Faculty Senate Meeting April 19, 2012
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes II. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report M. Davis B.Administrative Report K. Wray for C. Schrader A.Administrative Report K. Wray B.Staff Council Report S. Jones C.Student Council S. Acar D.Council of Graduate Students M. Raza
President’s Report April 19, 2012 Faculty Senate Report April 19, 2012
Board of Curators Meeting Breakfast quite successful Thank you to Rick Stephenson and Engineers Without Borders for an excellent presentation Approved Chemical and Biological Engineering building Budget Faculty Senate Report April 19, 2012
Committee Assignments for Next Year Grievance Panel Application Process 2 for GRP 1 for Oversight General Faculty Still need nominees for Public Occasions and Student Scholastic Appeals Faculty Senate Received nominations from 12 of 19 academic departments We will vote on committee assignments in June Faculty Senate Report April 19, 2012
Motion Welcoming Chancellor Schrader WHEREAS, Dr. Cheryl B. Schrader officially assumed the leadership of the Missouri University of Science and Technology on April 2, 2012; and, WHEREAS, in its role as the legislative and policy-making body of the General Faculty, the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology works closely with the Chancellor in fulfilling the educational and research missions of the University, and ensuring the general welfare of the campus, the faculty, and its student body; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate expresses its full confidence in Chancellor Schrader’s abilities; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate expresses our total willingness to cooperate with Chancellor Schrader in the achievement of our common goals for the betterment of the Missouri University of Science and Technology; BE IT EVEN FURTHER RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate warmly welcomes Chancellor Schrader to Missouri University of Science and Technology and looks forward to developing a continuing productive and amicable relationship. Faculty Senate Report April 19, 2012
Motion Thanking Chancellor Wray WHEREAS, Dr. Warren K. Wray served Missouri University of Science and Technology with great distinction as Interim Chancellor from August 2011 to April 2012; WHEREAS, Chancellor Wray lead the University with great calm during a period of change as searches for Chancellor and President were both happening; WHEREAS, Chancellor Wray oversaw a difficult budget year; WHEREAS, Chancellor Wray continued efforts to expand and improve the campus through efforts such as the new Chemical and Biological Engineering building; WHEREAS, Chancellor Wray showed a willingness to work with the Faculty Senate to improve the Missouri University of Science and Technology; BE IT RESOLVED that the Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Senate expresses its profound appreciation for his leadership and service to the Missouri University of Science and Technology; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate looks forward to continuing to work with Dr. Wray in his return to his position as Provost. Faculty Senate Report April 19, 2012
Other Issues UM-System will be holding meetings to discuss changes to the Tax Deferred Investment plans Faculty Senate Report April 19, 2012
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report M. Davis B.Administrative Report K. Wray for C. Schrader C. Administrative Report K. Wray D.Staff Council Report S. Jones E.Student Council S. Acar F. Council of Graduate Students M. Raza
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report M. Davis B.Administrative Report K. Wray for C. Schrader C. Administrative Report K. Wray D.Staff Council Report S. Jones E.Student Council S. Acar F. Council of Graduate Students M. Raza
With the departure of Will Perkins, the offices of Diversity and Pre-College Programs will be merged with Women’s Leadership Institute. Cecilia Elmore will direct the combined departments and Brad Starbuck will assume the enrollment development responsibilities. Enrollment Projections for Fall 2012 show a new freshmen and transfer class about the same as last Fall. Enrollment Management
Office of Sponsored Programs Congratulations to: –Shi Zhang, Greg Hilmas, Bill Fahrenholtz, “High Density Pressurelessly Sintered Zirconium DiBoride/Silicon Carbide Composite Bodies and Method of Producing the Same,” US Patent 8,097,548, January 2012 –Shahab Mehraeen and Jag Sarangapani, “System and Method for Harvesting Energy from Environmental Vibration,” U.S. Patent 8,129,887, March 2012
Office of Sponsored Programs FY12 activities through the end of February and a year-over-year comparison are as follows: –Proposals awarded in total dollars: $14M (down 57.2%) –Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 177 (down 15.3%) –Proposals submitted in total dollars: $106M (up 23.4%) –Number of proposals submitted: 349 (down 2.0%) –Research Board proposals submitted in total dollars: $1.8M (up 75.1%) –Number of Research Board proposals submitted: 33 (up 50%) –Research expenditures: $30M (down 6.1%) –F&A recovered: $4.6M (down 6.9%) –Number of active awards: 576 (down 6.5%)
Office of International Affairs Sponsored Students: Missouri S&T currently has 281 sponsored international students up from 267 this date last year. Study Abroad: A faculty-led study abroad program will be offered June 2012 in Capetown, South Africa. Dr’s Haynes and Gelles will offer courses in Intercultural Communication and Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.
Office of International Affairs Intensive English Program: 74 students are enrolled in the Intensive English Program, 50 are full-time, 24 part-time. Countries represented include China, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Vietnam. The Applied Language Institute hosted a special cultural and graduate education promotion luncheon event on March 23, for undergraduate transfer students from 2+2 partner institutions in China. Students attending were from the following schools: China University of Petroleum Beijing, China University of Petroleum-Qingdao, Beijing Institute of Technology, and Northeast Petroleum University of Daqing. International Student Recruitment: Dr’s Jerry Tien, Ralph Flori and Venkata Allada visited China in March. The S&T delegation met with both current and potential new university partners as well as potential applicants for admission. An Articulation Agreement with Xi’an University of Science and Technology was signed.
Global Learning The role of the Engineering Education Center (EEC) in St. Louis is changing from providing face-to-face instruction for students in the St. Louis metro area to that of providing online instruction serving students throughout the U.S. and various international locations. The following charts clearly demonstrate the ability of departments to supplement their instructional capability by using highly qualified adjuncts from the St. Louis area. Over 20 courses have been delivered in recent semesters. The background of the adjunct faculty ranges from Technical Fellows at Boeing to retired faculty from various institutions, and all have been approved by the departments using their services.
Global Learning Engineering Education Center Courses Offered Fall 2005 – Spring 12
Student Design & Experiential Learning Center Formation of Miners by Design, a patron’s society to support the SDLEC established in conjunction with University Advancement to help recognize donors to the SDELC and the teams on an annual level. (Can contact Paul Hirtz for more information) 2 nd annual For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and First Tech Challenge (FIRST FTC) State Championship hosted at S&T. This is a high school level robot state championship that was held on campus co-sponsored by the SDELC and Enrollment Management. The world championship is in St. Louis this year and next before it moves onto another city. Winners of our event move on to the world event. S&T design teams begin travel in April. Office of Undergraduate Studies
Freshman Engineering Welcomes Ms. Andrea Cabanes as their Sr. Secretary. Andrea replaces Lacy Friestaedter whose husband graduated and they moved to Chattanooga.
The technical writing blog is successfully up and running. (justwrite.mst.edu) Completed 85 thesis and dissertation format checks prior to the April 4 th deadline for Spring 2012 graduates. Office of Graduate Studies
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report M. Davis B.Administrative Report K. Wray for C. Schrader C. Administrative Report K. Wray D.Staff Council Report S. Jones E.Student Council S. Acar F. Council of Graduate Students M. Raza
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report M. Davis B.Administrative Report K. Wray for C. Schrader C. Administrative Report K. Wray D.Staff Council Report S. Jones E.Student Council S. Acar F. Council of Graduate Students M. Raza
Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs
Last Student Council Meeting! Just had our last Student Council meeting on Tuesday, April 17 th. Passed an E&C request from music for new uniforms. Passes a few resolutions. Had officer swear ins! They will officially take over on graduation. Transitioning with Ryan Beck, who was on campus this weekend, Monday, and Tuesday.
Construction The student organization offices have all moved, and we are beginning the final stage of construction.
Computers in Havener They are in now! They are the Thin Client Pilot Computers There is also a printer Because of large student usage, the pilot program was extended, probably until the end of the school year. Definitely looking at permanent computers.
Student Leaders’ Banquet Had a great attendance at over 175 people. Was April 11 th
Blood Drive Last Blood Drive will be April 18 th – April 20 th. Hopefully, we’ll end the year strongly.
Campus Climate Assessment Working very hard to get good student involvement in survey. Survey results are essential for the campus.
Resolutions Within the last two months, we have passed the following resolutions: Welcoming President Wolfe Welcoming Chancellor Schrader Endorsing the Camps Climate Assessment Endorsing Domestic Partner Benefits Thanking Ms. Margaret Cline Endorsing Electric Buses at S&T
Honor Code We are trying to hit the honor code really hard for next year. Can be found at Would appreciate all of the help we can get.
Others Student Interest Survey is done. Will present next semester. Working really hard to find a better way for RSO Recognition. There are about 17 organizations mid process, and it’s become a very slow process. Board of Curators and Geothermal Groundbreaking. Transitioning with new officers and the Executive Council.
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President’s Report M. Davis B.Administrative Report K. Wray for C. Schrader C. Administrative Report K. Wray D.Staff Council Report S. Jones E.Student Council S. Acar F. Council of Graduate Students M. Raza
Council of Graduate Students Muhammad Azeem Raza 04/19/2012
Council of Graduate Students 1. Elections for New Executive Board 1. President: Mohammad Alkazimi 2. Vice President: Uday Guntupalli 3. Secretary: Heng Liu 4. Treasurer: Omkar Ghatpande
Council of Graduate Students 2. Graduate Research Showcase 68 Graduate Students showcased their research 29 Faculty Judges including 3 post-docs $3000 prize money to be awarded 1 st Place: $500 2 nd Place: $400 3 rd Place: $300
Council of Graduate Students AwardNameDepartmentAdvisorTitle SESSION 1 1st Place Hamed Kajbaf Electrical and Computer Engineering Dr. Rosa Y. Zheng Compressed Sensing for 3D SAR Imaging Systems 2nd Place Varun PaulGeologyDr.David J. Wronkiewicz Carbon dioxide Sequestration Using Sulfate Reducing Bacteria 3rd Place Vishwanath Gandikota Materials Science and Engineering Dr. Yangchuan Xing Continous Flame Synthesis of ZnO nanorods 3rd Place Chakkaravarthy Chidambareswarapatta r ChemistryDr. Nicholas Leventis From Flexible to Hard Polyurethane Aerogels: The Effect of Molecular Functionality vs. Molecular Rigidity SESSION 2 1st Place Sachin SharmaPhysicsDr. Michael Schulz Effect of Coherence on Single Electron Capture of H2 by 75 keV Proton 2nd Place Chrystian Mauricio Posada Nuclear EngineeringDr. Carlos H. Castano Simulation and prototype fabrication of the electron source for a flat panel X-ray source 3rd Place Edwin GrantNuclear EngineeringDr. Hyoung-Koo Lee Monte Carlo Simulations of a Flat-Panel Micro X-ray Source 3rd Place Chou ShenCivil and Architectural EngineeringDr. Joon-Ho ChoiSmart Control for Ventilation
Council of Graduate Students
3. Travel Grant Awarded 1.$2000 as Travel Grant 2.10
Council of Graduate Students 4. GradVision (CGS Newsletter/Yearbook) Annual Graduate Student Newletter is ready to be published Introduced Memories Section Interesting Articles
Council of Graduate Students Thank You All!
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda B. Curricula C. Tenure V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
RP&A Report April 19, 2012 Officer Elections RP&A nominates the following slate PresidentS. N. Balakrishnan RP&A chairMichael Davis President-electMark Fitch SecretaryMartin Bohner ParliamentarianMelanie Mormile
RP&A Report April 19, 2012 Domestic Partner Benefits (DPB) Dr. Leona Rubin, University of Missouri-Columbia Has served as an officer of the Faculty Council over a long period Has served on the Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) for several years Is a champion of the University of Missouri faculty on all 4 campuses Has a wide range of expertise on DPP
RP&A Report April 19, 2012 Domestic Partner Benefits (DPB) RP&A motion: Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology recommends that domestic partners, both same- sex and opposite-sex, of University of Missouri employees be allowed access in a fiscally responsible manner to all of the same rights, privileges, and benefits to which opposite-sex spouses currently are entitled.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda B. Curricula C. Tenure V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Campus Curricula Committee Report April 19, 2012 The Campus Curricula Committee report includes : »1 Name Change (NC) form NC15 – Change Chemical & Biological Engineering department’s name to “Chemical & Biochemical Engineering”; the Budgetary Affairs Committee has no objections to the request, provided there are no financial implications (none were noted) and the faculty themselves approve of the name change (presumably without financial reorganization) The Campus Curricula Committee moves for the approval of this report’s NC form.
»2 Degree Change (DC) forms DC0414 – Change requirements for the BA in Biological Sciences Secondary Education Emphasis area to make coursework more consistent with state requirements and to reduce the total credit hours from 137 to 131 DC0415 – Create new Creative Writing minor »15 Course Change (CC) forms »4 Experimental Course (EC) forms (informational only) The Campus Curricula Committee moves for the approval of this report’s DC and CC forms. Campus Curricula Committee Report April 19, 2012
At the January 19 th 2012 FS meeting, a motion was passed to table the Chemical Engineering CC forms CC8202, CC8203, and CC8204. The Campus Curricula Committee moves to untable and approve CC forms CC8202, CC8203, and CC8204. Campus Curricula Committee Report April 19, 2012
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. Rules, Procedures and Agenda B. Curricula C. Tenure V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
55 Tenure Committee Motion "All members of the campus review committee must attend the review meeting in person or be represented by their departmentally elected alternate. If no alternate is available, the unavailable member may give his/her proxy to another voting member of the committee."
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Keith Nisbett, Secretary II. Approval of March 8, 2012 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn