What is on offer ? In Home Economics Department at Preston Lodge High School
Free Fruit for Schools Free Fruit for Schools S1 pupils enjoyed free fruit from the Scottish Executive initiative for 5 weeks in Autumn The success of this was continued within the department by selling fruit during class lessons at a minimal cost. Pupils continue to buy fruit in large quantities throughout the year.
Fruit Challenge This involved all classes, all pupils through their opportunity to buy fruit became involved in this Annual event. Over a five week period the amount of fruit consumed per class is recorded(usually May). The winning classes in each year group receive a certificate and Carribean banquet. It has proved so popular it will continue.
Fruity Friday Fruity Friday This is a fund-raising event in aid of World Cancer Research. The idea is to raise the profile of the benefits of fruit in fighting Cancer. The department hosts annually a ‘fruit coffee morning’ for staff and the community(Friday 16 th May 2008). Fruit Smoothies are sold to pupils the week of the event- very popular. A fruit quiz is sold to staff, parents and pupils.
Support The ‘Fruity Friday’ event is supported by local companies, including our suppliers. Over £1100 has been sent to World Cancer Research over the last three events. Hope to repeat such an event this year with more Community involvement The department also supports Macmillan Cancer in their Annual Coffee mornings
‘Just for Starters’ A Conference hosted by the school Aim- to involve many areas of food providers and educators in East Lothian. Looked at ‘Hungry for Success’ initiative by Scottish Executive SNAG – School Nutrition Action Groups. What is Healthy Eating ? Plus many other related areas Food Award Competition Winners announced. Department won Secondary School Sector
Health Promoting School group We now have such a group running in the school with varied involvement from the school community. What and Who is involved ? Staff, Parents, Pupils,Catering staff, Council Rep, Community Reps, School Board reps. Do not hesitate to contact the school or department if interested in joining, Timescale – approx 4 meetings per year
Encouragement for Healthy Eating Regularly through class lessons. Reinforced through recipes made. Evidence of changing habits ( fruit initiative). Opportunity to sample various foods. Key Message – eat a variety of foods from all sections of the diet plate. No Bad Foods – all related to the quantity and regularity with which we eat some. We can manage to change eating habits if we all work together.
Importance of Food Knowledge To combat diet related diseases. Encourage an interest in the variety of food available to us. Enable choice and ability to create Opportunity to work with fresh produce Most importantly to ‘ Enjoy Food’
Get Active-Get Cooking Challenge This involves pupils who submitted their own original recipes to the National competition run by Sainsbury’s and the British Nutrition Foundation Four school finalists will be submitted Kerry Anne Paterson (in 2004) won the Sea fish category, therefore a trip to London for the presentation. All the school finalists that year were invited to the Royal Highland Show to meet Mr Ross Finney MSP on the Sainsbury’s stand. We look for all such opportunities to widen the interest and involvement of pupils – S3 are participating this year.
East Lothian Food Festival An annual competition which is used to promote the use of local produce in East Lothian. Open to all East Lothian Schools. Involves local Hotels, suppliers, and community S4 pupils take part Preston Lodge has won on the last three consecutive occasions – 2007 winners were Holly Salmon and Ross Baron
East Lothian Food Festival competition winners Hollie Salmon & Ross Baron
Winter Fair Opportunity Hospitality pupils are given the opportunity to visit this event at Ingliston in November See meat producers, butchers, caterers,chefs in action. Animal – plate Appreciation of ‘what is on your plate’ Generates interest in some major local employment areas
Rotary Young Chef Competition New to Preston Lodge this year Great uptake from all year groups School finalists – Lorna Nicoll S5, Anna Wright S1 Representation at zone final on 18 th January 2008 Excellent link with Local Community/Rotary
On our Doorstep Project New initiative to work with local food suppliers Cook Club open to all S2/3 pupils- 26 sign up All dishes made used locally sourced food which was well supported by local suppliers Culminated in a school competition with many suppliers agreeing to be judges. This project has created great awareness by the pupils of what food can be sourced ‘ On their doorstep’