Lists In Acts 1 and 2 as preached by Edward Good.


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Presentation transcript:

Lists In Acts 1 and 2 as preached by Edward Good

Things About Jesus Showed Himself Alive, 1:3 Spoke about the Kingdom, 1:3 Commanded Apostles to wait, 1:4 Promised the Spirit, 1:5 Was taken up, 1;9 Shall come, 1:11

Things About the Apostles Chosen, 1:2, 26 Received Holy Spirit baptism, 2:4 Were witnesses, 1:8, 22 Terms: ministry, 1:17 bishoprick, 1:20 apostleship, 1:25

Things About Judas Numbered with the twelve, 1:17 Prophesied about, 1:16, 20 Transgressed, 1:25 Replaced, 1:20

Apostles Three Actions Heard – as of wind, 2:3 Saw – as of fire, 2:3 Began to speak

The Apostles Spoke... As the Spirit gave utterance, 2:4 Used Scripture, 2:27, 25 Boldly, 2:23, 36 The wonderful works, 2:11 What they witnessed, 2:32, 40 With words, 2:40 Exhorting, 2:40 With other tongues, 2:4

Tongue Speaking 1. A result of drunkenness, 2:15 2. A miracle of hearing, 2:4, Incoherent jibberish, 2:11 WAS NOT WAS 1. Soberness, Acts 26:25b 2. A miracle of speaking, 2:4 3. A foreign language, 2:6

Reactions To Tongues Confounded, 2:6 Amazed, 2:7 Doubted, 2:12 Mocked, 2:13

Joel's Prophecy Holy Spirit poured out, 2:17-18; Prov. 1:23 Judgment, 2:19-20 Salvation, 2:21

Preaching Jesus Of Nazareth, 2:22 A man, 2:22 Approved of God by miracles, 2:22 Delivered by foreknowledge, 2:23 Crucified and slain, 2:23 God raised, 2:24 Spoken of by David, 2:25-28 Holy One, 2:27 A descendant of David, 2:30 On throne, 2:30 Seen, 2:33 At right hand of God, 2:33 Is Lord, 2:34 Is Christ, 2:36

The Audience Jews, 2:5, 36 Devout, 2:5 From far and near, 2:5-11 Murderous, 2:23 Able to know, 2:36 Needed forgiveness, 2:38

Acts of the Listeners Heard, 2:37 Pricked, 2:37 Asked, 2:37 Received, 2:41 Repented, 2:38 Baptized, 2:41

A Snapshot of Those Who Received the Word Changed, 2:38 Studious, 2:42, 46 Worshipful, 2:42 Reverent, 2:43 United, 2:44 Benevolent, 2:45 Happy, 2:46 Praised God, 2:47 Evangelistic, 2:47

Some “Beginnings” in Acts 2 New Covenant terms set forth, Jer. 31:31-34; Mt. 26:28 Repentance in the name of Jesus, Lk. 24:47 Remission of sins in name of Jesus, Lk. 24:47 Baptism in the name of Jesus, Acts 2:38 Fulfillment of great commission, Mt. 28:19 Everlasting Kingdom, Dan. 2:44 Church, Mt. 16:18

The Acts of the Lord in Acts 1 and 2 I said, “ What's baptism's purpose? Remission of sins!” (Acts 2:38). He said, “But the Lord saves, not baptism!” Note the Lord's doings (Psa. 118:23). Answer the following questions. 1. Who by David spake of Judas? (1:15) 2. Who showed whom he had chosen? (2:24-25) 3. Who gave utterance to the apostles? (2:4) 4. From whom did Joel get what he taught? (2:17ff) 5. This judgment (2:19) is of whom? 6. Salvation is of whom? (2:21; Psa. 3:8) 7. Who died to save us? (2:23; Rom. 5:9-10; Ac. 20:28) continued...

The Acts of the Lord in Acts 1 and 2 8. Who raised up Jesus? (2:24) 9. Who allowed for witnesses to exist? (2:32) 10. Who exalted Jesus? (2:32-33) 11. Who made Jesus Lord and Christ? (2:35) 12. Who told Peter to say 'repent'? (2:38) 13. Is baptism the Lord's command or men's? (2:38) 14. Whose promise of salvation is in 2:39? 15. Who is calling? (2:39) 16. Who worked with apostles? (2:43; Mk. 16:20) 17. Who is doing the adding? (2:47)

Acts 2 and Salvation 1. Peter's sermon had much about Jesus, and Jesus came “to seek and to ______” the lost, Lk. 19: SALVATION promised first at Jerusalem, Lk. 24: Joel's words mention being SAVED, Ac. 2: The question, “What shall we do?” concerns itself with SALVATION, Ac. 2: Peter's answer has to do with the REMISSION OF SINS, Acts 2:38.

Acts 2 and Salvation 6. The Promise of Acts 2:39 deals with SALVATION. 7. Peter exhorted in Acts 2:40, “SAVE yourselves...” 8. Those Baptized were added (Acts 2:41) to the church. Those added were SAVED, vs Those who were baptized had gladness (Acts 2:46) and praised God (vs. 47). People who are SAVED respond that way! (Acts 8:35-39; 16:30-34) CONCLUSION: Those who say baptism has nothing to do with being saved, ERR. It is “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38). Peter says “Baptism doth also now ______ us... by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” (1 Pet. 3:21).