Great change, great opportunities: library programs and projects at the University of Sydney, Australia. Su Hanfling Director, Library Services Humanities, Arts, Sciences and Technology University of Sydney, Australia 巨大的变化,巨大的机遇 澳大利亚悉尼大学图书馆的项目和计划
澳大利亚大学分布图 Image from:
Faculties Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Architecture, Design and Planning Arts Dentistry Economics and Business Education and Social Work Engineering and Information Technologies Health Sciences Law (Sydney Law School) Medicine (Sydney Medical School) Music (Sydney Conservatorium of Music) Nursing and Midwifery Pharmacy Science Veterinary Science Visual Arts (Sydney College of the Arts)
University of Sydney (2008) 悉尼大学 2008 年度数据 Annual turnover 年收益 AUS$1.3 billion Donations 捐款额 AUS$53.4 million Total student enrolments 注册学生总数 46,054 Undergraduate students 本科生 30,705 Postgraduate students 研究生 15,349 Local student enrolments 澳籍学生 36,137 International student enrolments 国际学生数 9,554 Students from China 中国学生数 3,911 Student Union clubs and societies 学生社团量 215 University scholarships 学校奖学金种类数 4,300 Academic Staff 教师人数 3,081 Professional Staff 职业员工数 3,768
University of Sydney Library (2008) 悉尼大学图书馆 2008 年统计数据 Total Library budget 图书馆年度总预算 AUS$34.4 million Number of Libraries 图书馆数量 13 Number of Library staff 员工人数 Number of visits to the Library 接待读者人次 3,073,573 Number of accesses to the Library website 网站点击量 6,220,000 Number of print items 纸质馆藏总量 5,500,000 Number of ebooks 电子图书藏量 338,461 Number of ejournals 电子期刊种数 67,793 Number of seats 座位数量 4,030 Number of client computers 公共检索计算机数量 741 Participants in information skills sessions 信息 技 能培训参加人次 35,649
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