hint: Link your e-commerce directly to Facebook, or other social media, by using a custom URL.
Thanks for attending NEACE! And thank you for your interest in database marketing and social media.