Special Education Update Mississippi Department of Education Office of Special Education MASS Summer Conference 2013
Mississippi received the determination of “MEETS REQUIREMENTS” for the 5 th year in a row. To obtain “MEETS REQUIREMENTS”, a state must meet established percentages of compliance and demonstrate correction of all findings of noncompliance identified in FFY Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education
Due July 31, 2013 Reimbursement process Expenditure Reports are due annually on September 30 th Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 3
Districts should check to see if they are required to set-aside 15% for Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS). CEIS funds cannot be used for the Three Tiered process (State Board Policy 4300) Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 4
Program Office web site: Application procedures and documents: education/special-education-grants-and- funding/special-education-idea-project- application education/special-education-grants-and- funding/special-education-idea-project- application Training: education/special-education-training/training- powerpointshttp:// education/special-education-training/training- powerpoints Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 5
OSE Contact: Ellen Davis Burnham, Bureau Director Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 6
DRAFT Revised IEP form Revised to address a number of identified needs Enhanced focus throughout the IEP document Probing questions will guide the decision-making process, requiring IEP Committee members to think about the decisions being made AND to document the basis for the decision(s) made Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 7
launch – Secondary Transition Web page Secondary Transition Model Student Development Student Focused Planning Program Structures Collaboration Family Engagement Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 8
Student Development Academic Skills Instruction Instruction: Readiness for College and Career Self-Determination Life Skills Instruction Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 9
Student-Focused Planning Age-appropriate transition assessment Individualized Educational Program (IEP) development Transition Tools Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 10
Program Structure State Board Policy 7219 Procedures Indicator Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 11
Family Engagement Resources Mississippi Parent Training and Information Center (MS PTI) National Resources PACER Center National Parent Technical Assistance Center Pepnet Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 12
Collaboration Resources Interagency Transition Team Development and Facilitation Interagency Collaboration Annotated Bibliography Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 13
Secondary Transition Guidance Document Secondary Transition: A Collaborative Planning Process includes: Transition Planning Worksheet Sample Transition Activities Preschool to Adulthood Summary of Performance (Student-directed and District-directed) Informal Transition Assessments Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 14
Requirements for ALL Public Schools Screen all students before the end of 1 st grade Screener must address the following four areas (speech, language, voice, and fluency) MDE/OSE is drafting a sample policy for local school districts to follow Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 15
DRAFT manual currently under construction Roles and responsibilities of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and therapists working in MS schools in the areas of: Evaluation Determination of eligibility Implementation of the IEP Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 16
Indicator 6: Preschool Settings Indicator 7: Preschool Outcomes Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transition (Part C to Part B) Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 17
OSE Contact: Stacy Callender, State 619 Coordinator Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 18
SBP 7219, [Request for an Initial Evaluation] Written request for an initial evaluation Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) must meet with 10 school days of receipt of the request to consider the request. If after reviewing the request and other pertinent documentation, the MET suspects the child may have a disability, Written Prior Notice for Initial Evaluation must be provided to the parent within 5 school days of the referenced meeting Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 19
SBP 7219, [Request for an Initial Evaluation] Written request for an initial evaluation If the MET does NOT suspect the child has a disability, Written Prior Notice (Notice of Response to an Activity Requested by the Parent: Refusal to Initiate the Identification or Evaluation of Child), including the reasons why the requested activity is refused, must be given to the parents within 5 school days of the meeting referenced on the previous slide Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 20
Currently under construction Major Sections Child Find Evaluation and Eligibility Discipline Procedural Safeguards Transition Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Individualized Educational Program (IEP) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 21
Sections include: Top 10(+) highlights (Key points) Forms Flowcharts Procedural Charts/Checklists Observation Forms Sample Interagency Agreements Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 22
April 2013 SBE Agenda Approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) process to update SBP 7219 Public Comment Period for 60 calendar days June 3, 2013 (Public Comment Period ended) Conducted 3 public hearings in May Received comments from 7 individuals or groups Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 23
August 2013 SBE Agenda Request approval of the proposed changes to SBP Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 24
States must account for ALL instances of noncompliance, including noncompliance identified through on-site monitoring or other monitoring activities, data reviews, and/or any other source Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 25
Noncompliance must be corrected as soon as possible, but in no case more than 12 months from the date of written notification Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 26
Two prongs for correction of noncompliance: Prong 1: Correct each individual original case of noncompliance. Prong 2: Correctly implement the specific regulatory requirements Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 27
Prong Two serves to ensure the same type of noncompliance is not reoccurring, that individual cases of noncompliance do not become systemic, and requires an additional review of data and/or files. Power Point information for OSEP Memo can be found at education/special-education-training/training- powerpointshttp:// education/special-education-training/training- powerpoints Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 28
OSE Contact: Deborah Donovan, SPP/APR Division Director Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 29
In accordance with SBP 7219, [State Complaint Procedures], the MDE must address the public agency’s: Failure to provide appropriate services, including corrective actions appropriate to address the needs of THE child; and Appropriate future provisions of services for all children with disabilities Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 30
Autism Conference, July 24-25, 2013, Oxford Conference Center, Oxford, MS 2013 Transition Conference, October , 2013 Clyde Muse Center, Pearl, MS Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 31
Mississippi Department of Education Office of Special Education 359 North West Street Suite 301 Jackson, MS Office of Instructional Enhancement and Internal Operations/Office of Special Education 32