June 14, 2009 Cody Paty. Fourth & Elm Church of Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

June 14, 2009 Cody Paty

Fourth & Elm Church of Christ

If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge— then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:9-12

1. Let ev-’ry heart rejoice and sing, Let cho - ral an-thems rise; Ye a-ged men and children bring to God your sac - ri - fice;

For He is good the Lord is good and kind are all His ways; with songs and honors sounding loud the Lord Je - ho - vah praise; while the rocks and the rills

While the vales and the hills a glorious an-them raise; let each prolong the grateful song and the God of our fathers praise and the God of our fathers praise.

2. He bids the sun to rise and set; In heav’n His pow’r is known; And earth subdued to Him shall yet bow low be - fore His throne.

For He is good the Lord is good and kind are all His ways; with songs and honors sounding loud the Lord Je - ho - vah praise; while the rocks and the rills

While the vales and the hills a glorious an-them raise; let each prolong the grateful song and the God of our fathers praise and the God of our fathers praise.

Congregation is Seated

You are ex-alt-ed Lord above all else ; We place You at the highest place a - bove all else. Right now where we stand and ev’rywhere we go;

We place You at the highest place so the world will know. You are a might-y war - ri - or, dressed in ar - mor of light;

Crush-ing the deeds of dark - ness, lead us on in the fight. Thru the blood of Je - sus, vic - to - ri - ous we stand.

We place You at the high-est place, a - bove all else in this land.

You are ex-alt-ed Lord above all else ; We place You at the highest place a - bove all else. Right now where we stand and ev’rywhere we go;

We place You at the highest place so the world will know. You are a might-y war - ri - or, dressed in ar - mor of light;

Crush-ing the deeds of dark - ness, lead us on in the fight. Thru the blood of Je - sus, vic - to - ri - ous we stand.

We place You at the high-est place, a - bove all else in this land.

You are a might-y war - ri - or, dressed in ar - mor of light; Crush-ing the deeds of dark - ness, lead us on in the fight.

Thru the blood of Je - sus, vic - to - ri - ous we stand. We place You at the high-est place, a - bove all else in this

land. A - bove all else.

Opening Prayer

1. Take time to be ho-ly, speak oft with thy Lord; A - bide in Him al-ways, And feed on His Word. Make friends of God’s children; Help

those who are weak, for - get - ting in noth - ing His blessings to seek.

2. Take time to be ho-ly, the world rushes on; Spend much time in se - cret With Je - sus a - lone. A - bid - ing in Je - sus, Like

Him thou shalt be, Thy friends in thy con-duct His likeness shall see.

3. Take time to be ho-ly, Be calm in thy soul, each tho’t and each mo - tive Be-neath His con - trol. Thus led by His Spir - it To

fountains of love, Thou soon shall be fit - ted For ser - vice a - bove.

1. “Man of sor-rows,” what a name For the Son of God who came Ru - ined sin - ners to re-claim! Hal - le - lu - jah! what a Sav-ior!

2. Bear-ing shame and scoffing rude, In my place con-demned He stood, Sealed my par - don with His blood ; Hal - le - lu - jah! what a Sav-ior!

3. Guilt-y vile and help-less we; Spotless Lamb of God was He; “Full a - tone - ment!” can it be? Hal - le - lu - jah! what a Sav-ior!

4. Lift - ed up was He to die, “It is fin-ished,” was His cry; Now in heav’n ex - alt - ed high, Hal - le - lu - jah! what a Sav-ior!

5. When He comes, our glo-rious King, All His ran-somed home to bring, Then a - new this song we’ll sing, Hal - le - lu - jah! what a Sav-ior!


I sent My one and only Son into the world that you might live through Him. This is love. I did not wait for you to love Me. I loved you first and sent My Son as an atoning sacrifice for your sins. 1 John 4:9-10 I sent My one and only Son into the world that you might live through Him. This is love. I did not wait for you to love Me. I loved you first and sent My Son as an atoning sacrifice for your sins. 1 John 4:9-10


I've Got Peace Like A River (3 Times) In My Soul

I've Got Joy Like A Fountain (3 Times) In My Soul

I've Got Love Like the Ocean (3 Times) In My Soul

I've Got Peace Like A River I've Got Joy Like A Fountain I've Got Love Like the Ocean In My Soul

Parents, It is now time to escort your child to Kingdom Kids!

Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. Psalm 73:1-3

Sure - ly the pres - ence of the Lord is in this place. I can feel His might - y pow - er and His grace. I can

hear the brush of an-gel’s wings. I see glo - ry on each face. Sure - ly the pres - ence of the Lord is in this place.

1. This is ho - ly ground, we’re standing on ho - ly ground. For the Lord is pre-sent and where He is is ho - ly.

This is ho - ly ground, we’re standing on ho - ly ground. For the Lord is pre-sent and where He is is ho - ly.

2. You are ho - ly, God, a per-fect and ho - ly God. We will come before You with hearts made clean by Je-sus’ blood.

You are ho - ly, God, a per-fect and ho - ly God.

We are stand-ing on ho - ly ground. And I know that there are an - gels all a - round. Let us

praise Je - sus now; We are stand-ing in His pres - ence; We are stand-ing in His

pres - ence, We are stand-ing in His presence on ho - ly ground.

Prayer for the Word


Blank Slide to facilitate any Responses

1. Why did my Sav - ior come to earth, And to the hum - ble go? Why did He choose a low - ly birth? Be - cause He loved me so!

He loved me so, He loved me so; He loved, He loved me so, He loved, He loved me so; He gave His precious life for me, for me, Be-cause He loved me so.

3. Till Je - sus comes I’ll sing His praise, And then to glo - ry go, And reign with Him thru end-less days, Be - cause He loved me so!

He loved me so, He loved me so; He loved, He loved me so, He loved, He loved me so; He gave His precious life for me, for me, Be-cause He loved me so.

Parents, It is now time to retrieve your child from Kingdom Kids!

(alto) There’s a stir-ring deep with-in me, could it be my time has come (alto, tenor) When I see my gra-cious Sav-ior face to face when all is done? Is that His voice I am hear - ing, come a-way my pre - cious one.

I will rise up, rise I’ll rise up, I’ll rise Is He calling me? Is He call - ing me?

lay my crown at His crown, my crown at His pre - cious, up, and bow down, and up. Then I’ll bow down, bow down, lay my

wound - ed feet. (alto) There’s a stir-ring deep with-in me, could it be my time has come (alto, tenor) When I see my gra-cious Sav-ior face to face when all is done?

Is that His voice I am hear - ing, come a-way my pre - cious one. Is He calling me? Is He call - ing me?

I will rise up, rise I’ll rise up, I’ll rise up, and bow down, and up. Then I’ll bow down, bow down, lay my

lay my crown at His crown, my crown at His pre - cious, wound - ed feet.

There’s a stir - ring deep with - in me.

Closing Prayer