Elangomat Training William McCormick August 12, 2006 Muscogee Lodge 221
The Definition of an Elangomat Elangomat in the Lenni Lenape Language means “Friend”. Elangomats can be compared to a patrol leader, and the candidates are like patrol members.
Before the Check-In You as an Elangomat must live up to the Boy Scout Motto; “ BE PREPARED.” Have yourself ready to start YOUR Ordeal. Candidate preparations will be made with your help.
No NO’s for Elangomats As an Elangomat you must serve in that capacity to its entirety. You will not serve on a Ceremony Team during the weekend. You will not be involve in running the Ordeal or organizing activities. No Lodge Executive Committee Meetings or other meetings.
The Four Test of The Ordeal What you must do as an Elangomat
Test One: The Vow of Silence Elangomats set the example by not talking to candidates or other Elangomats. You have to be able to set the tone for you clan. The Vow of Silence is lifted after the completion of the Ordeal Ceremony.
Test Two: Eat ONLY the Scant Food you are given When meals are delivered to your clan’s location, you should eat just as if you are a candidate. This goes for all meals that are eaten during the Ordeal. Remember that a Scout is Reverent. Give a jester that Silent Prayer is allowed.
Test Three: Arduous Labor To fulfill this test efficiently you must be the first person to start working. Others will follow what you do. Remember to be the hardest worker in your clan.
Test Four: The Night Alone Elangomats must sleep out as if they were a candidate. Elangomats sleep in a central location to be able to hear all candidates during the night. No Talking with other Elangomats; Candidates will be tired and will want to go to sleep.
The Elangomat Challenge To serve in the capacity of an Elangomat or an Assistant Elangomat during the ENTIRE Ordeal Experience. To be positive role models. To show the aspects of an Order of the Arrow member. To LEAD BY EXAMPLE through the entire Ordeal. You as Elangomat must devote yourself to ALL of the tests and principles of the Ordeal and Order. Remember you are a candidate again.
When is the Ordeal over ? The Ordeal doesn’t end until the Candidates seal their membership through Brotherhood. Attend flag raising Sunday morning with your clan. Eat Breakfast with them and sit with them through Post Ordeal. Follow up with your clan for 10 months. Yes, the weekend ends Sunday Morning, but the Ordeal is a lifelong event, that the OA concludes with Brotherhood.
Water Makes a Successful Ordeal Make sure that all candidates consume at least two quarts of water during the Ordeal. Water will be distributed when Service Projects begin. Water will be available when ever needed just radio to the Dining Hall.
Emergency Procedures Provide Basic First Aid on site. Radio to the Dining Hall, a team will be sent to you, DO NOT MOVE the patient. Follow instructions of the patient collection team. Talking is permitted in an emergency! Remember SAFETY FIRST!!!
Induction Principles Purpose of the Order Eligibility Candidate’s Compliance Member’s Compliance Discretion Importance of the Individual GenerosityFocus Symbolic Progression Active Membership
Nendowagen Elangomat Award Seal your Membership in the Order by completing Brotherhood. Be Trained as an Elangomat. Serve as an Assistant Elangomat for an Ordeal Serve as a Head Elangomat for an Ordeal Stay in touch with your clan for at least one year and encourage active membership. Get 50 % of one of your clans to complete the Brotherhood Challenge.