Unlocking staff potential - A Coaching & E-Learning Approach Carol Read - Academy Manager Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Objectives for today n Outline the Facilities MLE Project & the role of the Learning Advisors n Identify ROI from this project n Share best practice & new ways of learning
Why was the project set up? To n Ensure Facilities staff had the Knowledge & skills to provide excellent customer service & work with new technology n Address perceived barriers to learning
How was this done? n Comprehensive Training Needs & Computer hardware/software analysis undertaken n Learning Advisor Role & programme of learning designed n Development of Trust wide Learning Zones n Partnership work
What was required? A core programme for Learning Advisors including:- n MLE Training n KSF Training n Coaching n Study Skills n Skills for Life, ESOL & Dyslexia Awareness n Work based learning as part of the project team
Facilities Project Cascade
Why use Collaborative Inquiry ? Why use Collaborative Inquiry ? n A form of research developed from social sciences & work in organisations. n A way of working with other people who have similar concerns & interests to yourself to identify best practice
Research Participants drawn from the following teams:- n The Academy n Facilities n Education n IT
Early research findings n Transformational workplace learning taking place n Learning Advisors approach wins hearts and minds n Bespoke e-learning works for learners
2 types of Academy Learning Zones Broadband - Dedicated to learning sites HAS (Hospital Network) - Linked to to clinical system
Coaching at all levels n GROW Model Introduced n Informal coaching approach n Modelling of coaching behaviour with colleagues n Solution Focused coaching within the team
The Bespoke MLE Content n COSHH n DSE n Fire safety n Moving & Handling n Customer Care n Equality & Diversity n Risk n Infection Control n Blood Transfusion
Return on Investment n First 5 weeks of the project 1400 e-learning programmes accessed n Top user of the NHS South West MLE n Continuous Professional Development of Facilities staff linked to KSF Competencies n Model of best practice available for other staff groups n Barriers to learning addressed though the Learning Advisor role & Learning Zones
Return on Investment Continued... n Comprehensive training record for all staff n A network of coaches in place who are solution focused n Coaching happening at all levels in the Facilities team n High motivation to complete the e-learning packages
This project would not have been successful without the following:- n The Facilities MLE Project Board & Learning Advisors n The Academy, Education & IT Teams n Helen Rynne - MLE Administrator
The best tools are useless to the disengaged People who know are the people who do Work = Learning Nigrello 2005