6/1/2001 Supplementing Aleph Reports Using The Crystal Reports Web Component Server Presented by Bob Gerrity Head of Systems Boston College Libraries (617) Designed by Kevin Kidd Systems Librarian Boston College Libraries (617) Presentation URL:
6/1/2001 Reporting Issues Boston College Needed to Address Limited report customization in canned Aleph reports Confusing options/parameters in Aleph custom report generators (e.g., Acquisitions General Retrieval Form)Acquisitions General Retrieval Form Limited control over formatting of Aleph reports (rep_col.eng)rep_col.eng Accessing and using Aleph reports can be confusing to some staff Multi-step process, using Web Services to submit report request, GUI Task Manager to retrieve and print output Database security concerns: Web Services includes DBMS jobs and reports that can update data Not easy to extract Aleph report data and save it in other formats Aleph reports cannot be viewed online
6/1/2001 Desired Features of Library Reporting Solution Ease of use for library staff (i.e. we wanted to avoid having to train staff to use special software) Parameterized reporting Ability to print, export and manipulate report data Flexible enough to meet differing reporting needs of various library departments Quick access to real-time data Ease of design and implementation for Systems Department
6/1/2001 Benefits of Crystal Reports Web Component Server Reports are requested using a standard HTML web form and viewed using a browser plug-in Reports can accept multiple parameters ODBC connection provides real-time access to data Configuration of Web Component server is quick and easy All staff members can access reports Database integrity: accidental updating of database is impossible Reports and user requests are cached to minimize network and server load on-the-fly ad-hoc reporting is possible a single report can be used by multiple departments systems staff involvement in reporting is minimized
6/1/2001 CR Web Component Server: Things to think about Aleph Oracle database design -- indirect and compound primary/foreign key relationships -- often forces users to resort to costly full-table scans and string functions when writing SQL queries. Requires a strong understanding of the Aleph Oracle database design, with staff workflows and with the overall operation of and relationships among the various Aleph modules. could potentially become a significant burden on both the database and the network -- especially if the CR Web has a large number of users
6/1/2001 Skills Required to Implement CR Web Components Oracle SQL and basic PL/SQL HTML JavaScript (optional, for form validation) Programming Languages Software Web Server Administration Tools Crystal Reports 8 Oracle Client Administration - SQL*Plus - ODBC Configuration - Net8 Remote Database Access Configuration HTML or Text Editor
6/1/2001 Hardware / Software Requirements for Boston College Crystal Reports Configuration Hardware Client Computer (Running IE5 or Netscape4 Web Browser) Web Server Running Microsoft IIS4 We used existing IBM PC (Pentium III, 192MB RAM, 12GB disk Database Server Running Oracle8 Our ALEPH server: IBM RS6000 (SP Power3 SMP High Node, 6 processors, 8GB memory, 250GB disk) Software Crystal Reports 8 - Developer Edition Installed on Web Server Oracle Client installed on Web Server (ODBC and SQL*Plus) HTML / Text Editor
6/1/2001 Crystal Web Component Server Architecture Browser 1. URL containing.RPT file 3. Formatted report in Report Viewer 2. Web server queries database and runs report IIS Server with CR Web Component Server installed 1. Web browser sends URL with.RPT file 2. Crystal Reports Web Component Server extension recognizes.RPT file type and runs report against database 3. Web server sends formatted report back to browser in Report Viewer Oracle Database
6/1/2001 Implementing Crystal Reports Web Components A. In Oracle database, create a “reports” user who has permission to execute stored procedures for both XXX01, XXX50 libraries B. If one does not already exist, install and configure a web server (IIS4) C. Install full version of Crystal Reports 8 (recommended) and Crystal Reports Web Component Server on your web server D. Install and configure Personal Oracle (SQL*Plus and ODBC connection) on your web server. Make sure that you can access the Aleph database through SQL*Plus. I. Software Installation / Configuration
6/1/2001 A. For each parameterized report you wish to make available on the Web: a. write and test an SQL query b. create an Oracle package and procedure to accept parameters, execute the SQL query and return data to the reports server B. Using Crystal Reports, design a report which executes the stored procedure you just created C. Save the Crystal Report file (filename.rpt) to your web server D. Create an HTML form which accepts the parameters you defined in the stored procedure and executes the Crystal Report Implementing Crystal Reports Web Components II. Report Creation
6/1/2001 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE unpaidinvoices_package AS TYPE unpaidinvoices_rec IS RECORD (vendor char(20), invoice char(15), createdate char, status char(1)); TYPE unpaidinvoices_type IS REF CURSOR RETURN unpaidinvoices_rec; END unpaidinvoices_package; / Example of an Oracle Package for Crystal Reports Unpaid Invoices Listed by Vendor & Invoice Creation Date
6/1/2001 CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE unpaidinvoices ( unpaidinvoices_cur IN OUT unpaidinvoices_package.unpaidinvoices_type, startdate IN number, enddate IN number ) AS BEGIN OPEN unpaidinvoices_cur FOR SELECT rtrim(substr(z77_rec_key,1,20)), rtrim(substr(z77_rec_key,21,15)), to_date(z77_i_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')), z77_p_status FROM bcl50.z77 WHERE z77_i_date BETWEEN startdate AND enddate AND z77_p_status != 'P' ORDER BY rtrim(substr(z77_rec_key,1,20)),rtrim(substr(z77_rec_key,21,15)); END unpaidinvoices; / Example of an Oracle Procedure for Crystal Reports Unpaid Invoices Listed by Vendor & Invoice Creation Date
6/1/2001 From Date: To Date: Important: The date format you must enter is YYYYMMDD Step 2: Please select the Web Browser you will use to view the report: Internet Explorer Step 3: Crystal Reports HTML Submit Form Example
6/1/2001 More Help and Information Download the Oracle ODBC Client (part of Personal Oracle 8) ***Download is free; however, you may be required to register as a member of the Oracle Technology Network Download Help on Creating Oracle Packages and Procedures /communityCS/TechnicalPapers/scr_oracle_stored_procedures.pdf Contact Kevin!