INFO 6002 Assistive Technologies and Universal Design Accessibility and Usability Evaluation Chaohai Ding Msc of Web Technology 1.A Public Platform for British citizens. 2.Evaluation based on Web 2.0 services Test Criteria in Web2Access (75.5%): 2.1. Readable test alternatives, but no text alternatives for some images 2.2 Video has the subtitle, but no chance to add content alternatives for videos. 2.3 Rich-text editor is not accessible by keyboard tabbing. 2.4 Some area is difficult for reading due to the colour contrast of 60 browsers in three different operating systems are compatible for this site.
Wikipedia 1.A free website which includes many encyclopaedia articles based on openly editable model. 2.Evaluation based on Web 2.0 services Test Criteria in Web2Access (64.4%): 2.1 No text alternatives for Captchas and images. 2.2 Fully navigable with WebbIE. 2.3 Rich-text editor is not accessible by keyboard tabbing. 2.5 lots of areas are not suitable for reading due to color contrast 3.53 of 59 browsers are compatible for this site.
Windows Live Messenger An instant messaging software. 2.Evaluation based on Applications Test Criteria in Web2Access (86.7%): 2.1 Good support for built in assistive tools in Windows Good support for external screen reader. 2.3 Keyboard access available, but no instruction of shortcut keys. 2.4 No font size and colour setting. 2.5 Good support for starting up. 3. Just supported in Windows 7 or Vista and other portable platforms.
Yahoo! Messenger 10 1.An instant messaging software. 2.Evaluation based on Applications Test Criteria in Web2Access (88.9%): 2.1 Not all elements are supported for built in assistive tools in Windows Good support for shortcut keys navigating. 2.3 No clear description about the element when tabbing. 2.4 font size and colour setting by users. 2.5 Zooming supported by external assistive tools 3. Just supported in Windows 7,Vista or XP and other portable platforms.
Website Design 1. Accessible at ECS Personal Homepage. 2.Using the CSS template from “Free CSS Template”. 3.Refine the template and reconstruct it to fit the requirement of accessibility and usability. 4.Adding the shortcut keys for accessibility which is not conflict with the default browsers such IE or Firefox.
1.Accessibility and Usability 1.1 Evaluated by WAVE, Color Contrast Analyser and Functional Accessibility Evaluator. 1.2 Reconstruct depends on the results. 3.Compatibility Following the web standard and test it automatically. 4.Web Standard html
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