JLC CDC The total numbers of wire : 11500 The total wire tension : 50 t Material : outer cylinder --- 5 mm thick CFRP end-plates --- 25 mm thick aluminum.


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Presentation transcript:

JLC CDC The total numbers of wire : The total wire tension : 50 t Material : outer cylinder mm thick CFRP end-plates mm thick aluminum

TESLA TPC Material distributions of TESLA tracking system (a)Function of the radius at polar angle θ= 90° (b) Function of θfor the different detectors TPC Mechanical parameters

TESLA TPC Design of end plate for GEMs or Micromegas --- inside: GEM or Micromegas modules --- outside: readout electronics (analog and digital) 0.6 million pads /side!

ALICE TPC ALICE --- A Large Ion Collider Experiment at the CERN LHC Material: Outer vessel(r = 5.6m L = 5.5m) --- carbon-fibre composite and Aramid fibre honeycomb (NOMEX) End flanges --- corbon-fibre composite Inner radius: 0.88 m Outer radius: 2.50 m Length: 5m

ALICE TPC Main problem!

STAR TPC STAR --- The Solenoidal tracker at RHIC R = 4m, L = 4.2m Drift Gas : P10 Pressure: atmospheric+ 2 mbar Readout: MWPC with pad ( pads) End plate: aluminum

STAR TPC Material thickness for the inner(IFC) and outer(OFC) electrostatic filed cages