Photoshop Workshop Editing Photos and Building Collages Nancy Thorwardson, IBS CRS Adjusting brightness and contrast Cropping images Resizing images Assigning styles to layers Adding text Merging and flattening layers Saving images for web
Dick on the summit of Ishinca Peak 18,200 feet Cordillera Blanca Range, Andes, Peru July 2005
Dick & Tom – Summit of Ishinca Peak
César, Dick, & Brad Johnson – Summit of Ishinca Peak
Collage of Ishinca Photos
Purchasing Photoshop - CU Bookstore Adobe Creative Suite Premium CS 2 $ (includes Photoshop CS 2, Illustrator CS 2, Indesign CS 2, Golive CS 2, Acrobat Pro, Version Cue, CS 2 File Manager and the Adobe Bridge File Browser) Adobe Photoshop CS 2$ Adobe Illustrator CS 2$ Adobe Acrobat Professional $ Student licensing Adobe Creative Suite Premium CS 2 $ Adobe Acrobat Professional$ Maintenance contracts costs extra; free upgrades come only with a valid maintenance contract.