A way to show the parts of something whole We use fractions a lot in every day life!
Let’s choose one… 1414
Usually, we use numbers to represent fractions!
Have 2 parts: 1 4 Numerator Denominator This is the fraction bar. It means division, or 1 DIVIDED BY 4
1 4 What is this called? If you can remember North Dakota, then you can remember: North-Numerator Dakota-Denominator
1414 Numerator - The number of parts Denominator - All of the parts of the whole ONE out of FOUR
How about… CHOCOLATE MATH!!!
You will get to eat your chocolate bar AFTER we are finished… Please…NO NIBBLING!! Please don’t touch someone else’s bar without permission Please keep your bar on your paper or wrapper
How many bars total do we have in the classroom? How many belong to girls? How many belong to boys? How many belong to someone age 12? How many belong to someone age 11? How many belong to someone over age 12? How many belong to monkeys? How many are made of chocolate? 10 Would this be the numerator or denominator?
You will get a number…1 or 2 Ones…unwrap your bar please!! What fraction would we write to describe how many bars are unwrapped right now? 10 = 15 2
= = = = = = =
= = = = 0 12 = =
Create any fraction with your chocolate. Next, combine your fraction with someone else (make sure you keep your chocolate on your paper, separate from your partner’s) How can we combine them without losing track of what we have?
= = This is the reduced fraction, or LOWEST TERMS
= We need a COMMON DENOMINATOR!!! What if this happens… ??
= Is the same as =
Complete the Hershey’s Math table. Please BE NEAT!!!